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Super Bowl XLIX, Sun 2/1 @ 6:30p ET, NBC

If they used an instance of an actual dead kid, then yeah. I think they just showed a more human side of child-death effects rather than just showing some statistics. It's also not like they showed images of actual accident scenes. Could there have been a more upbeat commercial broadcast in its place? Probably. But if it makes one parent be a little more careful about the potential dangers around their home, then maybe it served it purpose.

That was totally its purpose. To make parents consider the dangers of leaving chemicals in a cupboard at close reach.
They weren't trying to use fear to get parents to buy into their crappy insurance scheme at all.
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Pete stepping up to the plate & saying it was his call + taking the heat/blame for the result of the play. He had his rationale for the call, which may not make the best sense, but he definitely didn't back away from the decision. I give him a lot of credit for taking it like a man.
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Wonder what those pissed at the Nationwide commercial think about this one... :lol:

I think you're missing the point entirely mili. That commercial is silly. The song is upbeat for some reason i can't explain, but it's not trying to sell anything. Its trying to warn people about a dangerous drug. As misguided and corny as the pop hit "addicted and overdosed on heroin" is, it's a public service, or at least it's trying to be. Nationwide is trying to tug on your heartstrings by talking about dead children not because they want to prevent the death, but because they want to profit from your fear and concern for your children.
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Nationwide is trying to tug on your heartstrings by talking about dead children not because they want to prevent the death, but because they want to profit from your fear and concern for your children.
I don't see that...I don't see a sale pitch at all. Like @kujirakira said above, it was to tell parents not to rob your kid's future by being careless. Now, if they said, or even implied, that parents should buy life insurance for their kids because they may die then that would be not only tacky but classless.

As for the heroin commercial, it visually portrayed a teen dying from an overdose, a significantly more direct depiction of a youth's death. Thus my asking what those "offended" by the Nationwide commercial would think about that one.
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Really? I don't follow pro football much at all, so maybe I don't know the whole story. All I know is that he plays a game for a living, he has a degree from Stanford (so I'm guessing he's not a "thug" and he's not stupid), and he likes to talk [Mark May] to other grown men that also play a game for a living. He hasn't beat his wife/gf/life partner, he never got sloshed and ran down and killed a pedestrian, and he's involved in using his money to help folks.

Is there something I'm missing? Not trying to be a dick. I'm honestly asking.

If the reason people hate him is the trash talk, I have a feeling anyone that doesn't like Sherman wouldn't get along with me irl. I talk more [Mark May] about driving a forklift for less than $15/hr than this dude does for making millions at his job :lol:
Look, he might be a swell guy. I don't know. But he plays for the PED-hawks, who I hold in roughly the same regard as scUM, and that makes me totally irrational on the subject. So fuck him forever. I hope he's sobbing in a hotel bed somewhere right now. 8D
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"Just saw a stat on twitter that said Beast Mode had five carries from the 1yd line this year. He scored one TD."

Earlier in this game he was stopped behind the line on third and a yard or two. With 30 seconds, two timeouts and two plays to work with, it only seemed logical to try it first and then pass if it didn't work.
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