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TE Jake Stoneburner (Official Thread)

jwinslow;1696800; said:
I was talking about Ballard.
So then a BB gun also counts as a weapon, even if it's not much of a threat? That's my point. Technically it's a weapon, but if it's not very dangerous and the shooter can't use it effectively, is it really much of a weapon? Ballard is not deadly. He's just someone who can catch the football, and we didn't have a QB who could consistently get him the football, as seen by numerous oversights by TP when Jake was wide open.Which is what Stonebrooner is, unlike Ballard, who is just so-so in the athleticism department.

I need some clarification on this. Is it Stonebrooner or Stonebruner?

Either way, I was glad to see Jack begin the process of proving me wrong about how the staff will use tight ends in the future. I expressed doubt as recently as last week but the spring game gives me hope that I'm wrong. I really liked what I saw with the ball going to the TE and some dumps to Boren.
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matcar;1696926; said:
I'm pretty sure we're all aware of that sir. Apparently this is a BTN Spring Game inside joke that you aren't clued into yet....it's all good.
I am actually aware of the joke..... I rewatched the game Sunday night and heard all the announcers calling him Stonebruner..... They were also calling Kenny Guiton, Keith or something like that....So much for your "inside joke." But it's all good.
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bucknut502;1697049; said:
I am actually aware of the joke..... I rewatched the game Sunday night and heard all the announcers calling him Stonebruner..... They were also calling Kenny Guiton, Keith or something like that....So much for your "inside joke." But it's all good.

If you know it was a joke, why did you feel the need to correct it? :wink2:
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Tlangs;1697259; said:
If you know it was a joke, why did you feel the need to correct it? :wink2:
It was one of those deals where I was saying to the guys in the thread the same thing that I was shouting at the television...It's StoneBURNER! I wasn't exactly correcting anyone, the same way that they wasn't really thinking his name was Stonebrooner...

But anyway, whatever that hell you want to call him, he is a badass...
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bucknut502;1697481; said:
It was one of those deals where I was saying to the guys in the thread the same thing that I was shouting at the television...It's StoneBURNER! I wasn't exactly correcting anyone, the same way that they wasn't really thinking his name was Stonebrooner...

But anyway, whatever that hell you want to call him, he is a badass...

I haven't been too enamored of the nicknames that have been coined recently...

But that one I like
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A Tight End, with the ball, running behind the offensive line? Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but they really want to get Stoneburner involved.
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Poe McKnoe;1744703; said:

A Tight End, with the ball, running behind the offensive line? Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but they really want to get Stoneburner involved.

I like the sound of this. I see this possibly being the most diverse offensive attack of the Tressel era.

I see a lot of passes to the tight end, screens, short outs to any one of our backs, etc.

Stoney is going to spearhead this new attack. He's a nightmare coverage responsibility. Sprinkle Fragel in the red zone, I like it.
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