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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Glad to see Clemson outside the top 4 but they'll crawl back in after 2v3 and 1v4, because the Tigers sure as fuck aren't playing anyone that good.

I hate that they release these during the season, because "poll logic" kicks in. Nothing that happened previously is reevaluated by media and fans. That "ranked" team you beat in week two that's now 3-7? No matter. The credit you got for that win will not be reduced.

Wait until the end of the season, evaluate the entirety of the results, then rank accordingly. But that wouldn't make for good TV in November.
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Are you serious Herbie?

How can anyone be critical of a schedule including TA&M and uSC? One is mediocre, and another is bad, losing by 20 to fucking Tennessee. It's a garbage schedule in the worst Power 5 conference.

How bout you guys drag Dabo and Clemson through the mud questioning if they're still juicing or not? Oh yeah, that's right, that story disappeared a fucking week after it happened.
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Really surprised they have Clem's Son at #5. While everyone knows that if they win out they'll make the playoffs because of the OSU/PSU and Ala/LSU losers dropping, but also that if they should lose for some reason, they're toast. The game with the Pedsters could very well be #1 vs #3...
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