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The Big Ten Is Irrelevant - Again

There is no excuse for Penn state or Michigan to not be good to great.

Frankly there are excuses for Wisconsin and Michigan State to be mediocre but they have had some excellent coaching to overcome their limitations (less so this year for bucky) . This far removed from the glory days you can add Nebraska to this group as well.

Illinois and Maryland have the local talent to be in the above group occasionally.

There are tons of excuses for Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern, and Rutgers to be bad. Their tradition and or local talent pools are dreadful.
What is Minnesota's excuse though? They're located in the heart of a major metropolitan area. They have tons of "history" depending on how you define it. I would say they're in just as good of a position as Wisconsin, if not better.
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What is Minnesota's excuse though? They're located in the heart of a major metropolitan area. They have tons of "history" depending on how you define it. I would say they're in just as good of a position as Wisconsin, if not better.
I'd disagree. While some talent comes out of the Minneapolis area, Minnesota as a whole doesn't produce very much at all. They have to go to Chicago for the nearest major talent pool; and even there they have to compete with the likes of ND, tOSU, Wiscy, scum, etc. to pull it. Their "history" dates back to when most current recruit's grandfathers were growing up. In fact, they've been largely a doormat aside from a few decent years under Mason and the current decent success under Jerry Kill. They'll never draw major national talents playing in frigid Minnesota without any recent success to sell kids on. Wiscy has a good amount of recent success, particularly at RB and on the OL to sell. Plus reasonably close talent farms like Illinois and Ohio to draw from.

The best Minnesota can hope for is another Mason-like run under Jerry Kill for as long as his health will allow it, and to occasionally capitalize on a weak western division to catapult them to a decent bowl game. If Kill and his staff can continue to coach up the marginal talent they draw, I don't see any reason they can't stay on the level of an Iowa, but I don't see them reaching the same level of national respect as Wisconsin or even Nebraska on a consistent basis.
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What is Minnesota's excuse though? They're located in the heart of a major metropolitan area. They have tons of "history" depending on how you define it. I would say they're in just as good of a position as Wisconsin, if not better.
They fired Glen Mason which keeps them from occasionally being Wisconsin, none of which gives them a prayer of being as talented as the SEC (yet Wisconsin competes well with them most years).
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i consider myself a relatively unbiased outsider. here is how I honestly view the Big Ten

  • Ohio State is top of the heap, and pretty much has been my entire life.
  • Michigan is a has been. Don't know if they will ever get back to what they once were.
  • Wisconsin is y'all Auburn.
  • Pedsters needed new life years ago and may finally be getting it. Might take a minute or two, but Franklin might be the guy to do it.
  • Nebraska died when they hired Callahan.
  • Michigan St. reminds me of Georgia. Always seem to be a National title contender, but somehow never seem to be a National title contender all at the same time.

nobody else really matters consistently.
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Not sure if serious...
The only team Ole Miss has beat was 'Bama
The only team 'Bama has beat was WVU
The only team Miss St has beat was Auburn
The only team Auburn has beat was KState

Ole Miss and Miss St. make sense given how undefeateds are in short supply this year... but neither Bama nor Auburn have looked top-5. Top10, ok... and I'm fine with them being ranked above Ohio State (I actually agree with where we are all things considered)
Jumping 'Bama over MSU based on blowing out TAMU is... um... interesting. The "3 top-10 teams in a row" stuff is absolute nonsense.
Off the top of my head I'd have something like
Ole Miss = FSU = MS St > Oregon > TCU > MSU = Auburn > Bama = ND > Baylor > KState > Georgia > Ohio State
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Not sure if serious...
The only team Ole Miss has beat was 'Bama
The only team 'Bama has beat was WVU
The only team Miss St has beat was Auburn
The only team Auburn has beat was KState

Ole Miss and Miss St. make sense given how undefeateds are in short supply this year... but neither Bama nor Auburn have looked top-5. Top10, ok... and I'm fine with them being ranked above Ohio State (I actually agree with where we are all things considered)
Jumping 'Bama over MSU based on blowing out TAMU is... um... interesting. The "3 top-10 teams in a row" stuff is absolute nonsense.
Off the top of my head I'd have something like
Ole Miss = FSU = MS St > Oregon > TCU > MSU = Auburn > Bama = ND > Baylor > KState > Georgia > Ohio State
Re: Georgia - who have they beating... just Clemson right?
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Yea just Clemson plus lost to SCe. As of yet, we haven't beat anyone though and our loss looks worse every day =/
I don't think that list is infallible... it's the downside of poll method to begin with. You could arrange it a lot of ways. But I have a hard time swallowing SEC teams jumping from unranked to top-3 and 2 of their opponents only barely dropping and then 'Bama even jumping back to the top-4 based on beating TAMU? Because MSU had such a bad game...

Oh and welcome back LSU, just in time for your game against Ole Miss... how convenient. :eek:
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Yea just Clemson plus lost to SCe. As of yet, we haven't beat anyone though and our loss looks worse every day =/
I don't think that list is infallible... it's the downside of poll method to begin with. You could arrange it a lot of ways. But I have a hard time swallowing SEC teams jumping from unranked to top-3 and 2 of their opponents only barely dropping and then 'Bama even jumping back to the top-4 based on beating TAMU? Because MSU had such a bad game...

Oh and welcome back LSU, just in time for your game against Ole Miss... how convenient. :eek:

Um...why are we getting all in a tizzy with the AP/Coaches' polls anyway? None of that matters in a few weeks anyways, LOL
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I'm not. But as this stuff is shoved down my throat for years, part of the entertainment value of CFB has inherently become mocking journalists during that time.
I have a long-standing dislike for hacks already, so this is easy fodder I guess?
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Not sure if serious...
The only team Ole Miss has beat was 'Bama
The only team 'Bama has beat was WVU
The only team Miss St has beat was Auburn
The only team Auburn has beat was KState

Ole Miss and Miss St. make sense given how undefeateds are in short supply this year... but neither Bama nor Auburn have looked top-5. Top10, ok... and I'm fine with them being ranked above Ohio State (I actually agree with where we are all things considered)
Jumping 'Bama over MSU based on blowing out TAMU is... um... interesting. The "3 top-10 teams in a row" stuff is absolute nonsense.
Off the top of my head I'd have something like
Ole Miss = FSU = MS St > Oregon > TCU > MSU = Auburn > Bama = ND > Baylor > KState > Georgia > Ohio State
IMO Applying that logic yields Ohio State beating no one equal to Bama, Auburn, Ol' Miss, Miss and possibly Georgia and with only Michigan State as a comparable, maybe Minnie if they keep winning.

Giving the Irish credit, they beat Stanford and took Free Shoes down to the last series. The Bucks don't win that vote either. The killer is looking like shit against a very average Va Tech team, at home, on national prime time and having only one team left on the schedule.
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IMO Applying that logic yields Ohio State beating no one equal to Bama, Auburn, Ol' Miss, Miss and possibly Georgia and with only Michigan State as a comparable, maybe Minnie if they keep winning.

Giving the Irish credit, they beat Stanford and took Free Shoes down to the last series. The Bucks don't win that vote either. The killer is looking like [Mark May] against a very average Va Tech team, at home, on national prime time and having only one team left on the schedule.
True. I get that most folks in here don't want to admit it, but ND and FSU looked like solid teams in a tough match. Meanwhile, we have looked stellar against some average teams and lost to a very average team. I'm sure everyone agrees that we are not the same team that lost earlier in the year, but it's still hard to gauge who/what we really are.

Meanwhile it seems that most of the recent posts in this thread suggest that no teams have any reason for us to believe they are good. That seems....wrong.
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