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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Buckeye86;1837547; said:
so you call the division that has won 11 of 19 conference championships the 'light' division? that doesn't seem to reflect very well on the intelligence or perspective of the "we" you are referring to

the bottom of the west is better than the bottom of the east every year.

For most of the years since we split divisions, Florida and Tennessee were two of the best teams in the country. Georgia had a cute little run when Zook was in Florida, but that's it.
Everyone else in the East was anywhere from decent to crap.

The west has always been deeper than the east.
our best team may not have been as good as their best team on any given year, but head to head the west has a winning record vs the east since the split in '92.
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The Big 10 with three teams with one loss looks great, except two of those teams didn't play each other. We played every ranked team in the SEC, Bama played every ranked team in the SEC, Auburn played every ranked team in the SEC. LSU and Mississippi St didn't have to play South Carolina but otherwise played the other ranked teams in the conference.

When you have a division where virtually every loss is to another member of the division, the other division will have a LOT of losses...simply a numbers game. Florida sucks this year, Georgia isn't any better, Tennessee is rebuilding and will be decent in a few years, and South Carolina is very much Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. The west is substantially stronger and more balanced.
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So. Mississippi State has played four ranked teams and lost to all four. Yet they are ranked because they feasted on the likes of Memphis, Alcorn State, UAB and Houston OOC. Then they get the complimentary 3 wins against the SEC East and bottom dwellar Mississippi and magically they're 8-4 and ranked. Ok.

The five ranked teams in the West went 20-0 OOC and 15-1 against the East. So all are bowl eligible without playing each other once. Go 3-2 in the division and magically you're 10-2 and ranked in the top 10 (LSU).

Here's my beef. Ohio State's schedule looked great on paper going into the season. Unfortunately some touted opponents laid some eggs during the season. But a team like Mississippi State gets ranked and touted because they play in the god-durned SEC despite the fact that they really don't have a resume against quality opponents. It will be interesting to see how the west teams do in the bowl season. I'm not sold on them yet.
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I actually agree about Mississippi St. Their claim to fame is that they didn't lose to a bad team...but they certainly didn't BEAT a good team either. The ultimate source of this problem is that the voters in the polls put WAY too much trust in Florida and so when Ms St beat them, it got them up there...then they were entrenched and it is hard to drop out of the top 25 when you lose a close game to a top 15 team...which they did four times. Honestly, they shouldn't be ranked. All of their fans thought they were going to get screwed and placed in the Music City Bowl, but it didn't really happen. It wouldn't have been all that unfair if it DID happen though.

I guess our only argument is that we beat Texas A&M, who ultimately went on to have a good season beating OU and Nebraska. We also held our own against West opponents. Also, the East may have been down...but to assume they were a complimentary win may be a bit of an exaggeration, ask Bama about that.

On the other hand, you say that OSU gets bashed but Ms St gets lauded...but they are playing in the Gator Bowl against a 7-5 team from the frozen rust tundra and you guys are playing in the Sugar Bowl against a 10-2 team. I would say you did OK. If you guys had made a few more plays against Wisconsin and we had done the same against the two schools from Alabama, we might be playing in an even better situation. Of course, if wishes were horses...

The good news is we will know before we play if the West really was just full of hot air since all but Auburn will have played and two of the games are against Big 10 teams.
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TS10HTW;1837904; said:
The only SEC west team I care about being decent is Arkansas and by all accounts they seem to be a very good football team. I anticipate this to be one of the best, if not THE best bowl game of the season.


I look at the other bowls games as BLAH. Is that tOSU bias, maybe. But TCU wisky = garbage. Whoever is going to beat Uconn. Msu losing.

Last year in the Rose Bowl, was the first step to getting the monkey off our back, now get JUST BEAT THIS SEC TEAM!!!
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Tonyank;1837908; said:
Last year in the Rose Bowl, was the first step to getting the monkey off our back, now get JUST BEAT THIS SEC TEAM!!!

I'm really beginning to doubt that the monkey comes off until we beat an SEC team for the title.

I can already envision the excuses and downplaying when the Buckeyes come out of New Orleans with a win.
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SloopyHangOn;1837910; said:
I'm really beginning to doubt that the monkey comes off until we beat an SEC team for the title.

I can already envision the excuses and downplaying when the Buckeyes come out of New Orleans with a win.

you're right, it might not come off, but it will help. That stretch of losing bowl games was TUFF.
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SloopyHangOn;1837910; said:
I'm really beginning to doubt that the monkey comes off until we beat an SEC team for the title.

The monkey becomes a parrot if we simply beat Arky. If we happen to beat them handily, their is no animal of any kind on our shoulder anymore.
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Bill Lucas;1837883; said:
The five ranked teams in the West went 20-0 OOC and 15-1 against the East. So all are bowl eligible without playing each other once. Go 3-2 in the division and magically you're 10-2 and ranked in the top 10 (LSU).

Here's my beef. Ohio State's schedule looked great on paper going into the season. Unfortunately some touted opponents laid some eggs during the season.

our schedule looked great before the season too.
UNC looked to be pretty damn good before they kicked the entire defense off the team.
W. Virginia was supposed to be a quality team as well (at least ranked).
Florida wasn't supposed to lose 5 games.

that's 3 teams that should have been in the top 20. None of them ended the season that way.
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As a hog fan I have to say I'm a bit uneasy with the overconfidence I've been reading on both boards from the razors. Most are young and I suppose I can't fault them that much. I've been waiting for years for us to be in the mix again so I'm cautious with our first time on the big stage in a while. You guys know your stats and make very good arguments with possible outcomes and what to expect during this game. The game looks too close to call to me but we all know anything can happen. Got much respect for tOSU and I'm glad we finally get to play each other.
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percieve;1837953; said:
As a hog fan I have to say I'm a bit uneasy with the overconfidence I've been reading on both boards from the razors. Most are young and I suppose I can't fault them that much. I've been waiting for years for us to be in the mix again so I'm cautious with our first time on the big stage in a while. You guys know your stats and make very good arguments with possible outcomes and what to expect during this game. The game looks too close to call to me but we all know anything can happen. Got much respect for tOSU and I'm glad we finally get to play each other.

Yea I don't see how either side should be overconfident. This has to be a nightmare of a game to put money on.
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