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The former Presidents for usernames.

Walter Mondale;1665729; said:
I hear Buchanan might have some.


It's too bad you didn't win any election... It's always fun fuckin with Buchanan about his enthusiasm for semen...

None-the-less.... you not only got shellacked by Ronnie..... you look like a carp. Oh... and certainly you coulda picked some dame who looked better than Ferraro.... She's so ugly .....


She's so ugly Buchanan woulda fucked her.
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Chester Arthur;1665732; said:

It's too bad you didn't win any election... It's always fun [censored]in with Buchanan about his enthusiasm for semen...

None-the-less.... you not only got shellacked by Ronnie..... you look like a carp. Oh... and certainly you coulda picked some dame who looked better than Ferraro.... She's so ugly .....


She's so ugly Buchanan woulda [censored]ed her.

Well duuuh Buchanan woulda fucked her...she's not a she.
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Chester Arthur;1665732; said:

It's too bad you didn't win any election... It's always fun [censored]in with Buchanan about his enthusiasm for semen...

None-the-less.... you not only got shellacked by Ronnie..... you look like a carp. Oh... and certainly you coulda picked some dame who looked better than Ferraro.... She's so ugly .....


She's so ugly Buchanan woulda [censored]ed her.

Oh... wait just a fuckin minute...

Let me get this straight, mutton chops... You like Mondale... a guy who got absolutely blasted out of politics by a senile old bat, former actor who consulted with horoscopes .... but you've got problems with me.. a guy who actually beat Truman?
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Thomas E. Dewey;1665738; said:
Oh... wait just a [censored]in minute...

Let me get this straight, mutton chops... You like Mondale... a guy who got absolutely blasted out of politics by a senile old bat, former actor who consulted with horoscopes .... but you've got problems with me.. a guy who actually beat Truman?

Ummm... pretty much... yeah.

What are you gonna do about it?

Nothing... you know why? Because I'M a former President of the United States of America.. and you're lower than whale shit..

Peasant. :lol:
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Thomas E. Dewey;1665738; said:
Oh... wait just a fuckin minute...

Let me get this straight, mutton chops... You like Mondale... a guy who got absolutely blasted out of politics by a senile old bat, former actor who consulted with horoscopes .... but you've got problems with me.. a guy who actually beat Truman?

Seriously Dewey, you need Dred to hook you up with some downers...Mondale couldn't hurt a fly, literally or politically, so when you go after him you know it's time to chill the fuck out...
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Aaron Burr;1665745; said:
Seriously Dewey, you need Dred to hook you up with some downers...Mondale couldn't hurt a fly, literally or politically, so when you go after him you know it's time to chill the [censored] out...

Hey! I went to Minnesota! We know how to cheap shot around there. I do agree though, Dewey is a whiney bitch.
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Aaron Burr;1665745; said:
Seriously Dewey, you need Dred to hook you up with some downers...Mondale couldn't hurt a fly, literally or politically, so when you go after him you know it's time to chill the [censored] out...

Walter Mondale;1665749; said:
Hey! I went to Minnesota! We know how to cheap shot around there. I do agree though, Dewey is a whiney bitch.

My god.. men... don't you see what they're doing to us? They're trying to turn us against ourselves....

And believe me.. I've tried to get Dred to hook me up... that ni... guy... that guy just laughs at me...

Besides.. juice has sugar in it and it's pretty neat for parties.
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Dred Scott;1665346; said:
Yo, you mother fuckers need to quit blowin up my phone! "You have 43 new messages in your voice mailbox" Can't y'all just make a list and text it? Shit! And tell Grove-dog he only needs to call once. I told that mofo a thousand times, if I don't answer it means I'm fuckin busy!

And, if this is for real, y'all need to send an armored car, or helicopter, or some shit. Y'all must think I'm like a Sam's club that delivers. What do you guys got goin on, is it one of those Freemason holidays?

Hey, Hoover, don't be gulpin down too much. I don't want to hear that "I have to go home, I have a tummy ache" shit again. And wear a bib or somethin, I'm tired of paying for your dry cleaning.

I hate to be a drag here....but are you going to get me that sandwich or what?
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sepia5;1665832; said:
Hey, William T: say hey to Big Woof while you're here. He's a big fan of your work.

Who gives a shit what Big Woof thinks? Georgia is a shithole. That piece of shit that I had to call boss for 4 years is from there. Fuck him and fuck Georgia! If it weren't for that fucker I'd have been the best president ever!
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