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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Whew... I thought the elephant in the room is that there's actually one user on this site who isn't me...... She knows who she is.

If you are us and we are you which means we should all know who "she" is. However, I do not know which means I am not you and you are not or I am "she" and "she" is me? Or I am nobody? This is hard. Check please!
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Yeah, I don’t meed a DNA test to see they're related.
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Todd McShay today was talking about Clemson, and was talking about how dominant they've been, except for the close win over North Carolina, which was just one bad day.

One bad day - the exact argument all of the ESPN talking heads used for the playoff discussions about tOSU the last 2 years.

One bad day and a 1 point win is a billion times better than one bad day and a 4TD LOSS.
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Y'all remember last year when Pro Football Focus' grading system routinely rated Alex Hornibrook as one of the best passers in the country, ahead of Dwayne Haskins?

I can't say this is that egregious, but it's certainly in the same vein – PFF's metrics currently have Clemson as the No. 1 team in the nation with Ohio State at No. 4.

From Pro Football Focus:


Ohio State checks in at No. 4 in our rankings but was just unveiled as the No. 1 team in the initial College Football Playoff rankings. They have two cupcake matchups coming in the Big Ten before wrapping up with Penn State and Michigan. They have quite possibly the most talented quarterback in the country, who now sits tied with Joe Burrow as our top-graded signal-caller. Justin Fields is also the clear number one in grade from a clean pocket but drops to fourth on throws targeted 10 or more yards downfield. People are starting to realize that Chase Young is the most dominant player in college football and should be the first non-quarterback selected in the upcoming NFL Draft. He leads the best pass rush unit in the nation — one with an overall unit grade of 93.1 and that has allowed -.532 average EPA per pass attempt.

The best part is, this was part of their explanation as to why Clemson was No. 1:

"Our power rankings align most closely with betting markets compared to other polls or ranking systems, with Clemson still the odds on favorite to win the national title."

Now, that's funny because if you go to literally any casino, online gambling site or shady Venmo bookie, you'll quickly realize that Clemson decidedly not the odds on favorite to win the national title. Actually, they aren't even second. In some cases, they aren't even third.

And if we're "aligning closely with betting markets," here's a oddsmaker listing Clemson as an underdog to both Ohio State and Alabama.

Maybe PFF was just enamored with how well Clemson played against their godking when they beat Florida State 45-14 last month. That's the only explanation.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...er-defensive-scheme-in-state-basketball-games
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Doesn’t really matter for Minny. They still have Iowa, NW, and Whisky left on the schedule. If they roll through those three and head to Indy undefeated, they will get their due. I think even if they just dump Iowa and NW, they’ll get a significant bump at 11-0.

I am looking forward to seeing what the rankings look like this Tuesday for them, though.
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You could make a case for bringing Minnesota all the way up to #4. They just beat #4 at home, while #3 gave up 46 and lost to #2 at home. They should jump everyone with a loss and also undefeated Baylor.

Absolutely could make the case for them at #4.

UGA's good loss is still a fucking loss.

If I had a vote:
1. LSU
2. OSU
3. Clemson (well, not really but you know they will be)
4. Minny
5. Bama
6. Oregon
7. - 25 pick em
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