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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

So I guess the eye test is bad now since it's going against a couple of SEC teams.

Reece Davis last night said something like "Ohio State is #1 in offensive efficiency and #2 in defensive efficiency, so they were highly valued via the eye test."

Isn't citing stats like that, and the wide gap in scoring margin, the opposite of the eye test?
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Reece Davis last night said something like "Ohio State is #1 in offensive efficiency and #2 in defensive efficiency, so they were highly valued via the eye test."

Isn't citing stats like that, and the wide gap in scoring margin, the opposite of the eye test?

How do any of your facts equate to not ranking an SEC team number one? That’s what the world wants to know. You can’t just throw out football stats to justify an injustice.
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Kanell probably ought to look at LSU and Ohio State's resumes if he wants to make that argument.

Let me preface this by saying if LSU had been 1 and OSU 2, I wouldn't have complained. Both teams appear to me to be worthy of either spot. But, Ohio State's resume is just fine compared to LSUs

To illustrate - Ohio State has played opponents with a combined record of 39-28 while LSU has played a combined opponent record of 35-33, and one of those opponents was FCS Northwestern State (1-8). So, while one could look at LSU having played 2 quality opponents (to Ohio State's 1 (Wisconsin) in Florida and Aubrun, some of that must be offset by their scheduling an FCS school, which OSU has not.

Moreover, Ohio State has outscored their scheduled opponents 386-63. LSU? 374-160. That's OSU scoring more points and giving up much fewer points than LSU, for those of you scoring at home. LSU has a better throw game, Ohio State a better run game. But, the over all offensive production between OSU and LSU is a virtual dead heat. Ohio State, however, has a VASTLY superior defense. LSU's run D is about 7 yards a game worse than Ohio State, but the pass D of Ohio State better than LSUs by wide margin. Buckeyes give up a yard less per play than does LSU. Ohio State allows 5 fewer 1st downs a game and creates .5 more turnovers a game.

It is certainly true that Ohio State's defense benefited by playing 3 extremely bad offenses in Northwestern (130th (scoring), Sparty (110) and Fredo (108), but again, LSU played a bad FCS school (and yielded two TDs to them) and Vandy (123rd) is no particular juggernaut. Indeed, if you take the average of opponents offenses LSU has played the 76th best offense weekly, on average (including FCS NWST as 131st) while the Buckeyes have averaged an opponent O of 74th. Even removing NWST, LSU only improves to a 68 average.

All this is to say, of course, that Ohio State's resume stacks up just fine, Danny.

I say again, this is not to take anything away from LSU. They've certainly earned the right to be in the discussion for #1 on their resume... but this narrative that Ohio State has been feasting on cupcakes is flat out wrong.

Of course, the real irony in Kanell's tweet is that it would appear it is HE who is applying his own "eye test" Fuckin moron.
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If he doesn't like the "look test", and it's about what the teams do on the field, how does he have Clemson at #1? And even he has OSU ahead of LSU.... so what's his argument?

Even I hate Bama and don't think they have played anyone, but Oregon over them? It's like Kanell is waffling back and forth of what criterion he wants to use for different teams in the same poll.

His rankings are all over the place. Rewards some teams for SOS, good wins, and then arbitrarily sticks Clemson at #1 for playing absolutely nobody and the only unbeaten that has almost lost to a far inferior team. I honestly don't have a ton of complaint with where they have the top 6 ranked. I think Clemson is placed just about where they should be and although UGA has been less than stellar, the win vs. UF at least put them back in the conversation.
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Kanell probably ought to look at LSU and Ohio State's resumes if he wants to make that argument.

Let me preface this by saying if LSU had been 1 and OSU 2, I wouldn't have complained. Both teams appear to me to be worthy of either spot. But, Ohio State's resume is just fine compared to LSUs

To illustrate - Ohio State has played opponents with a combined record of 39-28 while LSU has played a combined opponent record of 35-33, and one of those opponents was FCS Northwestern State (1-8). So, while one could look at LSU having played 2 quality opponents (to Ohio State's 1 (Wisconsin) in Florida and Aubrun, some of that must be offset by their scheduling an FCS school, which OSU has not.

Moreover, Ohio State has outscored their scheduled opponents 386-63. LSU? 374-160. That's OSU scoring more points and giving up much few points that LSU, for those of you scoring at home. LSU has a better throw game, Ohio State a better run game. But, the over all offensive production between OSU and LSU is a virtual dead heat. Ohio State, however, has a VASTLY superior defense. LSU's run D is about 7 yards a game worse than Ohio State, but the pass D of Ohio State better than LSUs by wide margin. Buckeyes give up a yard less per play than does LSU. Ohio State allows 5 fewer 1st downs a game and creates .5 more turnovers a game.

It is certainly true that Ohio State's defense benefited by playing 3 extremely bad offenses in Northwestern (130th (scoring), Sparty (110) and Fredo (108), but again, LSU played a bad FCS school (and yielded two TDs to them) and Vandy (123rd) is no particular juggernaut. Indeed, if you take the average of opponents offenses LSU has played the 76th best offense weekly, on average (including FCS NWST as 131st) while the Buckeyes have averaged an opponent O of 74th. Even removing NWST, LSU only improves to a 68 average.

All this is to say, of course, that Ohio State's resume stacks up just fine, Danny.

I say again, this is not to take anything away from LSU. They've certainly earned the right to be in the discussion for #1 on their resume... but this narrative that Ohio State has been feasting on cupcakes is flat out wrong.
Your use of facts is fucking appalling. Someone ban this filth.
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To put Kanell's dumb into context, here is his own ranking:

Anybody who ranks last year's champion #1 because tHeY wOn LaSt yEaR aNd hAvEn'T lOsT yEt is a fucking idiot.....and that apparently includes Joey Galloway. It's such a brainless way to think that it physically pains me.
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