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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Clemson dropping a game seems highly unlikely, though Clemson can still Clemson

NC State is garbage

Wake Forest is 7-1 but looking in depth, Clemson should still beat them fairly easily.

South Carolina I guess has somewhat of a chance, they did beat UGA, though they also got wrecked by a awful Tennessee team.

ACC Title game is a joke, theyll likely play Virginia or Pitt, who are both as "meh" as it gets

Yeah Wake is the biggest threat with their passing game, but their defense gave up 62 to Louisville. Clemson will beat them 45-17 and people will act like it was a huge win.
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Yeah Wake is the biggest threat with their passing game, but their defense gave up 62 to Louisville. Clemson will beat them 45-17 and people will act like it was a huge win.

Wake beat Utah State by 3, UNC by 6, Boston College by 3 and FSU by 2. 7-1 but heavily schedule aided, theyve basically been the best out of the crop of shit the ACC has thrown out this year. Good for them but talent/eye test wise they arent a top 20 team.

Legit their "best" win is that 3 point win over a currently 5-4 Boston College team, but yes even if they lose to Va Tech this week Clemson beating them will be talked up by the worldwide leader in stupidity.
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If you want to have some fun, go read the ESPiN pages. This time in previous years, they'd be shouting about #1 Alabama or whatever. The story is being treated as a very minor thing there. :slappy:

If Bama had played like us up to this point theyd probably be having the "BEST TEAM OF ALL TIME" bandwagon going for them.
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How much worse/inhospitable can you make South Carolina by burning it to the ground?

Doesn't seem a profitable use of fire.

Place smells like a sewage dump. Forget taking a shower or any water/fountain drinks. Unless you want to smell like and taste the swamp. Bugs crawling all over the hotels.

Hoping I never have to make another trip to that hell hole.
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I think Minny is about where they should be given their schedule. Let them run the gauntlet of Ped, Corn-Lite and Cheese, and they should be anywhere from 3rd to 6th rolling into Indy. Wiscy, domers and tsun are all probably a few spots too high. Juggalos are underrated. The old, transparent BCS system (not sure which year's formula) has them at 15th.


The problem with their rank is that assumed losses are already baked in.
Makes a big difference from Bama and Clemson who get credit as an undefeated team for beating nobody. Bama and PSU are effectively coranked with their future opponents so that the loser drops out... and that seems appropriate way to do it.
I could understand having Minny and Baylor among the 1loss teams... but now if they lose to PSU ... are they going to drop out of top25 as a 1loss?
If they beat PSU, do they swap places ??
Makes no sense.
Is FL so much better for having already lost to the good teams on their schedule?
It could well be that Minny drops out of top25 entirely... but let their accumulation of losses do that, not presumption of future losses that to punish them twice.

Committee is still 100% in 2 SEC mode. Georgia, UF, Auburn are paper tigers.
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sherman's mistake was not blazing a trail through the heart of south carolina.

Pretty sure he did.
Ive read more than one source that put brakes on the Southern whining about Sherman's march through Georgia... pointing out his greatest slight was publicly slapping the moneyed aristocrats in the face and making it clear to all what cowardly shits they were.
... up until they crossed into SC... where the leashes were cut and it was free game. Then the restrictions came back in for the campaign into NC.
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