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The Game - HBO documentary

Absolutely terrific! Being reminded about the history and tradition of this rivalry is one of my favorite parts about Michigan week! Gives me chills!

This documentary was as good as it gets, I'll pick it up on DVD when it becomes available. The old-timers talking trash was my favorite part! :)
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OCBuckWife;993600; said:
I, of course, don't know that much about the history of these two states and the part about the "Toledo Strip" was news to me. That is an old, old, old grudge!

I don't think I could stand living in that town that straddles the two states. It seems like it would be too much like living in a constant state of civil war, brother against brother sort of thing.

It's a different world here in Toledo, the Meatchicken fans are everywhere. I keep begging the state of Meatchicken to take Toledo back since I now reside in Perrysburg. I think the Maumee river would be a great border to keep the wooligans out. I have friends (use that term loosely) that are Meatchicken fans and relatives the same.

My wife was a Meatchicken fan (growing up in that state) but she is now one of the biggest Buckeye fans that I know. I tell everyone that she is a Buckeye by injection.:biggrin:

I think the show was great but could have been a little longer. I was very suprised that they never even mentioned LLLLLLoyd
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Toledo Strip

CapnStubby;996087; said:
It's a different world here in Toledo, the Meatchicken fans are everywhere. I keep begging the state of Meatchicken to take Toledo back since I now reside in Perrysburg. I think the Maumee river would be a great border to keep the wooligans out. I have friends (use that term loosely) that are Meatchicken fans and relatives the same.

My wife was a Meatchicken fan (growing up in that state) but she is now one of the biggest Buckeye fans that I know. I tell everyone that she is a Buckeye by injection.:biggrin:

I think the show was great but could have been a little longer. I was very suprised that they never even mentioned LLLLLLoyd

My wife and I were map hunting in NYC about 10 years ago and came across a map of Ohio from that time. Couldn't figure out why the map looked strange. Henry County bordering TSUN? Then we realized that the map was printed from the TSUN perspective. $120 for the map and another $60 for framing and it's been a part of our family ever since.

I always joke that the map was done when Ohio was winning the war!

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A copy of this will be available to download shortly. I am uploading it to Stage 6 as I type this.


Here is the link folks. Stage6 ? ANN ARBOR IS A WHORE!?-?Video and Download???Patel748

What you are going to have to do first is download the DivX package which can be found here: DivX Video Player - DivX Video Codec - DivX Converter

***Make sure you install the DivX package BEFORE you click the initial link or you will not see anything***

After you do that you will see http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r162/patel748/Stage6.jpg.

Click on what you want to do and your good to go.

File Size: 382 mb

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Near the end of the show, an OSU player is shown hugging his mother after the 2006 game. The player is a senior, and his mother has only just hours before taken part in the senior day ceremony. She is overcome by the moment, and by her pride for her son. She isn't weeping. She is sobbing.

The player is T.J. Downing, whose father played for TSUN. The HBO producers/editors either did not notice or did not comment. Perhaps they though it was a moment best appreciated by those who already knew the story that made it most poignant. Or maybe they just got lucky.

Either way, it was a very fitting moment that fit the flow of the movie perfectly.

The other moment that fit perfectly was the closing of the movie, where they show an OSU flag and a scUM flag blowing in the breeze. The flags are tethered to the same line, with the OSU flag on top, as it should be.

Something tells me this movie is more popular in Ohio than it is anywhere north of Ohio.
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Hate to be a buzz killer after DBB's Hallmark moment there but I liked the old black and white footage of one fan just absolutely sucker punching the shit out of another one. :wink2:

BTW on the Downing's dad being a tsun alum thing. When TJ announced his commitment he told the story that his old man wanted him to go to OSU because what JT had going down here felt more to him(JT's dad who played under Bo) like what Bo did when turning tsun around, than anything he had seen since.

That one never gets mentioned anymore.
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Jaxbuck;996374; said:
Hate to be a buzz killer after DBB's Hallmark moment there but I liked the old black and white footage of one fan just absolutely sucker punching the shit out of another one. :wink2:

Buzz kill my ass... THAT was the Hallmark moment!

Jaxbuck;996374; said:
BTW on the Downing's dad being a tsun alum thing. When TJ announced his commitment he told the story that his old man wanted him to go to OSU because what JT had going down here felt more to him(JT's dad who played under Bo) like what Bo did when turning tsun around, than anything he had seen since.

That one never gets mentioned anymore.

well... not NEVER...
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