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The former Presidents for usernames.

Yo, you mother fuckers need to quit blowin up my phone! "You have 43 new messages in your voice mailbox" Can't y'all just make a list and text it? Shit! And tell Grove-dog he only needs to call once. I told that mofo a thousand times, if I don't answer it means I'm fuckin busy!

And, if this is for real, y'all need to send an armored car, or helicopter, or some shit. Y'all must think I'm like a Sam's club that delivers. What do you guys got goin on, is it one of those Freemason holidays?

Hey, Hoover, don't be gulpin down too much. I don't want to hear that "I have to go home, I have a tummy ache" shit again. And wear a bib or somethin, I'm tired of paying for your dry cleaning.
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Dred Scott;1665346; said:
Yo, you mother [censored]ers need to quit blowin up my phone! "You have 43 new messages in your voice mailbox" Can't y'all just make a list and text it? [censored]! And tell Grove-dog he only needs to call once. I told that mofo a thousand times, if I don't answer it means I'm [censored]in busy!

And, if this is for real, y'all need to send an armored car, or helicopter, or some [censored]. Y'all must think I'm like a Sam's club that delivers. What do you guys got goin on, is it one of those Freemason holidays?

Hey, Hoover, don't be gulpin down too much. I don't want to hear that "I have to go home, I have a tummy ache" [censored] again. And wear a bib or somethin, I'm tired of paying for your dry cleaning.

So.... you can get the stuff, right?

We're celebratin... If you read back a couple pages it looks like we finally dropped those tag-a-long fucks Gore, Tilden and ... what's his name... the mustachioed fellow..... think he beat Truman...
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Chester Arthur;1665348; said:
So.... you can get the stuff, right?

We're celebratin... If you read back a couple pages it looks like we finally dropped those tag-a-long [censored]s Gore, Tilden and ... what's his name... the mustachioed fellow..... think he beat Truman...

Chester Arthur;1665349; said:
Thinks.. Thinks he beat Truman.

Whatever... point is.. you can get the goods, right?
It's DEWEY, you miserable prick.

It's not like I'm locked out of this thread, you arrogant shit bag.
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Chester Arthur;1665348; said:
So.... you can get the stuff, right?

We're celebratin... If you read back a couple pages it looks like we finally dropped those tag-a-long fucks Gore, Tilden and ... what's his name... the mustachioed fellow..... think he beat Truman...

Give me another hour or so. Some of this shit is hard to find. Hell, I had to google a couple of em just to figure out what y'all's talkin about. I'm still tryin to find a vet who's got that much K. And I am not bringing a goddamn pony. I don't do that shit. And I'm certainly not measuring it's fucking dick! Yeah, I'm lookin at you, Buchs. Sick faggot.

Rest of y'all just hold tight. Let Hoover entertain you till I get there.

Chester Arthur;1665351; said:
Oh... and that acid you gave me... it's a bummer. I thought Carl Sagan stole my memories for about an hour. If I had paid you for that shit, I'd be asking for my money back.

Hey, two bucks is two bucks.

Those were Tic-tacs.
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