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TE Jake Stoneburner (Official Thread)

jwinslow;1692909; said:
I've been waiting 7 years for another weapon at te. Jake is the first one in that span.

The last time osu had one, they featured him and the NFL just resigned him yet again.

With all due respect to Hartsock, I think Ballard was every bit as much of a weapon at TE, if not more so.
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buckeyesin07;1692938; said:
With all due respect to Hartsock, I think Ballard was every bit as much of a weapon at TE, if not more so.
Hartsock third NFL contract speaks volumes about his ability and whether he was just the benefactor of a limited offense/qb.

Do you think Ballard will sign 3? 2? 1 multi-year deal that he finishes?

Ballard has made 2 or 3 highlight reel catches, no chance scouts have overlooked him. His hands are a great asset, I'm not sure that this makes him a weapon though.
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jwinslow;1692949; said:
His hands are a great asset, I'm not sure that this makes him a weapon though.

Can't be a threat if you're not released down field and thrown to, on at least an occasional basis. Being a solid pass blocker doesn't constitute a "threat"...having great hands and being an actual pass target does.
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MililaniBuckeye;1692956; said:
Can't be a threat if you're not released down field and thrown to, on at least an occasional basis. Being a solid pass blocker doesn't constitute a "threat"...having great hands and being an actual pass target does.
No, it means he can catch. Wrs like Ausberry (USC) and Savoy (um) can catch passes but I wouldn't call them weapons.

I think Jake B could've helped catch 10-15 more balls, but I don't think he's a weapon like hartsock who should catch 40 balls (which likely means he was targeted or looked for closer to 50).

I think Jake B is a guy they could have used. I don't think he's someone that they must use.

Tress has had 1 year of qb play since hartsock where he could trust the passer to work the middle. However, he made the smart choice to use the 5 deep of NFL players, 4 of which would be multi-year osu starters, 3 were NFL starters and all are still in the league iirc.

Zwick and early Troy were iffy, and both got the ball to hamby only to have it dropped.

Todd threw a nice deep ball but often lost track of lurking backers and struggled to maintain poise in the pocket.

Terrelle didn't have the field vision, accuracy or touch to work the middle. He struggled to see his 2nd and 3rd reads quite a bit, and flat out missed a wide open Ballard multiple times vs USC's shaky secondary and poor (or stuffed) pass rush.
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I didn't watch the game on TV, but I can say that in person Jack looks like the real deal. Stronebruner had no problems going over the middle and finding holes in the zone (apparently the defense was required to play cover 8 for most of the game). Anyway, I think we'll be hearing the name Jack Stonebruner a lot this year.
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TheIronColonel;1696687; said:
I didn't watch the game on TV, but I can say that in person Jack looks like the real deal. Stronebruner had no problems going over the middle and finding holes in the zone (apparently the defense was required to play cover 8 for most of the game). Anyway, I think we'll be hearing the name Jack Stonebruner a lot this year.

If only Hendersonk had signed to help block for him
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I didn't watch the game on TV, but I can say that in person Jack looks like the real deal. Stronebruner had no problems going over the middle and finding holes in the zone (apparently the defense was required to play cover 8 for most of the game). Anyway, I think we'll be hearing the name Jack Stonebruner a lot this year.
If only we could get our TE Jake Stoneburner to play like that guy...
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jwinslow;1692988; said:
I think Jake could've helped catch 10-15 more balls, but I don't think he's a weapon like hartsock who should catch 40 balls (which likely means he was targeted or looked for closer to 50).

You can't be serious. Stoney is taller, faster, and nimbler than Hartsock was. Was Hartsock at WR before playing TE? Didn't think so.

As for being a weapon, a knife is a weapon, as is a pistol and a shotgun. All three have different uses and inflict varying degrees of damage, but all are weapons. Just because a shotgun causes far more damage than a knife does not negate the fact that the knife can still hurt you badly. But for any weapon to cause damage, it has to be unholstered and used. A TE that is used solely for blocking is not a weapon...one that it released downfield, with great hands and the speed and athleticism better than most/all opposing LBs and many DBs, is.
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You can't be serious. Stoney is taller, faster, and nimbler than Hartsock was. Was Hartsock at WR before playing TE? Didn't think so.
I was talking about Ballard.
As for being a weapon, a knife is a weapon, as is a pistol and a shotgun. All three have different uses and inflict varying degrees of damage, but all are weapons. Just because a shotgun causes far more damage than a knife does no negate the fact that the knife can still hurt you badly.
So then a BB gun also counts as a weapon, even if it's not much of a threat? That's my point. Technically it's a weapon, but if it's not very dangerous and the shooter can't use it effectively, is it really much of a weapon? Ballard is not deadly. He's just someone who can catch the football, and we didn't have a QB who could consistently get him the football, as seen by numerous oversights by TP when Jake was wide open.
A TE that is used solely for blocking is not a weapon...one that it released downfield, with great hadns and the speed and athleticism better than most/all opposing LBs and many DBs, is.
Which is what Stonebrooner is, unlike Ballard, which has been my point all along (537)
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