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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Okay, so a man and a wolverine walk into a gay bar......I forget the rest of the joke but Ann Arbor is a whore.

Bucklion;1331397; said:
ESPN research monster Brett Edgerton passes along the following reason for Ohio State fans to root for Vanderbilt this week and/or Kentucky next week when they play Tennessee (25): With one more loss, the Volunteers will join Michigan at the eight-loss plateau for the first time ever.

Why on earth would anyone not be rooting against Tennessee anyways?
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Shit, shit. shit.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm wearing a navy blue sweater and khakis. Jesus Christ. It's fucking *ichigan week and I'm wearing a close approximation of their ugly-ass colors. :bonk:

Looks like I'm working the rest of the day in my boxers and undershirt. :pimp:
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Shit, shit. shit.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm wearing a navy blue sweater and khakis. Jesus Christ. It's fucking *ichigan week and I'm wearing a close approximation of their ugly-ass colors. :bonk:

Looks like I'm working the rest of the day in my boxers and undershirt. :pimp:
some fan you are. all the blue or yellow cups in my cupboard have been removed for the remainder of the week.
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Bucky Katt;1331458; said:
[censored], [censored]. [censored].

What the [censored] is wrong with me.

I'm wearing a navy blue sweater and khakis. Jesus Christ. It's [censored]ing *ichigan week and I'm wearing a close approximation of their ugly-ass colors. :bonk:

Closet M*ch*g*n fan.

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Michigan freshman Feagin ready to play more QB - Michigan Wolverines Football: News, Blogs, Photos, Audio & Video - MLive.com
Michigan freshman Feagin ready to play more QB

by John Heuser | The Ann Arbor News Wednesday November 19, 2008, 7:57 AM

After playing well in a tightly defined role at quarterback against Minnesota, freshman Justin Feagin essentially dropped from sight last week against Northwestern.
Be ready for a reappearance, University of Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez said Tuesday.
With regular starter Steven Threet doubtful for the season finale at No. 10-ranked Ohio State (9-2, 6-1) because of a shoulder injury, redshirt sophomore Nick Sheridan is expected to start and be backed up by Feagin.
"Justin's gotta be able to do all the same plays that Nick and Steve are doing and we're gonna practice him that way this week," Rodriguez said on the Big Ten teleconference.
In two games on offense this season, Feagin hasn't attempted a pass. He rushed seven times for 49 yards in the win over Minnesota, but carried the ball only once in the loss to the Wildcats.
Rodriguez said Feagin probably would have played more against Northwestern if it hadn't been for an injury to a tendon on his throwing hand.
"He couldn't grab the ball," Rodriguez said, adding, "He can make all the throws."
Feagin is much healthier now, Rodriguez said, increasing the likelihood that he'll play against Ohio State
Until Threet got hurt, RR didn't feel Feagin would be a quarterback moving forward. Saying he's "gotta (read: needs) be able to do all of the same plays" doesn't change the fact that he struggles to do most of them.
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Bucky Katt;1331458; said:
[censored], [censored]. [censored].

What the [censored] is wrong with me.

I'm wearing a navy blue sweater and khakis. Jesus Christ. It's [censored]ing *ichigan week and I'm wearing a close approximation of their ugly-ass colors. :bonk:

Looks like I'm working the rest of the day in my boxers and undershirt. :pimp:
Why , we should ding your ass. :oh:
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Bucklion;1331397; said:
Interesting tidbit from Pat Forde (emphasis mine):

The Not-Great Eight

ESPN research monster Brett Edgerton passes along the following reason for Ohio State fans to root for Vanderbilt this week and/or Kentucky next week when they play Tennessee (25): With one more loss, the Volunteers will join Michigan at the eight-loss plateau for the first time ever.

And that would leave Ohio State as the only current FBS school to have never lost eight games in a season. The Volunteers will have to win back-to-back games for the first time since last November -- when they beat Vandy and Kentucky -- to avoid that fate.

Goooooooo....somebody playing Tennessee!!! :biggrin:

Just goes to show even our bad seasons aren't nearly as bad as other teams' bad seasons.

BP pointed that out (the 8-loss thing) a few days ago. :wink2:

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