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The Big Ten Is Irrelevant - Again

I think there is a middle ground between 1 and 2... LJB covered that already though.
I also think the loss to VTech says more about Ohio State, and specifically where Ohio State was at the moment in time w/ outstanding OLine and QB issues, than it does about the conference as a whole.
There's little doubt, locally or nationally, that loss was a mulligan - I don't think that means the team should get a freebie for it, but I also don't think that 1 game in a vacuum says much about the conference.

I agree with this. I also think that VA Tech has had a bunch of injuries since the Ohio State game and that they had the perfect storm that game. Receivers who refused to drop anything and made diving catch after diving catch and an inexperienced and apparently unprepared offense on the other side of the ball.
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I'm struggling to believe that an osu team with multiple losses (or one bad one ) deserves a playoff berth in a 4 team field.

I struggle with universal statements like this.
What constitutes a good resume for playoff teams will vary significantly year-to-year.
If there's one 1-loss team with a bunch of 2-loss teams... that one loss team probably belongs in the playoff regardless of whether it's "good" or "bad".
If there's three undefeated teams with a bunch of 1-loss teams... then yea, that bad loss should reasonably keep them out.

I'm Ms. Cleo so I'm not going to claim what will or won't happen; except I think it's fair to say that right now, halfway through the season, Ohio State is on the outside looking in. But that could've been said for Auburn last year as well... in a 2-team field. So in the words of Jane Seymour.... live and let die.
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I struggle with universal statements like this.
What constitutes a good resume for playoff teams will vary significantly year-to-year.
If there's one 1-loss team with a bunch of 2-loss teams... that one loss team probably belongs in the playoff regardless of whether it's "good" or "bad".
If there's three undefeated teams with a bunch of 1-loss teams... then yea, that bad loss should reasonably keep them out.

I'm Ms. Cleo so I'm not going to claim what will or won't happen; except I think it's fair to say that right now, halfway through the season, Ohio State is on the outside looking in. But that could've been said for Auburn last year as well... in a 2-team field. So in the words of Jane Seymour.... live and let die.
Osu should be on the outside looking in without a lot more help. They lost in embarrassing fashion to a bad team at home.

A better conference wouldn't magically make them better.

I don't want to be like the sec which epitomizes the propaganda and bias they squealed about in December of 06. I want worthy osu teams to make it in. I've seen nothing to suggest that top osu squads would be snubbed.

I've seen plenty to believe that very flawed osu teams would be left out without conference coattails to ride instead of their own resume.
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Osu should be on the outside looking in without a lot more help. They lost in embarrassing fashion to a bad team at home.

A better conference wouldn't magically make them better.

I don't want to be like the sec who has come to epitomize the propaganda and bias they squealed incessantly in December of 06. I want worthy osu teams to make it in. I've seen nothing to suggest that top osu squads would be snubbed.

I've seen plenty to believe that very flawed osu teams would be left out without conference coattails to ride instead of their own resume.

I already agreed on several of those points, so not sure why you bothered responding as if I disagreed.

It just ignores the fact that universal statements like "a team with 1 bad loss should never get in" aren't applicable. It's a comparative issue every year. So far this looks a lot more like 2007 than it does 2004.
What that loss to VTech means in the grand scheme is yet to be determined.
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We just don't know what the Selection Committee will decide are qualifiers for the playoff. I suspect there will be a lot of behind the scenes fighting before it's all over. And you have powerful ESPN pushing their teams and downgrading the others. Does anyone believe the SEC will give up wanting 2 SEC teams in the playoff? Or ESPN wanting Notre Dame? ESPN has an agenda. It's money/power driven. This is bigger than one loss to VTech.
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And Condi Rice on the selection committee? Seriously? Erin Andrews is probably better qualified to judge football teams based on her actually being closer to the sport. It's going to be worse than the BCS!
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I already agreed on several of those points, so not sure why you bothered responding as if I disagreed.

It just ignores the fact that universal statements like "a team with 1 bad loss should never get in" aren't applicable. It's a comparative issue every year. So far this looks a lot more like 2007 than it does 2004.
What that loss to VTech means in the grand scheme is yet to be determined.
I was clarifying my viewpoint as the universal statement was sloppy. A one loss osu team could deserve to play for it all but not necessarily with the last few schedules.

I agree this year may end up like 07 where osu is not close to being a great team (maybe that will change ) but the field is so mediocre that they may get in anyway.
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I don't want to be like the sec who has come to epitomize the propaganda and bias they squealed incessantly in December of 06.

wait, what? the whole world was looking for a reason for ANYONE except TSUN to face the Buckeyes in the BCSCG, Ohio State included.

don't put it all on the SEC's politicking. the Buckeyes wanted anyone BUT TSUN, and welcomed a game against UF because 'we're gonna beat their ass.'

our own arrogance was our undoing.
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wait, what? the whole world was looking for a reason for ANYONE except TSUN to face the Buckeyes in the BCSCG, Ohio State included.

don't put it all on the SEC's politicking. the Buckeyes wanted anyone BUT TSUN, and welcomed a game against UF because 'we're gonna beat their ass.'

our own arrogance was our undoing.
I am well aware of what was actually happening in the media (though it was more mixed than you are suggesting ). I'm not talking about reality, I am talking about the way the southeast screamed bloody murder about the severe media bias against them. One game later and they instantly had ten times as much hyperbole and bias working in their favor permanently (even though they were not dominant as a league back then ). It was a comical reversal and one they embraced naturally with the lingering bitterness and secession (an ironic spelling to say the least ).

They earned bragging rights, they did not earn the God like status given to the entire league instantly. The January that ruined college football actually saw the big ten beat them overall but not in the game that "counted."

My commentary was not related whatsoever to the championship game or why an arrogant buckeye squad got worked by a hungry Florida team.
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I agree with this. I also think that VA Tech has had a bunch of injuries since the Ohio State game and that they had the perfect storm that game. Receivers who refused to drop anything and made diving catch after diving catch and an inexperienced and apparently unprepared offense on the other side of the ball.

I wish people would stop talking about that game like Virginia Tech put together the greatest single game performance in the history of college football. They averaged 3.0 yards per carry, committed 10 penalties, turned it over 3 times, and still beat OSU by 14 points.

That game was less about VT being awesome and more about the Buckeyes stinking up the joint, unfortunately. :eek:
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