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The former Presidents for usernames.

WilliamTSherman;1665772; said:
I'm not one to bad mouth a military hero. Btw, how was your relationship with your Commander-in-Chief?

Yeah, yeah. Well I appreciate the military hero stuff, if only George would have seen it. I mean, I don't want to speak badly of the Great One and all, but can a brother get a commendation, General?

As for TJ, we've buried the hatchet (well, I sort of buried mine in Hamilton, but I digress) somewhat...after 36 ballots and 210 years, it's time to move on.
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Chester Arthur;1665732; said:
It's always fun fuckin with Buchanan about his enthusiasm for semen...

Well, I'll admit to being fond of our boys in the Navy. They performed admirably when I used their services to fend off the British and assert our presence in Central America. I also like their outfits.

She's so ugly Buchanan woulda fucked her.

Of course I would have. I love fucking women. Honestly, I do. Big, small, harry, smooth, clean, smelling of rotten fish. Doesn't matter to me. I just love fucking women.
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Walter Mondale;1665836; said:
Who gives a shit what Big Woof thinks? Georgia is a shithole. That piece of shit that I had to call boss for 4 years is from there. Fuck him and fuck Georgia! If it weren't for that fucker I'd have been the best president ever!

Dude, what insect flew up your butt to get your dander all in a whistle? Did Geraldine squeeze your dick too hard while she was leading you around again? Don't let James Oglethorpe hear you, or he will fuck your ass up...REAL bad. Even I wouldn't mess with him unless provoked, and I'd have a hell of a harder time dropping him than I did that panty-waste Hamilton.
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Aaron Burr;1665843; said:
Dude, what insect flew up your butt to get your dander all in a whistle? Did Geraldine squeeze your dick too hard while she was leading you around again? Don't let James Oglethorpe hear you, or he will [censored] your ass up...REAL bad. Even I wouldn't mess with him unless provoked, and I'd have a hell of a harder time dropping him than I did that panty-waste Hamilton.

Whoa..I don't take insects up the butt. If you're into that shit you need to talk to Buchanan.
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James Buchanan;1665827; said:
Well, I do have some Tooty Fruity Bubble Gum if you'd like some.

I prefer what the military has going today: DADT.

sepia5;1665832; said:
Hey, William T: say hey to Big Woof while you're here. He's a big fan of your work.

Sometimes the end justifies the means. :wink:

Aaron Burr;1665840; said:
Yeah, yeah. Well I appreciate the military hero stuff, if only George would have seen it. I mean, I don't want to speak badly of the Great One and all, but can a brother get a commendation, General?

I've read all about you exploits. Quite a bit o' traveling you did up North. I can certainly appreciate the amount of mileage you put in. I just happened to go in the other direction of the compass.

AB said:
As for TJ, we've buried the hatchet (well, I sort of buried mine in Hamilton, but I digress) somewhat...after 36 ballots and 210 years, it's time to move on.

I'm been meaning to ask you how you liked Blennerhassett. I've been to that small island since it's not too far from my home.
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WilliamTSherman;1665864; said:
I prefer what the military has going today: DADT.

Sometimes the end justifies the means. :wink:

I've read all about you exploits. Quite a bit o' traveling you did up North. I can certainly appreciate the amount of mileage you put in. I just happened to go in the other direction of the compass.

I'm been meaning to ask you how you liked Blennerhassett. I've been to that small island since it's not too far from my home.

The island was quite nice, actually, for long walks and some intellectual conversation here and there. Also a good place to keep some food and supplies where they won't get stolen. If Jefferson had ever actually visited the Island instead of taking the word of that 2-bit cockhole Wilkinson, he would have realized what I was up to and we could have avoided that serious misunderstanding that resulted in my unfortunate trial. I look back now and realize...I capped Hamilton because he was talking a little [censored] (OK, a lot, but I digress)...in comparison I should have tarred and feathered Wilkinson, beaten him with an anvil, then drawn and quartered him alive. But hindsight is 20/20, and I was trying to work on my temper at that time, so...
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Aaron Burr;1667069; said:
...I should have tarred and feathered Wilkinson, beaten him with an anvil, then drawn and quartered him alive. But hindsight is 20/20, and I was trying to work on my temper at that time, so...

It truly is a shame we don't tar and feather anymore. Is that you in the skirt, Burr?

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Aaron Burr;1667069; said:
The island was quite nice, actually, for long walks and some intellectual conversation here and there. Also a good place to keep some food and supplies where they won't get stolen. If Jefferson had ever actually visited the Island instead of taking the word of that 2-bit cockhole Wilkinson, he would have realized what I was up to and we could have avoided that serious misunderstanding that resulted in my unfortunate trial. I look back now and realize...I capped Hamilton because he was talking a little [censored] (OK, a lot, but I digress)...in comparison I should have tarred and feathered Wilkinson, beaten him with an anvil, then drawn and quartered him alive. But hindsight is 20/20, and I was trying to work on my temper at that time, so...

For me, it was quite a shame to not get to see the mansion before it burned to the ground. As I understand it, the replica is pretty right on.

Tell me something. Mexico. Was Harman actually part of the plans, financial backing, or something else?
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WilliamTSherman;1668613; said:
For me, it was quite a shame to not get to see the mansion before it burned to the ground. As I understand it, the replica is pretty right on.

Tell me something. Mexico. Was Harman actually part of the plans, financial backing, or something else?

Pardon me, President Bill Sherman of the St. Louis Railroad, but this thread is for real Presidents. And don't get me started on that so-called institution of higher learning you ran in Louisiana.
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Calvin Coolidge;1668650; said:
Pardon me, President Bill Sherman of the St. Louis Railroad, but this thread is for real Presidents. And don't get me started on that so-called institution of higher learning you ran in Louisiana.

I wouldn't think that the son of a teacher (among other trades) would have a problem with another person who was a professor of engineering, architecture and drawing.

Furthermore, I've never claimed a Presidency of my own; however, I have been looked upon with great fondness by the Presidents who were my contemporaries. I would also prefer that you extend the same courtesy to me, Mr. President, and refer to me by my title.

While I was doing some light research, I believe I missed some background data... what military branch were you in, Mr. President?
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