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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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CastyourMallet;1836826; said:
I've honestly never seen fans as well versed and adept with stats. I think maybe that's a function of constantly trying to prove you belong with with the Gators, Tide, or Tigers. But 0 for 9 is the one that trips you up. Sorry, but those weren't all against National Champions. Has any other school lost 9 to a single conference in bowl games? I know you can rattle that answer off immediately. Ah yes. Call it class-less. But oh yes the Super Dome will resound with chants of SEC. SEC. SEC. Now kick me out and pretend it's for civility and decorum, when you know you have no answer save the same threadbare excuses. WPS.
And by the way, we'll win another NC in basketball before you win one. See you in the Thunderdome.

Who you asking to Sadie Hawkins? Dude - I bet you could feel her up if you got her drunk on peppermint schnapps!! Check your dad's liquor cabinet!!!!! :banger:
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CastyourMallet;1836826; said:
I've honestly never seen fans as well versed and adept with stats. I think maybe that's a function of constantly trying to prove you belong with with the Gators, Tide, or Tigers. But 0 for 9 is the one that trips you up. Sorry, but those weren't all against National Champions. Has any other school lost 9 to a single conference in bowl games? I know you can rattle that answer off immediately. Ah yes. Call it class-less. But oh yes the Super Dome will resound with chants of SEC. SEC. SEC. Now kick me out and pretend it's for civility and decorum, when you know you have no answer save the same threadbare excuses. WPS.
And by the way, we'll win another NC in basketball before you win one. See you in the Thunderdome.

Seriously, Ma'am, you need to leave the football talk to the men. You're embarrassing yourself and making the Razorbacks look bad.
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Gatorubet;1836867; said:
Or if they win and do come back smackin', they'll be banned. :lol:

If they talk pure smack, your damn right they'll be banned. Same would've happened to you after the 2006 NC game...unfortunately for us, you were samrt enough to not talk shit (well, not much anyway).
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Really interesting article by our friends over at the OZone about signing trends in the Big Ten compared to the SEC.

I'm curious what our Hog friends think of this trend. Are there recruits that are "pushed out"? I know there are in other programs, just curious if it happens at Arkansas. There's a huge discrepancy in signing that would seem to suggest it, but I wonder if you're aware of specific cases that could illuminate the subject more clearly than a "statistic" would. How does that reflect on these programs, particularly when you're in a living room trying to convince a kid's parents that you truly have his best interests at heart?
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buckeye78;1836886; said:

Really interesting article by our friends over at the OZone about signing trends in the Big Ten compared to the SEC.

I'm curious what our Hog friends think of this trend. Are there recruits that are "pushed out"? I know there are in other programs, just curious if it happens at Arkansas. There's a huge discrepancy in signing that would seem to suggest it, but I wonder if you're aware of specific cases that could illuminate the subject more clearly than a "statistic" would. How does that reflect on these programs, particularly when you're in a living room trying to convince a kid's parents that you truly have his best interests at heart?

I won't put words in the mouth of hog fans, but I can assure you the LSU, Alabama, and Auburn fans around me (I live in Alabama) could care less. They think it's as weak of an excuse as academics. It sounds like whining to them. If you meet the grade, and are not breaking the rules, play on.
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For our Arkansas visitors, a bit of background may help explain the Wisconsin outcome. Ohio State' secondary took a few serious hits in early games with injuries to key players. Both the O-line and D-line had people injured and Pryor also had a thigh injury. So, in the game that Ohio State needed to be healthy, injuries had removed several starters and limited the performance of several others.

Wisky is big and imposed themselves very quickly to run up a lead that would not be overcome. Give them their due, they are a very physical and talented opponent. Still, I and many others here believe that a healthier Ohio State would beat them today by 10-14 points, or more.
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TS10HTW;1836909; said:
I hope he does find it boring...a real boring 17-6 Buckeye victory would do just fine. :biggrin:

Since that Mallett douche seems to be in love with yardage stats and claims the Big 10 is boring.....

The SEC had 2 teams in the Top 25 in Total Offense

2 Auburn 6,470 yards
11 Arkansas 5,871yards

The Big Ten had 3 teams in the Top 25 in Total Offense
9 Michigan 6,011
19 Wisky 5,402
21 OSU 5,386

Me personally, I'm more of a points guy

4 Wisky 43.3 pts per game
6 Auburn 43.2 pts per game
10 OSU 39.4 pts per game
16 Arkansas 37.3 pts per game
22 Michigan 34.2 pts per game
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Sportsbuck28;1836872; said:
There's a pretty decent amount of Arkansas fans here contributing great discussions, and looking like a good group of posters.

Then you have that dumbass who just got internet access in his trailer.
I wonder if he is related to Neeko. Maybe a brother and uncle at the same time. I'm just saying. :tic:
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