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The Big Ten Is Irrelevant - Again

The one thing you might wish a committee would consider is that we had a very new, un-planned for, inexperienced and still-learning QB vs. VA. It's not like Braxton was at the helm for that game. We'll see how we do against Sparty. If we come out on top there, maybe someone will consider the possibility of growth during the season.
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IMO Applying that logic yields Ohio State beating no one equal to Bama, Auburn, Ol' Miss, Miss and possibly Georgia and with only Michigan State as a comparable, maybe Minnie if they keep winning.

Giving the Irish credit, they beat Stanford and took Free Shoes down to the last series. The Bucks don't win that vote either. The killer is looking like [Mark May] against a very average Va Tech team, at home, on national prime time and having only one team left on the schedule.

Which is why I put Ohio State #13 there... and why I said before that I think we only move ahead of 2-loss teams.
Depending what happens with MSU, and if we can pull a 1-loss Nebraska in CCG... there could be some things to discuss, but we're very much on the outside looking in wrt playoffs. And I'm not too fussed with that... I'd be fine going in one of the other Committee bowls (previously BCS bowls) and winning there sets us up perfectly for 2015.
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Which is why I put Ohio State #13 there... and why I said before that I think we only move ahead of 2-loss teams.
Depending what happens with MSU, and if we can pull a 1-loss Nebraska in CCG... there could be some things to discuss, but we're very much on the outside looking in wrt playoffs. And I'm not too fussed with that... I'd be fine going in one of the other Committee bowls (previously BCS bowls) and winning there sets us up perfectly for 2015.

Right now I agree with you but if we take care of business in November, we will be squarely in the conversation by the process of elimination...there are going to be many two loss teams even if the perfect storm does not hit again in terms of upsets. One thing not discussed is that the style points we are putting up every week does not seem to be going unnoticed with the analysts. Yes, the VT loss was incredibly damning considering a primetime game at home against a subpar opponent. But if we finish strong while the other top teams flounder, we'll stand a good shot of sneaking in...however, it is imperative that we keep getting the style points each week and obviously winning out is a big "if."

Even with a bad loss early on, everyone knows we are improving by the week and if we keep it up at this pace, I honestly like this team better than last year's due to the vast improvement on defense. And there is no real dominant team this year that impresses me, whereas there were at least 2-3 in years past.
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And to lend to the terrifying notion that the media is being more friendly to us...I can't believe Rittenberg gave us this much credit on ESPN. Even mentions the new OL and QB as reasons for not beating VT...

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Yes we suck because Virginia Tech beat Ohio State and they're crapping the bed.

We can't compete with conferences like the SEC where 2nd place in one of their divisions lost to a team winless in our conference.
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What am I missing here? Muledeer looked at the score of the Miami - VaTech game and made the observation that one of the two best teams in the Big Ten lost to a mediocre ACC team, which was rejoined by Coqui pointing out that Mizzou soiled their armor against INDIANA, Kujira followed up with a statement that's pretty popular on the site, that Miami beating VaTech doesn't equate to Miami beating Ohio State. All of which seems to me to fit into the category of "How Bad Does the Big Ten Suck?" does it not?

If memory serves me right most thinking on the issue of the conference falls into two patterns: 1) Those on the site who believe that Ohio State need only take care of business with its schedule and everything will be all right. 2) Those on the site (like me) who believe that the overall strength of the conference is very important to the success/opportunities of Ohio State.

As for finding threads my experience with the "search" machine is that it doesn't always provide the answer you're looking for.
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The Conference is so terrible that Nebraska beat Miami beat VTech beat Ohio State .... wait, what were we discussing again?

It just seems to me that there are a lot of teams in college ball, pretty much are equal in talent & athletic abilities. Case in point, is what Kujiirakira points out here. You can never tell anymore about" who will beat who". In pro ball it was a saying "On any given Sunday". Now it begins to look like in college ball the saying is "On any give Saturday" This is what it's about and why we love the game.
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