"Greed Is Good"
Every day we see examples of the blatant racism that has become acceptable by one party. One predominately white party. And I don't agree with your assessment that it's not mostly one group or party who dominate the headlines with stupid misogynous and racist remarks. The percentage of women and ethnicities who represent Americans does not represent the actual population percentages. Women are under attack. Hispanics and blacks are portrayed as lazy, leaches on the white society. Portrayed as electing officials based on the "gifts/stuff" they will get for free. That's blatant racism by one group of our population. It ties into the racists fears of white America. A loss of perceived power. Historically, even though ethnic immigrants have been a major part of our success as a country, that gets forgotten during tough economic times. Some ethnicity always gets the blame for the "bad times".
And the so called 1% is predominately white businessmen. The wealthiest and most influential people in this country are mostly white. Those that aren't like a black female, Oprah Winfrey, are viewed with hatred.
Research has found wage and employment discrimination against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Asians; however, discrimination has been found to be a much larger contributing factor for black wages than wages of other races.[4]
Oh my fucking god….