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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

If the issue was "ain't played no body pawl", well they beat the team the cfp committee placed at #4. And the final score flattered the nitwits. If they really do watch the games involving the top contenders, hard to deny minny a top 6 spot at a minimum. I expect bama and uga to stay ahead of them though, cause secsecsec.
When Alabama got that long TD late to pull within 46-41, Gary Danielson said, "That score just kept Alabama in the playoffs." What a fucking moron.
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Absolutely could make the case for them at #4.

UGA's good loss is still a fucking loss.

If I had a vote:
1. LSU
2. OSU
3. Clemson (well, not really but you know they will be)
4. Minny
5. Bama
6. Oregon
7. - 25 pick em

Not sure how a loss to a 6 loss team who just lost to App State is a “good loss” for UGA?
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I have been watching Clemson and I am not buying they are not that good this year. I know they will have some how managed to play an entire season and not play a single team with a pulse, BUT, they have the best RB in the country, three incredible WRs, and very good QB, and the best DC in the business.

I don't want Clemson in the first round. I think OSU is the best team in the country and Clemson is the second best. LSU is third, their defense is not Elite.
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I have been watching Clemson and I am not buying they are not that good this year. I know they will have some how managed to play an entire season and not play a single team with a pulse, BUT, they have the best RB in the country, three incredible WRs, and very good QB, and the best DC in the business.

I don't want Clemson in the first round. I think OSU is the best team in the country and Clemson is the second best. LSU is third, their defense is not Elite.
I dont know, Najee Harris looked pretty damn good last night, re best RB. I was impressed with how hard he ran, for sure. But, that said, I haven't seen much of Etienne
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I have been watching Clemson and I am not buying they are not that good this year. I know they will have some how managed to play an entire season and not play a single team with a pulse, BUT, they have the best RB in the country, three incredible WRs, and very good QB, and the best DC in the business.

I don't want Clemson in the first round. I think OSU is the best team in the country and Clemson is the second best. LSU is third, their defense is not Elite.

How I'd like it to go:
Ohio State vs. Bama in Arizona.
Winner vs. Clemson in NOLA

How it's going to go:
Ohio State vs. Clemson in Arizona
Winner @ LSU
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