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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Just scored tickets for my first scum game. Without going through the whole thread, when do the Sr Day activities start? I want to make sure that I am in the stadium for the Tunnel of Pride and all of those events. So I will set my alarm to head get in 20 minutes before they begin but I want to make sure that I see em and I get all the pregame tailgating in that I can.
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Excerpt from Mandel Mailbag on OSU vs. TSUN

From Today's Mandel Mailbag

Stewart, I know the Ohio State-Michigan game is historically "anything goes," where one team (usually Michigan) has ruined the other team's (usually Ohio State) season with a stunning upset. But do you see any realistic possibility of the Buckeyes dropping this game?
-- Kristen, Columbus, Ohio
In Michael Rosenberg's excellent new book War As They Knew It -- which chronicles the 11-year Bo Schembechler-Woody Hayes rivalry set amidst the political backdrop of Vietnam -- there's a vivid account of Michigan's stunning 1969 upset in Columbus. That was the year Schembechler's unheralded first team knocked off Hayes' top-ranked, defending national champion Buckeyes, winners of 22 straight games at the time.
While there are obvious parallels with this being Rich Rodriguez's first season at Michigan, the simple answer to your question is ... not gonna happen. The biggest upsets in that rivalry's history have usually involved a 7-3 or 6-4 team knocking off a 10-0 or 9-1 team. This is 9-2 against 3-8. The amped-up Wolverines may well play their best game of the season. Perhaps their defense -- stocked with seniors playing their final game -- will play out of their minds. But to pull off an upset like that you need a stellar performance from your quarterback. Last week against Northwestern, Nick Sheridan (who will likely start in place of injured QB Steven Threet) went 8-of-29 for 61 yards.
Incidentally, there's a great joke floating around cyberspace this week, though you need to know your Michigan/Ohio geography to get it. Apparently, this year's Ohio State-Michigan game has been cancelled. It seems the Wolverines will be unable to make the trip to Columbus because they can't get past Toledo.

and completely OT, but funny as hell, from later on in the Mailbag some decidedly humorous Buckeye from Columbus asked the following:
Hey Stewart, I see the SEC is investigating Mark Cuban. Why do they dislike him so much? Is he pointing out that the SEC has lost to Duke, Wyoming, Louisiana Tech, West Virginia and UCLA this year? Maybe he tried to present the Sun Belt championship trophy to LSU? Can you enlighten me?
-- Dave D., Columbus, Ohio
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2 hours before kickoff, the team walks from the skull session (St John Arena) to the stadium. You need to be there much earlier to get into the basketball arena and get a seat, but can walk up shortly before to get a spot lining the walk. Some fans watch them come in the stadium from the upper level rail, or from inside the stadium.

About 20-30 min later, players will start trickling out for pre-warmups with no upper-body pads/jersey. After 20-30 min of that, they will trot back in to get their full gear. The team will come out, and once everyone is out and ready they line up in the endzone and form the hive. Then they go through the rest of the warmups, head to the locker room, the band does script ohio, and they run out in the new block O entrance.
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muffler dragon;1331034; said:
Don't know if it's been posted (forgive me, if it's a duplication):

Spielman: Wolverines are 'dead men walking' | The Detroit News | detnews.com

So many outstanding quotes. :wink:

I fucking love Chris Spielman.
"I love seeing them beaten down. It's not our fault Michigan's bad. What do you want us to do, give 'em some of our players to make it fair? They're not holding up their end of the bargain. It's on them."
"I wish it was, too, but they screwed up. They had to go and mess it up. They got their dirty maize-and-blue hands on it, they screwed it up."

Filthy fucking weasels.

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Bucklion;1331566; said:
Talking about yourself in the 3rd person again, Ricky Henderson? :lol:

At least I didn't start another thread about it like the other guy did...I just happened to read it in the Forde Yard Dash.

Well, I didn't start that 10-loss thread, so I wasn't going to take full credit. :biggrin:
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I drive 50 minutes into Ann Arbor every day and listen to the Ann Arbor sports station and two detroit sports stations. They were all over the Herbstreit/Spielman quotes today, pretty funny. It was funniest when they were asking callers to add their comments, and people were calling in and saying, "well that was on a local Columbus station, so no big deal" and they were also saying, "well, a lot of what they are saying is true. This team is a mess and they DO look like they've given up".

It's a sad sad situation up here. I am still afraid that the scUM players will pull one out of their aaaaa$$es but it looks like no one in Meatchicken thinks they can win.

I don't want to evolve into just pure smack talking, but it could be an ugly one this weekend.

Of course, we could also hand the ball to Beanie 72 times and win 35 to nothing, and that would be ugly, too! What's the Ohio State single game rushing record for an individual and for a team? Because we could have 600 yards rushing saturday.

Nah, that's crazy talk!

500, sure, but 600? Crazy...:wink2:
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UpNorthBuckeye;1331680; said:
I drive 50 minutes into Ann Arbor every day and listen to the Ann Arbor sports station and two detroit sports stations. They were all over the Herbstreit/Spielman quotes today, pretty funny. It was funniest when they were asking callers to add their comments, and people were calling in and saying, "well that was on a local Columbus station, so no big deal" and they were also saying, "well, a lot of what they are saying is true. This team is a mess and they DO look like they've given up".

It's a sad sad situation up here. I am still afraid that the scUM players will pull one out of their aaaaa$ but it looks like no one in Meatchicken thinks they can win.

I don't want to evolve into just pure smack talking, but it could be an ugly one this weekend.

Of course, we could also hand the ball to Beanie 72 times and win 35 to nothing, and that would be ugly, too! What's the Ohio State single game rushing record for an individual and for a team? Because we could have 600 yards rushing saturday.

Nah, that's crazy talk!

500, sure, but 600? Crazy...:wink2:

Well he had 222 last year and that was the most ever for a Buckeye in The Game right?

This year he needs to top "Biachubackabatuka" so he can have The Game record for any back! :biggrin: So he'll get what?...314? :)
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jwinslow;1331604; said:
2 hours before kickoff, the team walks from the skull session (St John Arena) to the stadium. You need to be there much earlier to get into the basketball arena and get a seat, but can walk up shortly before to get a spot lining the walk. Some fans watch them come in the stadium from the upper level rail, or from inside the stadium.

About 20-30 min later, players will start trickling out for pre-warmups with no upper-body pads/jersey. After 20-30 min of that, they will trot back in to get their full gear. The team will come out, and once everyone is out and ready they line up in the endzone and form the hive. Then they go through the rest of the warmups, head to the locker room, the band does script ohio, and they run out in the new block O entrance.

Thanks for the info but I am wondering about specifically the Pride Tunnel for the Sr's. I've done Skull Session and the walk over and hell I usually get in the stadium for the first round of specialist warm ups but don't think that is going to happen this week with the people I am going with.
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buckeyes_rock;1331689; said:
Well he had 222 last year and that was the most ever for a Buckeye in The Game right?

This year he needs to top "Biachubackabatuka" so he can have The Game record for any back! :biggrin: So he'll get what?...314? :)

Yes, yes! PLEASE GOD let him go Biakabafuckme all over them so HE can have the single game rushing record and we don't have to hear Meatchicken fans trying to pronounce his fucking name when they are talking smack anymore!!!! :banger:
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UpNorthBuckeye;1331680; said:
Of course, we could also hand the ball to Beanie 72 times and win 35 to nothing, and that would be ugly, too! What's the Ohio State single game rushing record for an individual and for a team?

Most carries in 1 game: 44 - Champ Henson, '72 vs. NW'ern

Most rushing yards in 1 game: 314 - Eddie George, '95 vs. Illinois

Most carries by a tOSU back vs. TSUN: 39, Beanie Wells, '07

Most rushing yards for tOSU vs. TSUN: 222 - Beamie Wells, '07

Most rushing attempts for tOSU (team): 84 - vs. Illinois '73

Most rushing yards, team: 718 - vs. Mount Union '30

Most rushing yards, team (modern record): 517 - vs. Illinois '74 and '62

official.site/pdf records
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