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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

Best Buckeye;646861; said:
Certain people from tsun and in the toledo blade are saying that poor weather conditions were a cause of the 17 (only) points they scored yesterday. Presumably because of inablility to pass the ball. If there is bad weather in 3 weeks is all we have to do is shut down the run? :biggrin: .
They are also saying that Hart is getting banged up a little.

I give them a huge pass for the weather and the opponent yesterday.

Anyone who thinks that was the best scUM has to offer is setting themselves up for dissapointment.
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It wasn?t pretty, but UM tops Northwestern
Defense dominates in bad conditions

Michigan?s Willis Barringer, a Scott graduate, intercepts a pass intended for Northwestern?s Ross Lane in the end zone.


ANN ARBOR ? By listening to the University of Michigan players talk after the game, one could have assumed the negative-13 on the Big House scoreboard stood for the temperature outside.

Instead, it represented the Northwestern Wildcats? rushing total.

Homecoming at Michigan Stadium yesterday was a frosty one, with the wind blowing 35 miles per hour and periods of driving rain adding some extra chill to a game played in 42-degree temperatures.

The Wolverines? hearts were warmed by their 17-3 triumph over the Wildcats, but they were pointing their shivering fingers at the weather for causing such a sloppy performance.

UM (9-0, 6-0 Big Ten) lost two of its three fumbles, dropped several passes, and finished with just 116 yards through the air.

MORE UM? Game 1 - UM 27, Vanderbilt 7
? Game 2 - UM 41, CMU 17
? Game 3 - UM 47, ND 21
? Game 4 - UM 27, Wisconsin 13
? Game 5 - UM 28, Minnesota 14
? Game 6 - UM 31, MSU 13
? Game 7 - UM 17, Penn St. 10
? Game 8 - UM 20, Iowa 6
? Game 9 - UM 17, N'western 3
More UM stories, scheduleWhat saved the No. 2 Wolverines was another stone-cold effort from the nation?s fifth-best defense overall and the top unit against the run. Northwestern (2-7, 0-5 Big Ten) was forced into five turnovers and sent backwards nearly ever time it tried to run.

?That?s why it?s great to have a great defense,? UM running back Mike Hart said. ?I wasn?t worried at all. The score was close, but we were in control.?

Wolverines quarterback Chad Henne said a few of his passes felt like he was ?throwing a balloon,? and coach Lloyd Carr said he could only remember two games with worse weather conditions in 12 seasons at UM.

Hence, it was up to the Wolverines? defense to make things happen, which it did from the start.

Northwestern had driven to the UM 35 on its first series, but defensive end LaMarr Woodley stripped the ball from quarterback C.J. Bacher and recovered it on third down.

Woodley, who had two sacks yesterday and is one short of UM?s single-season record of 12, hit Bacher?s arm just before it went forward and recovered the ball on the Wolverines? 48.

?The turnover Lamar caused may have been the play of the game,? Carr said.

The Wolverines capitalized on the momentum change when Henne found receiver Adrian Arrington in the right corner of the end zone for a 14-yard scoring pass.

Arrington, who pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence last week, was benched for the start of the game. He found his way onto the field during UM?s first series and made his only catch of the day count.

There wasn?t much counting left for the Wolverines? offense to do.

Garrett Rivas added a 30-yard field goal in the second quarter, and Hart picked up a three-yard touchdown run in the third to cap UM?s scoring.

Hart missed portions of the second half with a sore back, but he led UM with 95 yards on 20 carries. The Wolverines rushed for 202 yards as a group, but couldn?t put away a Wildcats defense that blew a 38-3 lead in a loss to Michigan State last week.

?We always want to score more than 17 points, but it was a lot of things out there, weather included,? Hart said. ?With the wind ? it was hard to get the offense moving. That?s why we needed the defense to play a great game today.?

The defense obliged by making life miserable on Bacher and Wildcats running back Tyrell Sutton.

Bacher finished 20-of-41 for 204 yards but was sacked three times and threw two interceptions.

He also had several screen passes foiled by a defense looking for that exact play.

Sutton had six catches for 55 yards but netted only six yards on seven carries.

?We go into every game thinking we can dominate,? UM linebacker David Harris said. ?We did a good job today against the run, and it made them one dimensional. It forced them to throw the ball, so it worked in our favor.?
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Jaxbuck;646863; said:
I give them a huge pass for the weather and the opponent yesterday.

Anyone who thinks that was the best scUM has to offer is setting themselves up for dissapointment.
I agree on that score jaxbuck, though it is also instructive that Michigan had some difficulties overcoming the elements - much say as the Buckeyes did when facing Penn State (in worse weather in my opinion). Henne was light in the passsing game in particular, the lack of MM has shown fairly clearly now in consecutive weeks. His health and availability for The Game is surely a critical concern for the Wolverines - likewise Hart.
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sandgk;646869; said:
Henne was light in the passsing game in particular, the lack of MM has shown fairly clearly now in consecutive weeks. His health and availability for The Game is surely a critical concern for the Wolverines - likewise Hart.

No doubt about it.

Weather or no weather I have seen enough to say without a doubt Henne needs a superstar WR to be a decent QB. It takes a Braylon Edwards or MM to chuck it up and pray or Henne's just average at best.

I also have serious doubts as to MM's ability to be back at 100% by The Game. He may play but I'll believe he's 100% when I see it.
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Jaxbuck;646872; said:
No doubt about it.

Weather or no weather I have seen enough to say without a doubt Henne needs a superstar WR to be a decent QB. It takes a Braylon Edwards or MM to chuck it up and pray or Henne's just average at best.

I also have serious doubts as to MM's ability to be back at 100% by The Game. He may play but I'll believe he's 100% when I see it.
Absolutely agree with all of your remarks. The condition of MM maybe be the deciding factor of the game. Unless we just have too many weapons to begin with.
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Healthy MM or no healthy MM, I'm confident in Jenkins to render him a non-factor. I like the matchup of Yao on the other side against Arrington, and Breaston doesn't require a DB to cover since he'll drop whatever is thrown his direction anyway.
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Dryden;646880; said:
Healthy MM or no healthy MM, I'm confident in Jenkins to render him a non-factor. I like the matchup of Yao on the other side against Arrington, and Breaston doesn't require a DB to cover since he'll drop whatever is thrown his direction anyway.
Exactly, Breaston is a no show except on returns. We have plenty of Players on both sides to beat tsun. I dont think it's much of a question. we can even throw so many receivers at them I doubt if they can cover them all. Jt will use the pass to open up the run.
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IMO the match-up of the game might be Alex Boone against Lamar Woodley. Woodley is a freak at DE, with a great outside move and the strength to be an effective bull rusher... if Boone can keep him away from Smith we have a great chance to win this one going away, but Woodley forces so many fumbles...

I also think we'll see alot of dirty hits on Smith... I think the UM defense hurt something like seven opposing quarterbacks this year... and a few of them were on some very questionable hits...
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scarletngrey11;646885; said:
IMO the match-up of the game might be Alex Boone against Lamar Woodley. Woodley is a freak at DE, with a great outside move and the strength to be an effective bull rusher... if Boone can keep him away from Smith we have a great chance to win this one going away, but Woodley forces so many fumbles...

I also think we'll see alot of dirty hits on Smith... I think the UM defense hurt something like seven opposing quarterbacks this year... and a few of them were on some very questionable hits...
Good points. I also saw an article about them hurting qb's. Both of PS's I believe. And Woodley is a bull. I have confidence that JT will plan for that, maybe more roll outs by Smith, or the RB screnns as you suggest
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scarletngrey11;646885; said:
IMO the match-up of the game might be Alex Boone against Lamar Woodley. Woodley is a freak at DE, with a great outside move and the strength to be an effective bull rusher... if Boone can keep him away from Smith we have a great chance to win this one going away, but Woodley forces so many fumbles...

I also think we'll see alot of dirty hits on Smith... I think the UM defense hurt something like seven opposing quarterbacks this year... and a few of them were on some very questionable hits...

I'm confident Tress will do something to prevent Smith getting knocked around too much.
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Best Buckeye;646887; said:
Good points. I also saw an article about them hurting qb's. Both of PS's I believe. And Woodley is a bull. I have confidence that JT will plan for that, maybe more roll outs by Smith

Spread them, spread them and spread them some more. 3 step drops and make scUM play in space. This area is scUM's biggest weakness and our biggest strength, how much we are able to exploit it will tell the tale imo.
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Jaxbuck;646889; said:
Spread them, spread them and spread them some more. 3 step drops and make scUM play in space. This area is scUM's biggest weakness and our biggest strength, how much we are able to exploit it will tell the tale imo.
Ginn, Gonzo, Hall, Robo, Hartline, Small, Has anyone ever run a 6 receiver spread?:biggrin:
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Combining a couple of ideas here, the ONLY way I see us losing THE GAME is either a rash of turnovers and/or a freak play late in the game (ala somebody on pass coverage slipping on a crappy turf) which decides an otherwise close game. On a good surface and under anything but a rain/snow storm I just dont see any way we will lose this one. :oh:
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