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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)


Between Ohio State's offensive firepower and its swarming, havoc-wreaking defense, there's not a metric or predictive rating you'll find that doesn't absolutely love this Buckeye team.

Ohio State is now at historic levels in both the FPI and SP+

Obviously the games aren't played on computers, but based on the past, it would seem that computers are extremely effective at deciding whether or not a team is good, and it's not like it doesn't show on the field, either.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...wesson-among-nations-best-body-transformation
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So I remember a post from an Oregon Ducks forum in early 2015 when someone was trying to predict a Ducks victory in the title game against Ohio State.

The guy was a stats geek and, in trying to figure out how Oregon could statistically win, found that Ohio State was playing murderball with their offensive efficiency in the B1G CCG and the game against Bama. His conclusion ended up being a murky "Oregon can win but OHio State is really really good on offense" type of scenario. As it turned out, Ohio State's defense was just as good.

This year's team is ruthlessly efficient on both sides of the ball. It's fun to watch.
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I don't know if there's a team outside of Bama that could realistically go toe to toe with this team as long as they stay clicking, and it's finally reflecting in the ratings. And even Bama might not be able to have the first quarter and a half against this team like they did in 2014. LSU is an offensive nightmare with Joe, but that D doesn't scare me much, and Chase Young is the kind of wrecking ball that would likely disrupt that offensive machine.

Don't fall asleep and they should absolutely be #2 come the B1G Championship (because they certainly won't move the winner of Bama/LSU from #1), if not after PedSU.
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I don't know if there's a team outside of Bama that could realistically go toe to toe with this team as long as they stay clicking, and it's finally reflecting in the ratings. And even Bama might not be able to have the first quarter and a half against this team like they did in 2014. LSU is an offensive nightmare with Joe, but that D doesn't scare me much, and Chase Young is the kind of wrecking ball that would likely disrupt that offensive machine.

Don't fall asleep and they should absolutely be #2 come the B1G Championship (because they certainly won't move the winner of Bama/LSU from #1), if not after PedSU.
That first quarter and a half that Bama had was a gift from the Buckeyes due to turnovers though. The Bucks outplayed them in every way, but just kept shooting themselves in the foot.
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The AP poll will be interesting today, since none of the top-5 player except Clemson's scrimmage against Wofford.

I think LSU will retain #1, and that their margin over Bama and tOSU will increase, not because of what happened yesterday to any of their past opponents, but because some of the voters just start with last week's poll, rather than their personal vote from last week. That means that some voters that had Bama and tOSU #1 last week will switch their #1 vote to LSU. Not a ton of people, but enough to expand the gaps between 1-2-3. Not that it matters.

The other thing that's interesting this week is whether ESPN and CBS will continue to hype LSU-Bama as a #1-vs-#2 matchup after the Committee's rankings come out Tuesday evening, and Bama is probably not in the top-2. Everybody's switched to using the Committee's rankings once they come out, but they might want to wait a few days before doing that this week.
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The other thing that's interesting this week is whether ESPN and CBS will continue to hype LSU-Bama as a #1-vs-#2 matchup after the Committee's rankings come out Tuesday evening, and Bama is probably not in the top-2

16, 17, and 18 are only years Bama was undefeated when first Playoff ranking came out.
They were ranked #1 in 16 and 18. In 17, Georgia #1 and Bama #2.

All that to say... I'll believe it when I see it. Fully expect LSU-Bama to be 1/2 in some order.
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Most years (outside of 2015) the committee has thought little of tOSU in their initial rankings. Hell the coaches poll has them 4. I won’t be surprised when they give us this:


It most likely won’t happen but don’t underestimate the complete and utter stupidity of any CFP committee.
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Does esecpn even want the lsu/bama game to be 1 vs 2? It's on cbs so maybe they wouldn't mind a bit of shine coming off it. They'll hype the loser as still a top 4 team no matter what.
Yeah....people aren't going to be interested if it's 1 vs 3. 8D

I think even ESPN is smart enough to realize it doesn't matter enough for one game....but they'll still get their darling SEC 2 spots into the CFP.
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Tuesday is the day:

Week 11 College Football Playoff Picture: Four in, two out and four to watch

1. LSU (8-0)

2. Alabama (8-0)

3. Ohio State (8-0)

Ohio State still hasn't lost a game under coach Ryan Day, and the Buckeyes had a week off to prepare for a November schedule that starts with what should be business as usual against Maryland. It was the Terps who pushed the Buckeyes to overtime in a 52-51 shootout last year, however — the last time this team was really, truly challenged. This could be another chance for defensive end Chase Young to provide some Heisman promotional material.

4. Clemson (9-0)

This site's predictions: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nca...o-out-four-to-watch/ildjdyqsbcl31uz2hz7dpro95
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Coaches poll is out, only change in the top-13 is Florida dropping 5 spots and everybody else moving up 1.

Penn St
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