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The Rematch/No Rematch Thread

Your football team didnt kill us...
503 total yards. 187 rushing yards.
It shouldnt matter what division you come from to be eligiable to play in the National Championship.
so we get to play appalachian state now?
This bullcrap of big ten teams not playing all of the teams in the division is horsecrap.
make up your mind.
Why doesnt Ohio State Play teams like Norte Dame ?
do you watch football?
No one knew who Ohio State was...
see above.
Besides when the founders of that state called it the Buckeye state they Mispelled it
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Why doesnt Ohio State Play teams like Norte Dame ?
You missed 617 yards of total offense last year? Fiesta Bowl?
You are 80% more likely to see a person to wear a Michigan shirt then you see wearing Ohio State shirt.
Where? In Ann Arbor?
However the reason I want a rematch is this. You won the Big Ten Title but you havent won the National Title yet. It shouldnt matter what division you come from to be eligiable to play in the National Championship.
You should have stopped right there sunshine - that is your primary point. The rest is (frankly) drivel or misinformed.
As for whom we play - the BCS will decide that. All the TSUN fans can do is sit back and cheer for Notre Dame next Saturday, for if the Irish lose, it is pretty much game set and no re-match.
And BTW, it was a great game, and a great win.
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My reasonable response:

1.) If you aren't your own conference's Champ, then you don't deserve a shot to be the National Champ.

2.) Miami (FL) fans felt that given another chance their team would have won in 2002 (2003 Fiesta). They pissed and moaned...made their excuses...plead their case...so sorry, thank you, come again.

I felt no desire to "shut them up" beyond the "L" that was already given them, and I feel no such desire to "justify" the "W" we earned over scUM.

So sorry. Thank you, come again.
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HardleyLiterate;666888; said:
I can totally agree with you guys... Bullseye State.

In summary: You want to talk trash to reasonable OSU fans but have no idea what you are talking about. You either cannot type or cannot spell and have no concept of sentence structure. You are a M*ch*g*n fan, but have no idea about TOSU or it's tradition. You think betting and ratings should determine the National Championship game participants. You think we should play "Norte Dame" and the other 10 teams in the Big Ten every year leaving no games available for out of conference play, but we should also schedule tougher teams out of conference. You think the Big Ten needs more money. You are proud of your bandwagon fans who wear your shirts but have no idea what's going on in M*ch*g*n and you cannot come up with a better insult than that.

We are all dumber for having read your post. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
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Harley;666888; said:
:scum: I can totally agree with you guys when you say you beat Michigan which I bleed Maze and Blue. Congrats on your win. You beat us fair and square. However the reason I want a rematch is this. You won the Big Ten Title but you havent won the National Title yet. It shouldnt matter what division you come from to be eligiable to play in the National Championship. I think Ohio State has been winning these last few years and now you guys know what its like to be on top as we were for so many years. I think USC gives no compitition to you all and I think as far as a great football game ....Name one game that topped the Ohio State vs Michigan game as far as betting on it and tv ratings and excitment? I think with losing Bo this week and then losing the game had to be the hardest thing to swallow for me. Congrats You Won ....but then again who really have you played that has actually gave you a game. Why doesnt Ohio State Play teams like Norte Dame ? My point is this I think that everyone in the big ten should play eachother and then play teams from other divisions and then get ranked according to that. This bullcrap of big ten teams not playing all of the teams in the division is horsecrap. I will end saying this ...even thou you may not like it .....Your football team didnt kill us like you all thought it would and I think you all are afraid of playing Michigan again cause it would be a different ending. The great thing about that is look at all the money that the Big Ten would get from that. God Bless Bo and God Bless the Wolverines. Enjoy the Win you are going thru what we have been going thru way before you guys did and that is winning. No one knew who Ohio State was and now you have a few good years and now you guys talk trash and refer to is as SCUM. Well lets compare appearel in this country. You are 80% more likely to see a person to wear a Michigan shirt then you see wearing Ohio State shirt. Besides when the founders of that state called it the Buckeye state they Mispelled it......it was suppose to be the Bullseye State.

Wow, so THAT is what ignorance looks like.................

I forgot that we judge football programs by the amount of "appearel" that they sell. :bonk:

You guys lost, get over it. You had your chance, but came up 3 points short. Have fun playing for pride in January, we'll settle for a national championship. That would give us 2 since your last one. :)
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Harley;666888; said:
No one knew who Ohio State was and now you have a few good years and now you guys talk trash and refer to is as SCUM.
Is this a time capsule from the 50's? :lol:
Well lets compare appearel in this country. You are 80% more likely to see a person to wear a Michigan shirt then you see wearing Ohio State shirt.
Did you seriously just pull out apparel smack? :rofl:
Besides when the founders of that state called it the Buckeye state they Mispelled it......it was suppose to be the Bullseye State.
That might be the weakest joke I've read all year.
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Harley;666888; said:

Obviously no relation to Chic.

Thanks for the wine. I've got cheese and crackers right here. While we're at it, let's go back and replay a few games out of the 90's. Maybe this time Shawn Springs doesn't slip... maybe Biachagofuckya doesn't outplay Eddie George. It's over. We had our shots and came up short. Now it's your turn. Live with it. We did.

And just for the record, Michigan didn't invent football.

Now go pound someone in YOUR bowl game, while we pound someone in ours and then we'll both come out 1 & 2.


Oh, and come back again next fall and beat Notre Dame. We'd do it, but they won't let us on their schedule.
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Congrats but a word of caution

First I'd like to say to all the Buckeye fans, congratulations on your well deserved win. The hardest part about the end result is knowing that I will hear nothing but gloating from Ohio State fans. This will be the third year in a row I have had to endure an Ohio State victory over Michigan, and each loss stings more than the previous one.
I would also like to say Michigan shouldn't play OSU again in the National Championship purely on the basis that if you don't win your conference you shouldn't be given a chance to play in the National Championship. USC appears right now to be a deserving opponent if they can beat Notre Dame with some style points.
But I just want to remind all you Bucks fans that you won't be on top of Michigan forever. These are your glory years. We had our glory during the Coop era and soon, we'll be back on top again. Lloyd Carr's record against Jim Tressel is soon becoming Cooper-like at 1-5.
As far as the game went, Ohio State played at home and barely edged out Michigan. If the game was played in Ann Arbor, I think the result might've been different. Neither of the opposing defenses were impressive at all. Crable also made a costly mistake that would've stifled OSU's offense and given Michigan an opportunity to win the game. But those are the breaks. In the end, OSU made more opportunities for themselves than Michigan did. So congratulations.
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Harley;666888; said:
I can totally agree with you guys when you say you beat Michigan which I bleed Maze and Blue. Congrats on your win. You beat us fair and square.

You have a perfectly good post up to this point. Know when to quit typing.

Harley;666888; said:
However the reason I want a rematch is this. You won the Big Ten Title but you havent won the National Title yet. It shouldnt matter what division you come from to be eligiable to play in the National Championship.

Hummm, not one reason stated showing WHY Michigan deserves a rematch?

Harley;666888; said:
I think Ohio State has been winning these last few years and now you guys know what its like to be on top as we were for so many years.

And folks wonder why Michigan fans have a reputation as arrogant, self-center pricks. We know what the view is like from the top junior. Relish the Cooper years because those days are long gone for you. Want to discuss the last "FEW" years? Want to discuss when the bulk of our National titles were won? That's right, people that still walk the earth remember our titles. I'm sure you're happy that folks remember that one you shared with Nebraska.

Harley;666888; said:
I think USC gives no compitition to you all and I think as far as a great football game ....Name one game that topped the Ohio State vs Michigan game as far as betting on it and tv ratings and excitment?

The 2006-07 National Title game of Ohio State and USC. Mark it down. It will have better ratings AND more money wagered.

Harley;666888; said:
I think with losing Bo this week and then losing the game had to be the hardest thing to swallow for me.

Lots of LOSING going on for someone who thinks he DESERVES a shot at the national title.

Harley;666888; said:
Congrats You Won ....but then again who really have you played that has actually gave you a game.

NO ONE. Trust me, 3 turnovers is the ONLY reason your team was in this game.

Harley;666888; said:
Why doesnt Ohio State Play teams like Norte Dame?

Wow. Just wow. Apparently you missed Ohio State spanking ND in a BCS bowl last season. You must have been gaga over the tremendous Michigan bowl victory over ... um, who was that again?

Harley;666888; said:
My point is this I think that everyone in the big ten should play eachother and then play teams from other divisions and then get ranked according to that. This bullcrap of big ten teams not playing all of the teams in the division is horsecrap.

You have a point? First, you need to make a distinction between division and conference. I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but the most likely guess is that you want BigTen teams to play a 10 game conference schedule AND 2 out of conference games. You know we are limited to 12 games right? Right? Out of the 2 games that remain (out of conference) how many do you think we can squeeze in there sparky? 4 ... 6 ... 8 more? LMAO.

Harley;666888; said:
I will end saying this ...even thou you may not like it .....Your football team didnt kill us like you all thought it would and I think you all are afraid of playing Michigan again cause it would be a different ending. The great thing about that is look at all the money that the Big Ten would get from that.

Thank GOD! Although, judging from your continued rambling, you aren't ending anytime soon. You didn't get killed. YIPPY! Enjoy your moral victory. It's almost as satisfying as Notre Dame's biggest win from last season (a home loss to USC). Revel in the glory of it all. Make sure to tell your children about the wonderfully inspiring loss Michigan achieved against the Bucks in 06.

Harley;666888; said:
God Bless Bo and God Bless the Wolverines.

Half right. "God Bless Bo" deserves being repeated. Now take it from someone who grew up with Woody and Bo and The Game. Bo wouldn't be lobbying for a rematch. He'd lick his wounds and get ready for next season. That tough S.O.B would be ready too. He sure as hell wouldn't be wasting his time begging and pleading for something his team didn't EARN. Maybe you should honor him and act accordingly.

Harley;666888; said:
Enjoy the Win you are going thru what we have been going thru way before you guys did and that is winning. No one knew who Ohio State was and now you have a few good years and now you guys talk trash and refer to is as SCUM. Well lets compare appearel in this country. You are 80% more likely to see a person to wear a Michigan shirt then you see wearing Ohio State shirt. Besides when the founders of that state called it the Buckeye state they Mispelled it......it was suppose to be the Bullseye State.

LMAOROTF. Thanks! We'll enjoy a victory in the greatest rivalry in sports. You feel free to enjoy your MNC in collegiate apparel.
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MichiganForever;666972; said:
In the end, OSU made more opportunities for themselves than Michigan did. So congratulations.

Similar to Texas and their National Championship last season (or Penn State for that matter). I still feel that we were better than both of those teams last year, but they took the opportunities they had in those games and came out with the W. That's college football.

They got the win, therefore I had no feelings that we 'deserved' a shot at the National Championship. Those are the breaks.

Good post. Good luck in your Bowl Game (unless it does work out to be in Glendale :wink2: )
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I have to admit that right after The Game I was agreeing with Herbie that there is not a better #2 in the country. But I am very much against the rematch at this point. I agree that a rematch would say that that game was meaningless. Hey OSU, you guys just ran the table and won one of the greatest, toughest football games of all time... guess what? DO OVER! Oh, that would suck balls. I'd love to beat tSUN again, but I really don't want to see that game rendered meaningless. Bring on USC!
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