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Sugar Bowl: #3 Ohio State 49, #2 Clemson 28, Jan 1 in New Orleans

Buckeyes are gonna smack these idiots.
I just watched some of their games......

1. They aren't as good on the DL
2. Their secondary is garbage (particularly Safety)
3. Their OL is not as good.

Gosh the more I watch... the more confident I am.

We have an advantage on the LOS and the Clemson secondary can't match up.

To me It boils down to will we stick with the game plan? Will we maintain our LOS advantage. Will we take our shots on short down situations? Will Justin run the ball?

I can't wait to watch this game.
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I just watched some of their games......

1. They aren't as good on the DL
2. Their secondary is garbage (particularly Safety)
3. Their OL is not as good.

Gosh the more I watch... the more confident I am.

We have an advantage on the LOS and the Clemson secondary can't match up.

To me It boils down to will we stick with the game plan? Will we maintain our LOS advantage. Will we take our shots on short down situations? Will Justin run the ball?

I can't wait to watch this game.
Whatever you are on, I would like some!
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I just watched some of their games......

1. They aren't as good on the DL
2. Their secondary is garbage (particularly Safety)
3. Their OL is not as good.

Gosh the more I watch... the more confident I am.

We have an advantage on the LOS and the Clemson secondary can't match up.

To me It boils down to will we stick with the game plan? Will we maintain our LOS advantage. Will we take our shots on short down situations? Will Justin run the ball?

I can't wait to watch this game.
It boils down to how well Fields handles pressure as Clemson blitzes the hell out of him.

Edit: also, I agree with all three of your notes. I feel like the zone blitzes are designed to disguise some weaknesses in personnel. They have two true freshman starting on the DL and a walk-in at safety.

If we can execute I think we can get things rolling, again, just a matter of how we deal with that blitz.
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And the coaching staff needs to dial up some fast slants and screen passes to defeat those blitzes.
Yeah, Fields hasn’t been great under pressure or against zone defenses, and Clemson does nothing but disguise zone blitzes to confuse QBs.

That is concerning.

The game plan (whatever they come up with to deal with that, I hope not too much stuff in the flats since that doesn’t seem to really work against zone, perhaps some *gasp* TE over the middle stuff... but whatever, just something to counter what we know is coming) and how well Fields executes it will be the story of the game.

I think Ohio State can slow down Clemson on O enough to win as long as the offense doesn’t lay an egg.
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Early in the game is like to see Fields be decisive when his top two WRs aren't open and run the ball. Don't just try to keep the play alive, tuck it and get 5+ yards similar to what Cardale Jones was able to do. Get in the DBs heads that you are going to be taking off often...hopefully that opens things down field later in the game. Fields doesn't have to run often, but get in their heads early that this is going to happen all game.
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Early in the game is like to see Fields be decisive when his top two WRs aren't open and run the ball. Don't just try to keep the play alive, tuck it and get 5+ yards similar to what Cardale Jones was able to do. Get in the DBs heads that you are going to be taking off often...hopefully that opens things down field later in the game. Fields doesn't have to run often, but get in their heads early that this is going to happen all game.
In order to get in their heads we need to run Justin.

If #1 doesn't have his first 2 reads open he needs to run and get what he can.

If #1 hangs onto the ball and takes 4+sacks we are DOA.
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Early in the game is like to see Fields be decisive when his top two WRs aren't open and run the ball. Don't just try to keep the play alive, tuck it and get 5+ yards similar to what Cardale Jones was able to do. Get in the DBs heads that you are going to be taking off often...hopefully that opens things down field later in the game. Fields doesn't have to run often, but get in their heads early that this is going to happen all game.
100% agree on this!
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Naturally we're gonna play pissed off and win the Natty, Buckeyes cant win it all with our best teams. Gotta be the underdogs.

I was joking about this with my dad but it's very true. '69, '73, '75 - '95-'98, '05, '06, '15, '19 all standout as teams of the year (and several teams of the decade). Yet it seems OSU only wins NCs as underdogs.

This year is different due to little time to come together, but I'm hoping they can tap into that anger, motivation, and a crushing ground game.
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I went to the 2010 Rose Bowl when tOSU was a (significant?) under dog to a “high powered” Oregon squad and Tress absolutely owned the TOP which I believe was a Rose Bowl record. It was a brilliant game plan.

Today’s game in general is different and this team is built different for sure. But the point remains that this match up puts teams with somewhat equal talent on the field and a good scheme and proper execution will make all the difference.

I think we can win on both sides of the trenches and I hope we see a very physical but smart game. Again, I know we are in the era of high scoring teams, but I think we win a slug fest more than a boxing match.
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Fuck Dabo. Fuck Clemson. Fuck Clemson's Roid Guy. Fuck that stupid motherfucking rock that those stupid motherfuckers rub before their stupid motherfucking games. Fuck Charlie Baumann because he motherfucking deserved that motherfucking coldcock for taunting a motherfucking living legend.

Props and respect, however, to former Ag Dean at Thee Ohio State University Max Lennon. Lennon left Thee Ohio State University to take over the Presidency of that god forsaken fucktard "college" and promptly fired lifelong cheater Danny Ford sending said god forsaken fucktard "college" into a quarter century of wandering the college football desert.
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Fuck Dabo. Fuck Clemson. Fuck Clemson's Roid Guy. Fuck that stupid motherfucking rock that those stupid motherfuckers rub before their stupid motherfucking games. Fuck Charlie Baumann because he motherfucking deserved that motherfucking coldcock for taunting a motherfucking living legend.

Props and respect, however, to former Ag Dean at Thee Ohio State University Max Lennon. Lennon left Thee Ohio State University to take over the Presidency of that god forsaken fucktard "college" and promptly fired lifelong cheater Danny Ford sending said god forsaken fucktard "college" into a quarter century of wandering the college football desert.
Which one?
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