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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

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Only 9 more days:

The committee’s rankings will be announced according to the following schedule:
  • Week 11: Tuesday, Nov. 5
  • Week 12: Tuesday, Nov. 12
  • Week 13: Tuesday, Nov. 19
  • Week 14: Tuesday, Nov. 26
  • Week 15: Tuesday, Dec. 3
  • Final rankings: Sunday, Dec. 8
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There's a great site that tracks EVERY poll and ranking system (not just the AP and Coaches). It gets updated (maybe every hour or so) as new polls are released. So late Saturday night you might have 10 polls listed, on Sunday afternoon you might have 50 or 60 listed, and by Tuesday there might be 100 or so. It's essentially every major poll and computer modeling ranking system out there, all pulled into one convenient location so you can see how teams do across all of them. It then ranks the teams based on their mean ranking over all of the polls and calculates a standard deviation to show the consistency of rankings.

It's called the Massey College Football Ranking Composite. Here's the link: https://www.masseyratings.com/cf/compare.htm

So as I type this, they have 63 polls listed. Ohio State is ranked #1 in 51 of the 63 with a standard deviation of 0.71. :pimp:
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I wonder if the top three teams in the AP poll have ever all been with eight points of each other.


No. 3 Ohio State was not far behind with 1,468 points. Eight points separating first from third is the fewest during a regular-season poll since the current point system went into place in 1978. The previous low was Dec. 3, 1979, when No. 1 Ohio State was 10 points ahead of No. 3 Southern California, with Oklahoma in between, two back of the Buckeyes.
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I think the AP poll looks good, personally. B1G has more top 20 teams than the SEC..... neither Bama nor Clemson at #1.

There's a huge SEC bias, but the VERY best outcome for the B1G would be PSU, tOSU, Bama, LSU in the CFP and let the fur fly. As much as I want to beat the Peds with ttun savagery, this year a 10 pointer..... gives them some hope vs Clemson/OU. That's good for the B1G in the long run.

FINALLY, Clemson's soft schedule is hurting them a little. They look, and are, weak but well coached.

Imagine a B1G/SEC CFP.... . "Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day I can tell you...."
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There's a huge SEC bias, but the VERY best outcome for the B1G would be PSU, tOSU, Bama, LSU in the CFP and let the fur fly. As much as I want to beat the Peds with ttun savagery, this year a 10 pointer..... gives them some hope vs Clemson/OU. That's good for the B1G in the long run.
Unless we barely beat PSU at our place, there's no chance a one-loss non-divisional champion PSU team gets in, after our 2016 playoff debacle. The SEC on the other hand, with the known bias and the fact that Alabama has already won a CFP title without even being the SEC West champion will virtually guarantee two SEC teams should LSU barely beat Alabama and go on to win the SEC CCG (with one-loss Alabama being the second).

FINALLY, Clemson's soft schedule is hurting them a little. They look, and are, weak but well coached.
If Clemson wins out and wins the ACC CCG (which we all know will happen), they're in. If the polls were really going to punish them for their shitty schedule and almost losing a game it would've happened by now.[/QUOTE]

Right now there are eight undefeated teams, and two of them simply won't even be considered: SMU and App State. That leaves Alabama and LSU (which play each other), Clemson, Ohio State and Penn State (who play each other), and Minnesota, which means only four of these six--at most--can be undefeated at the end of the regular season. The only way Minnesota gets in is obviously by running the conference table and beating Ohio State/Penn State in the CCG, and even then they may still be ranked behind some one-loss team as they are now. That essentially leaves five teams that are currently ranked 1 thru 5 fighting for the four spots, with the loser of the OSU/PSU game almost assuredly being the odd man out, because you know for sure that if the Alabama/LSU games is a nail-biter the loser won't drop far at all and will have the built-in "only loss was a close loss to the #1/#2 team" excuse.
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Right now there are eight undefeated teams, and two of them simply won't even be considered: SMU and App State. That leaves Alabama and LSU (which play each other), Clemson, Ohio State and Penn State (who play each other), and Minnesota, which means only four of these six--at most--can be undefeated at the end of the regular season. The only way Minnesota gets in is obviously by running the conference table and beating Ohio State/Penn State in the CCG, and even then they may still be ranked behind some one-loss team as they are now. That essentially leaves five teams that are currently ranked 1 thru 5 fighting for the four spots, with the loser of the OSU/PSU game almost assuredly being the odd man out, because you know for sure that if the Alabama/LSU games is a nail-biter the loser won't drop far at all and will have the built-in "only loss was a close loss to the #1/#2 team" excuse.

Okay, Baylor doesn't play University of the Incarnate Word this year to add credibility to their resume, but they are also an undefeated Power 5 team...
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