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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

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JohnnyCockfight;1392026; said:
Solid source on this one. Dick's in Newport News doesn't carry Clemson apparel.

I was just about to say that. Dick's only carries local teams (at least every Dick's I have been to). Last time I checked Clemson was not in Virginia. Not even in a neighboring state.
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bassbuckeye07;1392051; said:
I kid you not I just called the Newport News Dick's and they do not (like previous posters have said) sell any Clemson gear...... I was advised to go to the website:biggrin:
In related news... I was selling some Buckeye gear on Ebay and Tajh was the winning bidder on all items. Don't know what that means but I am warming up the naners.
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gost8;1392059; said:
In related news... I was selling some Buckeye gear on Ebay and Tajh was the winning bidder on all items. Don't know what that means but I am warming up the naners.

Are you sure that the ebayID wasn't TajhMaHall -- 'Tajh' Boyd, 'Ma'rlon Brown and Marcus 'Hall' -- because we all know that one person's decision is going to effect all of them.
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