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The Walking Dead (Official Thread)

WolverineMike;2304192; said:
yeah, one minute Andrea is freaked out because they were attacking her friends, the next minute she's saving the town......Pick a side, biatch.

Meh..what is she supposed to do, singlehandedly take down the governor and all of his henchmen?

Just because her group is alive doesn't mean she can rejoin them. She has no idea where they are, she's not going to go wandering off in the woods.

Also her little speech serves 3 purposes:

#1 Buys some trust with the governor by calming the situation
#2 Positions herself to perhaps ursurp him at some point as leader of the group
#3 Prevents a mentally unstable man from perhaps trying to use force to put the people in the town in line.

I don't think she's dense enough to still trust the governor. That wouldn't be believable at all. It's in her best interest to fall in line and wait for the right opportunity to stab the governor in the back
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So yeah, I can't really articulate why exactly...but I hate every direction this show is going right now. Daryll and Merle continue to be the bright spots, but the whole Rick situation is getting annoying, Maggie and Glenn are spatting like 9th graders, the whole blondie thing makes me want to change the channel, and they have taken the governor and Michonne straight downhill. Everyone else is just kind of there. Obviously some sort of showdown is coming, but it is hard to be emotionally invested in it...and then what? Where does it go from there, if anywhere?

Was really excited at the end of last season, but...
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Really hated the recent ep. They want to have the feeling that anyone can be killed, yet they spend an entire episode giving the back story of the inmate only to kill him @ the end. One episode is not enough time for me to give a fuck. I also have a feeling that the walker bomb driver was Andrea. It was obviously a woman. Rick being crazy then snapping right back into sanity was fuckin strange also.
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BUCKYLE;2306545; said:
Really hated the recent ep. They want to have the feeling that anyone can be killed, yet they spend an entire episode giving the back story of the inmate only to kill him @ the end. One episode is not enough time for me to give a fuck. I also have a feeling that the walker bomb driver was Andrea. It was obviously a woman. Rick being crazy then snapping right back into sanity was fuckin strange also.

Andrea ?? huh. just dont see that.

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BUCKYLE;2306545; said:
Really hated the recent ep. They want to have the feeling that anyone can be killed, yet they spend an entire episode giving the back story of the inmate only to kill him @ the end. One episode is not enough time for me to give a fuck. I also have a feeling that the walker bomb driver was Andrea. It was obviously a woman. Rick being crazy then snapping right back into sanity was fuckin strange also.

I don't think it was Andrea, but the governor wants them to think it was her. He will set her up somehow. That is the only reason I can figure he decided to do something so incredibly stupid. Let's face it, think about the plan and explaining it to his henchman.

Governor - "alright guys, we are going to attack a fortified position. These guys are trained with weapons, and were even able to attack our town. They have also proven to kill hundreds of zombies in that prison in order to make it liveable. So what we are going to do is show up and hope they are standing around for some reason with no one on watch and just shoot at them with no cover."
Henchman - "wait, this sounds pretty suicidal."
Governor - "Naw, I am sure they are fighting amongst themselves and they will just be standing around. Plus, I think that Rick guy is going crazy. I bet he will just being hanging around outside of the prison, and I bet they kicked Merle out. Plus that one bitch only uses a sword like an idiot."
Henchman - "How do you know this?"
Governor - "Don't question me! Besides, I haven't gotten to the best part. We are going to fill a van with zombies and set them loose on them. Someone is going to dress like they are playing paint ball, drive in, release them, and then run out. Then we all drive away."
Henchman - "Wait, wait, wait. You are going to release zombies on them. The people that were able to clear a whole prison full of them no problem. This does what? and what about the person who is going to be driving the van? You just expect them to run away, in the middle of a prison with released zombies surrounded by armed enemies who have proven to be trained with assault weapons. Plus, if we have the drop on them and trying to kill them, why do we randomly drive off? Wouldn't we want to kill them off?"
Governor - "Oh, there is a master plan here you don't undertand. Don't worry Bob, you will be in the guard tower, and they won't be able to hit shit. You got nothing to worry. I saw this on an episode of the A Team."
Henchman - "OK, cool, and the name is Joe."
Governor - "Whatever, just get in the fucking truck...I love it when a plan comes together."
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Gov wanting them to think it was Andrea is even more ridiculous than it actually being Andrea. There was no way for them to know it was her. What would be the point? Rick and the gang just giving up cause the bitch let a couple Walkers loose in the yard? This show is so absurd sometimes. I really hope Cutty comes back soon. I imagine Carl will find that group in the same closet baldylocks was hiding in earlier.
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BUCKYLE;2306626; said:
Gov wanting them to think it was Andrea is even more ridiculous than it actually being Andrea. There was no way for them to know it was her. What would be the point? Rick and the gang just giving up cause the bitch let a couple Walkers loose in the yard? This show is so absurd sometimes. I really hope Cutty comes back soon. I imagine Carl will find that group in the same closet baldylocks was hiding in earlier.

We know it's not Andrea because she was asking where the Governor was when he was on his way to the prison. Yet there certainly was something to the fact the person driving the van seemed rather feminine and was wearing a paintball mask to cover up their identity. So the only thing I can figure is he is setting up Andrea. Maybe there is another reason, but I don't see why they had that person's identity covered up.

Once again I think the writing was kind of lazy. I know they were trying to make him look cool and crazy by just standing in the open and acting like a madman. Yet the plan is pretty laughable considering he was attacking people that more than once were able to extricate people out of their town and killed a bunch of his guards, and this time he was attacking a fortified position with only 5 people who had little to no cover.

Yet hey, that's become part of the fun in watching this series.
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How is it that these people can tag zombie after zombie in the head with handguns, while on the run, yet they can't hit a damn thing with high powered rifles from supported positions?

I enjoyed the last episode; however, I am growing tired of the Glen plotline. Up until recently I liked his character. The whole thing with Maggie is annoying too. Some crazy guy made her take her shirt off and now she is traumatized. Nevermind the fact that she has been living in a post-apocalyptic, zombie infested world for more than a year. Nevermind the fact that she has watched her friends and family being eaten alive in addition to nearly becoming zombie food herself on multiple occasions. Yet, the Governor making her take her shirt off is what puts her in her shell.
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I agree, I don't think it was Andrea, she looked too small, but that was the first thing I thought of too. I don't think there are any other female characters missing or whatnot to be anyone important. Honestly to me it looked like more of a "The Killing"-esqe red herring. Plus everyone looked all panicked about, what, a couple of dozen walkers? I mean they had just gotten done with 30 minutes of establishing the entire back of the prison was breached already, for Chrissakes. I do think the writers are getting lazy.
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