BUCKYLE;2024408; said:
Shane is a bad guy. I mean, come the fuck on. He could've just as easily popped Otis in the head. But no...he shot him in the leg, dooming him to come back as a Zombie. Nice work, Shane.
Well, he capped him alive so the zombies would all devour him and let Shane escape, so there was method to his thuggery I guess.
I guess I didn't realize the whole series was climaxing to a "Why Shane, Why?" moment
(if you haven't seen the movie Shane, that will make no sense to you)
I guess I'm in the middle. On one hand, I think Days of Our (Zombie) Lives is getting a little ridiculous, but on the other if it was just a bunch of people no one really cared about running from zombies every week, with one or two dieing here and there, it would get old fast that way too. Much like pro wrestling, this series requires some emotional investment in the characters, or the concept won't keep people's attention forever.
I will say the Dale/blondie thing is getting really stale really fast. I mean it's unclear if he wants to adopt her or fuck her or kill her or what. If anything, they should have had the blowoff between those two be what it was with Shane and the fat man...she decides she wants to live, and Dale caps her in the leg to escape himself. Now THAT might be drama. But again no one really cared about the fat man, so was anyone as shocked or upset as they might be if he had done that to Rick or Daryll?
The new family is seemingly fucked up in a Village of the Damned sort of way, but I am afraid that will be another blowoff and they will just leave and that's that. Or maybe they'll find what's left of poor Otis and find the bullet in his leg...that could get interesting...
I'm still giving this series a chance, thinking it's slowly building up to something because of the 13 episode season. However, if the supposed payoff is anything like The Killing was, it will go down as the biggest waste ever.