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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

OSUBucks22;1391691; said:
True, but Boyd won't be ready to enroll for a few weeks after surgery... Best bet for him is to be on quarters...

It's outpatient. He is planning to play spring ball. I would not worry about him being ready to enroll because of a out patient procedure. I do not know what is being fixed, but when I was training ALOT I was working out HARD 3 days after my knee scope. The kid is sounding like he will be ready, no reason to think he won't be.
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Folanator;1391779; said:
It's outpatient. He is planning to play spring ball. I would not worry about him being ready to enroll because of a out patient procedure. I do not know what is being fixed, but when I was training ALOT I was working out HARD 3 days after my knee scope. The kid is sounding like he will be ready, no reason to think he won't be.

Point is that he's already behind class-wise at Clemson and would need to enroll post-haste in order to play spring ball and get caught up... Not sure he's going to roll out of surgery and down to SC... I know he'll be ready in plenty of time to enroll here in March and play...
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This thread has exploded with activity the last few days. It appears to me from what I've read is that Oregon is out (mainly distance factor here)

That leaves Clemson and tOSU. He sure seems to like what JT did with Troy's career here and how Troy won the Heisman. He also likes how tOSU showed a willingness to use two QB's in the bowl game and that there is a good chance to win a NC in the next couple of years at tOSU, with an abundance of talent and an established, experienced coaching staff.

At Clemson, there is a much better chance that he would be the main man sooner, if not immediately. Clemson however, while also very talented, is not as bright in the National spotlight as tOSU, and maybe more importantly has a new coaching staff that may take a few years to get settled in. I know a lot of coaches have won NC's in their second or third year at a place, but not normally in their second or third year as a HC. Another possible mark against Clemson is not knowing for sure whether their staff can produce an NFL caliber QB, with whatever system they eventually settle on. Tajh wants to go to the NFL as a QB, not as a KR or WR.

I can surely see why he is torn, and I would not be at all suprised if he doesn't decide to delay his decision. If he does decide tonight, I think down deep, his head will say tOSU, but his heart and family might say Clemson, it will be interesting to see who/what wins out.
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ryan20;1391817; said:
He's trying to give us an idea of what Tajh's recovery period may be like.

Exactly. I hear the ACL repair, he will be a non-factor in '09 anyway so why is there a concern for PT argument, all the time.

Knee surgeries are not what they used to be. Couple of stiches and he will be up and running. No reason to doubt what the kids is saying. He'll be ready to go.
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Point is that he's already behind class-wise at Clemson and would need to enroll post-haste in order to play spring ball and get caught up..

I don't view those as meaningful obstacles. They will get him in late if necessary and provide all the help he needs to catch up. If Clemson loses him this wont be the reason.
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Folanator;1391828; said:
Exactly. I hear the ACL repair, he will be a non-factor in '09 anyway so why is there a concern for PT argument, all the time.

Knee surgeries are not what they used to be. Couple of stiches and he will be up and running. No reason to doubt what the kids is saying. He'll be ready to go.

Question is, does anyone know what kind of ACL surgery they are doing? Outpatient doesn't mean minimal recovery. I know people who've had total ACL repair done outpatient. Anyway, I read that he had a torn ACL. I don't recall reading specific recovery time for his injury though. Any docs out there who know if you can fix a torn ACL and be up and running in a week? Just curious.
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buckeyes_rock;1391845; said:
Question is, does anyone know what kind of ACL surgery they are doing? Outpatient doesn't mean minimal recovery. I know people who've had total ACL repair done outpatient. Anyway, I read that he had a torn ACL. I don't recall reading specific recovery time for his injury though. Any docs out there who know if you can fix a torn ACL and be up and running in a week? Just curious.

I am not an orthopedic doctor, but my daughter had ACL repair with autograft, We did a lot of research before the surgery to be sure this was the best option for her.
The wikipedia website offers info on types of ACL surgery, 2 options mentioned are allograft and autograft. Either requires at least 6 weeks for the graft to attach to the bone. Any exertion prior to this period of healing will compromise the repair and potentially cause the graft to dislocate from the bone. As for full recovery of a torn ACL:

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After four months, more intense activities are possible without risk. After five months, light ball work may commence as the ligament is nearly regenerated. After six months, the reconstructed ACL is generally at full strength ( ligament tissue has fully regrown), and the patient may return to activities involving cutting and twisting if a brace is worn. Recovery varies highly from case to case, and sometimes resumption of stressful activities may take a year or longer.

Based on what is being projected by the Boyd's (ready for Spring practice in March 2009), I am thinking that they either are not having an allograft or autograft ACL reconstruction (possibly another former of arthroscopic repair), or they are misinformed about the expected length of recovery.
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gracelhink;1391874; said:
I am not an orthopedic doctor, but my daughter had ACL repair with autograft, We did a lot of research before the surgery to be sure this was the best option for her.
The wikipedia website offers info on types of ACL surgery, 2 options mentioned are allograft and autograft. Either requires at least 6 weeks for the graft to attach to the bone. Any exertion prior to this period of healing will compromise the repair and potentially cause the graft to dislocate from the bone. As for full recovery of a torn ACL:

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Based on what is being projected by the Boyd's (ready for Spring practice in March 2009), I am thinking that they either are not having an allograft or autograft ACL reconstruction (possibly another former of arthroscopic repair), or they are misinformed about the expected length of recovery.

It's my understanding that it is a partial tear and will not need to be attached as you described. He has been playing with the injury.
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From Clemson board...


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Posted: Today 1:13 PM
Re: Tajh Boyd Update - 1:05 PM - UPDATED
It's been reported by a poster on TOS that Tajh Boyd's family was seen in Dicks Sporting Goods in Newport News, Va. buying Clemson Apparel fwiw.
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Dead serious post. :slappy:
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