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The Game - HBO documentary

I have it Tivo'd but could someone with a good camera (mine has died, as mentioned) please take pictures of their television screen as they watch it, upload them to your computer, and make a slide show for me?

Don't forget to edit in some music and some special effects, silent movies went out with the stone age. Don't be cheap.

Thanks in advance.
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visaliabuck;993626; said:
I loved watching that show and seeing how the rivalry started and the history behind it. I especially liked it when Bo said he had a "few" pair of the gold pant charms but would never say that at Michigan.......

I alsoliked seeing the infamous snow bowl game. Granted I wasn't even close to being around but I do remember a few bad snow storms living in Lancaster and Columbus .....

All in all a good show and I liked how they showed the relationship between Woddy and Bo....good show and a must for any buckeye fan........

I liked how the Michiganders acknowledged they get most of their good players from Ohio.
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Just watched it tonight, and I thought it was very well done.

It was especially good for me, as I've only been alive for a little under 18 years of it. It was great to see the history of the rivalry, and a more up close look at Woody, Bruce, the 10 year war, and what makes The Game what it is.

Even as an outsider fan (born in Syracuse, NY, currently live in VA), and never having lived in Ohio, my dad (grew up in Pickerington, OH) and his family have raised me well.

Couldn't be more proud to be a Buckeye fan after watching it (twice)...:oh:
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I am watching the video of the "snow bowl" that they borrowed from for this documentary. JEEZLY CROW, I thought it was bad just in the bit I saw on HBO. To see the longer, full version of it makes the whole idea even MORE INSANE.

The fans that were there couldn't even SEE the game most of the time.

I wonder how many people, players and fans, came down with some kind of frostbite? I would guess the fans more likely, they were doing a lot more sitting around!

I think they made a movie out of that game. Some of the fans froze to death. When they couldn't get the concession stands open the other fans ate the dead ones. Pretty gross.
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Thought it was pretty well done. That guys goatee was redic..

I didn't know Woody died right after that speech, I'll catch shit but I liked Desmond going through the thought process and then 'fuck it' and did the pose, thought it was a cool prespective
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Just finished it from ON Demand. Wow did that bring tears to my eyes. It made me miss living in Ohio just for what it's all about. That is what is imbeded in all of us and gives us such a special bond even if we're spread around the world. Passion, dedication and love.
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Some Q&A with HBO and people involved with the Documentary:

OhioStateAlumni.org Q&A: ROSS GREENBURG, PRESIDENT, HBO SPORTS, TALKS ABOUT THE RIVALRY - The Ohio State Buckeyes Official Athletics Site - OhioStateBuckeyes.com

On Nov. 13, HBO Sports will premiere its documentary on the greatest rivalry in college football. "Michigan vs. Ohio State: The Rivalry" will take a close-up look at this storied rivalry through the eyes of the athletes, alumni, and fans who?ve made this game great. Prior to the release of the documentary, Ross Greenburg, the president of HBO Sports, participated in an e-mail Q&A session with Ohio State Alumni Magazine.
Greenburg: The Ohio State-Michigan game has been a classic rivalry, and when you have the history surrounding the ?10 Year War,? the story takes on mythic proportions. It is a subject matter that fits the mold of our very best HBO Sports documentaries.
Greenburg: We think this rivalry stands alone as the college football game each year with the most national interest. Many people in Texas, Oklahoma, and California won't be happy to hear this, but the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry has no peer. This is the first time HBO Sports has produced a documentary on a college football rivalry. Why do you think we picked this one?
Greenburg: The supreme hate that develops between the Ohio State and Michigan fans is an amazing phenomenon. I knew this was a rivalry. I never realized there was so much deep-seated anger toward the opposition.

Greenburg: Yes. They definitely have an equal amount of hatred for each other, but their reasons are distinct. Ohio State fans feel the Michigan fans are pompous, and the Michigan fans feel the Ohio State fans are not worthy.

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I didn't get to watch it when it first aired but I did record it. I watched it last night and thought it was really well done. I thought the documentary did a great job staying neutral. I heard all day from fellow fans how lopsided it was toward TSUN but I honestly didn't see it--I guess perceptions are just that. Overall, a great documentary by HBO and it really got me jacked up and out of the Illibuck funk.
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My thoughts...

Disclaimer: Yes, I was choked up watching parts of the show. Who, really, on either side of the fence couldn't have been?


Very well done. Surprised that Herbie wasn't interviewed or did I just miss it.

My opinion of Mike Wallace only polarized even more after seeing this. What a smug <insert expletive here>.

I wrote in the "What does tOSU mean to you" thread something about it being a connection back to home and a time that I get to spend with my boys celebrating our OH - IO roots. Well, suffice it to say, my wife and I had to have a discussion with our (almost) six year old regarding some of the language in the show. Don't get me wrong. I'm hardly a prude, but Des Howard needs someone to wash his mouth out with soap. Same for Bo Biafra. Disclaimer II: I'm pretty much a reformed punk, I get it. I just wear sweater vests now. Just didn't need my boys to hear it.

I found it interesting:

The spot done on EB. My frosh year at tOSU was the year the Coop took over. I have a recollection of what happened to EB, but I didn't realize that it all went down the way that it did. I do remember having very negative feelings toward Coop during my tenure there. Lot's of beer, suppression of memories and time have probably allowed me to forget some of what EB went through. But damn, what Buckeye faithful could watch that clip of EB getting out of his car at home(?) to family and friends singing "We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan," and not get choked up or wish that Cooper had stayed in AZ or both. For heaven's sake, watching Earl get out of the car and hearing the people sing and watching his lips as he quietly sang along with them. Powerful stuff.

... or at least I thought until I saw Woody give his final(?) public appearance and talk of Bo? Good God. Thank those two for helping to build out what this week is all about. Thank those two for being such great coaches. Thank those schools for being able to put together programs that have allowed us to enjoy a rivalry that has lasted over 100 years ? and have it still be relevant every year.

There's no way for anyone outside the B10+1 to understand it. I even wonder how much of the B10+1 outside our programs really (I mean really) get it.

On a Woody note: During the time of the ?02 NC game someone forwarded a jpg to me that was a picture of Woody?s grave stone. In front of the grave is a bag of Tostitos. I have a color copy of it on my wall in my office but no longer have the jpg. Anyone out there have it? Digital printing has come a long way since then and I?d like to make a better print. So, if there?s a copy floating around, could someone please let me know.

Also, it was just about five years ago that my family sat down over Thanksgiving dinner in Toledo. We were at my in-laws in a divided house. My father-in-law (God save his soul) is a TSUN guy, the rest of us are all Bucks. Anyhow, my oldest son who was about 9-months old at the time was starting to talk. Over dinner he continued to repeat himself over and over but nobody could figure it out. Finally, my father-in-law get?s it. He says, ?He?s saying Buck-a. As in Buckeye.? Love the fact that it was a TSUN fan who figured out that his first grandchild?s first word was Buckeye! Take that and stuff your turkey with it TSUN!

Final thought: Best line I was not aware of that I heard during the show. "Because they wouldn't let me go for three."
-- In reference to Woody going for a two point conversion when his team was up by 36 points in the second half (1968)

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