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Super Bowl XLIX, Sun 2/1 @ 6:30p ET, NBC

When I saw this I knew for certain I'd prefer to see the Seahawks lose. This guy talks so much [Mark May] on Revis, calls himself the #1CB, and basically dogs anyone that isn't as good as him.
Revis was nothing but classy on the radio interview I heard. Giving Sherman praise, saying he's beyond the "who is #1CB talk". Maybe Dick can learn some humility now. That best CB title means [Mark May].

News Flash, asshole. Its a lot easier to not be beaten when you never move to the other side of the field, you never cover the slot and you're generally shadowing the oppositions #2 or in many cases #3 receiver.

Sherman is a good player but Bennett is their best defensive player. Bennett is solid and you have Thomas as one of the best safeties in the NFL as your backup. His teammates make him look better than he is.

Going back to Revis. That was Baldwin's only catch of the game. Revis shutdown Baldwin the rest of the game. Give me Revis over any corner in the league.
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Sherman is a good player but Bennett is their best defensive player. Bennett is solid and you have Thomas as one of the best safeties in the NFL as your backup. His teammates make him look better than he is.

Going back to Revis. That was Baldwin's only catch of the game. Revis shutdown Baldwin the rest of the game. Give me Revis over any corner in the league.

For me its Revis 1a and Haden 1b. Their ability to play anywhere along the formation plus their willingness to stick their nose in the running game.
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I'm still sitting here in a kind of stunned uneasiness and I hate everyone on that fucking field that didn't play for OSU.

I can't fucking imagine how Seattle fans must be feeling right now (especially the ones who are also Oregon fans)

If they're Seattle and Oregon fans... they're probably Lebron fans too. So... it will only get better/worse 8D
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This clown right here is the biggest piece of [Mark May] of all of them. Very good player, but a pile of [Mark May] as a human being. I hope he's in absolute anguish right now. :lol:
Really? I don't follow pro football much at all, so maybe I don't know the whole story. All I know is that he plays a game for a living, he has a degree from Stanford (so I'm guessing he's not a "thug" and he's not stupid), and he likes to talk shit to other grown men that also play a game for a living. He hasn't beat his wife/gf/life partner, he never got sloshed and ran down and killed a pedestrian, and he's involved in using his money to help folks.

Is there something I'm missing? Not trying to be a dick. I'm honestly asking.

If the reason people hate him is the trash talk, I have a feeling anyone that doesn't like Sherman wouldn't get along with me irl. I talk more shit about driving a forklift for less than $15/hr than this dude does for making millions at his job :lol:
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Anyone saying someone getting upset by a tacky commercial about a child dying to sell insurance should commit suicide, should commit suicide.
I think it's time to change out your tampon. "Tacky" Super Bowl commercials are nothing new. I hear no one complaining about the tacky domestic violence commercials show during football games were everyone (all women except for Christopher Meloni) puts on their phony crying faces.
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I think it's time to chance your tampon. "Tacky" Super Bowl commercial are nothing new. I hear no one complaining about the tacky domestic violence commercials show during football games were everyone (all women except for Christopher Meloni) puts on their phony crying faces.

I'm not freaking out or demanding Nationwide apologise or anything close. I'm also not going full retard and acting like it's not disgusting to use dead children to sell your product during a fucking football game. I'm also not suggesting someone who is legitimately upset by it, whether rational or not, kill themselves for being upset or angry. I was also being just as hyperbolic as you were.
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Wilson is an enigma to me as a player. I think he falls into that "good" category but I'm not ready to brandish him as top-tier until I see him run an offense without Lynch in the backfield.

As a personality, I've come to dislike him.

He's a game manager all the way. Flacco with more athleticism.
I'd still take him over Johnny Bitchdrink in a heartbeat. Love Hoyer's personality and character, but yea... him too.
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He didn't "know" anything, he could no more tell the future than you or I could.

He gets a bad snap, a scramble, a sack and he left points on the board. It was, imo, a bad bet (risk outweighed reward).

The second one was the queen mother of all bad bets

It was breathtaking in its stupidity
I get that. I meant that he knew he had the play he wanted to call, not that he knew it would work. It was a calculated risk. It's okay, though. My wife hates Pete Carroll too and thought he was a moron for it.
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I'm not freaking out or demanding Nationwide apologise or anything close. I'm also not going full retard and acting like it's not disgusting to use dead children to sell your product during a fucking football game. I'm also not suggesting someone who is legitimately upset by it, whether rational or not, kill themselves for being upset or angry. I was also being just as hyperbolic as you were.
If they used an instance of an actual dead kid, then yeah. I think they just showed a more human side of child-death effects rather than just showing some statistics. It's also not like they showed images of actual accident scenes. Could there have been a more upbeat commercial broadcast in its place? Probably. But if it makes one parent be a little more careful about the potential dangers around their home, then maybe it served it purpose.
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