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The Game - HBO documentary

I must say that I got a little teary-eyed whenever they talked about Woodys death even though I was way too young to even remember when it happened.

I thought overall that it was a great documentary but like others have said they really made OSU fans look like inbred West Virginians!
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I got to watch some of the Documentary this last weekend. It was really good. I really liked the part when Bo was talking about his and Woody's friendship. I liked the part when Bo was going to speak at Dayton, and they asked Woody to introduce Bo. Woody was getting frail and he still wanted to talk about Bo and what a great guy he was. I thought this part of the Documentary was the driving force of the rivalry. On the field they wanted to rip each other's heads off, but off the field they were almost best friends. :sob:
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Need this on DVD...can anyone help?

First time poster....My father is a life long OSU fan living in Massillon, Ohio...We learned earlier this year that he has terminal lung cancer...He has been fighting and getting great treatment from the Cleveland Clinic but cancer is a struggle and its been very tough...His wife died 2 years ago of ovarian cancer....I live in Indianapolis and am a life long Hoosier fan! (booo, i know...lol) but I watched this presentation on HBO and just brought tears to my eyes knowing how I would view an IU history video for basketball...I know that my dad would love this if there was someway I could get him a copy..I am very dissapointed that HBO does not have this out on dvd for Christmas....If there is anyone on the board who might have a way to get this on a dvd that he could watch on his tv, I would be eternally grateful..Unfortunately, I am not computer savvy enough to even start to working this out on my own...I am willing to pay if needed...Please contact me if you are able to help me on this one!!
J Shaw
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I'm sorry about your family, my condolences.

Have your ever heard of Bit Torrent? If not, it is a great (albeit, sometimes slow) way to download things.

Download and install a program entitled Bit Tornado below.


Then, download the torrent for the documentary below.


Open the downloaded torrent using Bit Tornado. It may take a bit but it'll go through.

As far as burning it goes, I'm not too knowledgeable in that area but I'm assuming that somebody in real life can help you and failing that, posting in the off-topic section should garner you some results.
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Shapopojoe;1021479; said:
First time poster....My father is a life long OSU fan living in Massillon, Ohio...We learned earlier this year that he has terminal lung cancer...He has been fighting and getting great treatment from the Cleveland Clinic but cancer is a struggle and its been very tough...His wife died 2 years ago of ovarian cancer....I live in Indianapolis and am a life long Hoosier fan! (booo, i know...lol) but I watched this presentation on HBO and just brought tears to my eyes knowing how I would view an IU history video for basketball...I know that my dad would love this if there was someway I could get him a copy..I am very dissapointed that HBO does not have this out on dvd for Christmas....If there is anyone on the board who might have a way to get this on a dvd that he could watch on his tv, I would be eternally grateful..Unfortunately, I am not computer savvy enough to even start to working this out on my own...I am willing to pay if needed...Please contact me if you are able to help me on this one!!
J Shaw

Check your PM...
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I finally watched the entire thing...since Mili sent it to me, I've tried 4-5 times only to have something come up or someone come by to see the house.

Finally got through the whole thing yesterday...

The section on Woody and Bo was perfectly done...loved it.

I was caught offguard when Desmond Howard was dropping F-bombs...

No Herbie? No Coop? Needed a few more player perspectives and definitely overplayed the Ohio State "fanatics" card.

I would have done a short rundown of the 90's heartbreaks for tOSU....and also noted JT's role in the current downward spiral of Michigan.

Loved the recruiting breakdown and the "traitors"

Overall, while trying to accept the fact that people outside of the two fanbases don't want a Ken Burns type saga, I'll give it a solid 8/10.
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osugrad21;1023150; said:
No Herbie? No Coop?

Coop was done perfectly imo. A bumbling hick that couldn't win The Game and never fit in at OSU. I agree that 30 seconds of interview would have cemented that for anyone who still didn't know.

As far as Herbie goes, every alumnus I saw on there was going out of their way to talk up their school and trash the other. Even HBO doesn't have the money it would take to film long enough to get Herbie to do that.
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Jaxbuck;1023171; said:
Coop was done perfectly imo. A bumbling hick that couldn't win The Game and never fit in at OSU. I agree that 30 seconds of interview would have cemented that for anyone who still didn't know.

As far as Herbie goes, every alumnus I saw on there was going out of their way to talk up their school and trash the other. Even HBO doesn't have the money it would take to film long enough to get Herbie to do that.

Eh, maybe so on Herbie...but you never know. That was my point with Howard...I thought he would play the "professionalism" role.

Coop was everything you described...however, I would love to know his current take on it all. What would he do different? Does he understand now? Why couldn't they win the big games? His take on it all would be interesting as hell.
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Best Buckeye;1023183; said:
I need someone to cut a copy and send it to me please. My attempts to dl it from torrents has been nil.:(

You can download it from the link provided in earlier posts, on that page, just to the right of the play arrow that will be in the middle of the screen there is another button, click on that to download. That is how I got it on my machine without having to go through torrent hell.:biggrin:

Click on this link then click on the link below and follow the directions there and in this post :)
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