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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

You know......

isn't Carr 6-5 all time versus OSU?????

Playing them and beating them twice and having Carr go from a winning record to a losing record all in one season might be the only positive residual of playing Michigan twice this season.

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Best Buckeye;646890; said:
Ginn, Gonzo, Hall, Robo, Hartline, Small, Has anyone ever run a 6 receiver spread?:biggrin:

That would only leave 4 offensive linemen left to block for Smith. An interesting idea, and we have the depth at wide receiver, but it would be damn hard not to get sacked (even for Smith) before finding the right receiver.
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Bob Buck;647079; said:
That would only leave 4 offensive linemen left to block for Smith. An interesting idea, and we have the depth at wide receiver, but it would be damn hard not to get sacked (even for Smith) before finding the right receiver.

Not to mention that one of those receivers would be ineligible....

OR Ohio State would only have 6 men on the LOS....
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Fort BUck;647070; said:
isn't Carr 6-5 all time versus OSU?????

Playing them and beating them twice and having Carr go from a winning record to a losing record all in one season might be the only positive residual of playing Michigan twice this season.


why you counting Carr vs. Cooper TRY

Carr vs. Tressel :biggrin:
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Jeffcat;647098; said:
as long as the BCS system and humAn voters are in place its so far from a slim chance of happening that its safe to say that osu-scum is impossible in a national championship.

Not so sure (and I have been the most vocal about this never happening). The way many in the media have been discussing it, it seems that they aren't all against the idea...
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MililaniBuckeye;647127; said:
Not so sure (and I have been the most vocal about this never happening). The way many in the media have been discussing it, it seems that they aren't all against the idea...

agreed on the media becoming more and more aware of it and talking about it making it seem more legible but when the voters get down to it they will choose another one loss team otherwise everybody outside of osu-scum will riot against the BCS just because of the fact the game had been already played and another worthy opponent is not givin the opportunity. my guess is it will be louisville or west virginia and then after that the SEC champ.
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Zurp;644204; said:
Just when you thought XrayRandy was gone, BAM!!! He hits you with a 2x4 in the face as you're walking up the stairs.

Yeah but you have to remember TSUNs numbers are skewed because they played NFL champs Notre Dame.

Holding the Irish under 1000 yards & 100 points surely proves the dominance of TSUNs D.

Tresselbeliever;647133; said:
Back to back OSU-Michigan is not only wrong, it is sacrilege.


If the Buckeyes lose The Game then they don't deserve to play for the national title...the same of course goes for TSUN.
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Muck;647154; said:
Yeah but you have to remember TSUNs numbers are skewed because they played NFL champs Notre Dame.

Holding the Irish under 1000 yards & 100 points surely proves the dominance of TSUNs D.

While we do have a great team, there's no reason to downplay the accomplishments or the capabilities of our adversary. Michigan has a great defense. Not a good defense, but a great defense. They have a defense that probably 110 other programs would like to trade for, and one that we would rather face any of the 110+ other defenses. That is not to say that we won't spank them, it is just an acknowledgement that they have done a good job this year.

With Manningham at 100%, they would have a very good...not great, not ok, but a very good and a very balanced offense. That is not to say, however, that our D won't spank them.

Normally a game like this would get me very very jittery, but I am less jittery than usual. Why? Because we are playing in the Shoe, where the Michigan offense will have extreme difficulty in finding the kind of rhythm that they needed to hand us our only defeat in the Tressel era. While Michigan has the defense to potentially pull a W out of a close game, I have full confidence that our offense would smell blood if our defense shut Michigan down early.

And of course, Manningham and Hart at less than 100% are also big plus...:biggrin:
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Tresselbeliever;647158; said:
While we do have a great team, there's no reason to downplay the accomplishments or the capabilities of our adversary. Michigan has a great defense. Not a good defense, but a great defense. They have a defense that probably 110 other programs would like to trade for, and one that we would rather face any of the 110+ other defenses. That is not to say that we won't spank them, it is just an acknowledgement that they have done a good job this year.

Apparently it is necessary to use /sarcasm/ tags everytime something is said tongue in cheek.

Following the thread back you'll find that the point is that Ohio State is actually statistically better than the TSUN in most defensive categories. How much relevance does that have given their disparete opponents? Very little. Which should also be taken into account by those making the case that TSUN has a better defence based on those few categories in which they are statistically superior.
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Muck;647268; said:
Apparently it is necessary to use /sarcasm/ tags everytime something is said tongue in cheek.

Following the thread back you'll find that the point is that Ohio State is actually statistically better than the TSUN in most defensive categories. How much relevance does that have given their disparete opponents? Very little. Which should also be taken into account by those making the case that TSUN has a better defence based on those few categories in which they are statistically superior.

Now that I have taken two seconds to read the thread, I understand that you used sarcasm in your post. My apologies.

Concerning the comparison of OSU's defense vs. Michigan's defense, the numbers really don't tell the tale here. OSU's defense was suspect the beginning of the season because of youth and time needed to build cohesiveness. In that respect, defensive stats from the last two or three weeks should provide a more accurate picture. On the flipside, the defense faced their toughest opponents early in the season (Garrett Wolfe, Texas, Hunt, Iowa) in the first half of the season and looked less convincing at times, especially against the run. So where is OSU's defense right now? From the way that many of our "relative unknowns" on D are starting to play their best ball (Richardson, Antonio Smith, O'Neil, Freeman/Terry) and knowing from past experience that Tressel's young defenses really come together at the end of the season, we have every reason to believe that we are becoming the dominant unit that fans are used to seeing. And considering that we are playing a lot of depth players who are young (Washington, Wilson, Denlinger, Homan, Amos, Grant), we still have room to improve/become more dominant.

Say what you want about Michigan's defense, any defense that can stop the run on a consistent basis deserves our utmost respect. It's not so much shutting down Quinn as it was shutting down Walker, Hunt, Hill and pretty much all the other backs they've faced. While their secondary is suspect, any time you can shutdown the run, you have a chance. And a chance is all Michigan is hoping for going into this game quite frankly. That's why it is going one hell of a ballgame.
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