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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

OCBucksFan;1172026; said:
I think that'll do it for tonight, over to the Celtics game.

It's probably good that you turned it, because you'd be super pissed at the opportunity that the Wings just had and didn't score on. Detroit has actually picked it up a lot here. It's getting reeeaally physical too.
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3074326;1172029; said:
It's probably good that you turned it, because you'd be super pissed at the opportunity that the Wings just had and didn't score on. Detroit has actually picked it up a lot here. It's getting reeeaally physical too.

Heh, you are strangely confused, I am not a Red Wings fan, in fact, I like scratching my balls and sniffing my fingers afterwards more than I like the Wings. I am a Ducks fan :) I, much like most fans of NHL, love Hockey. And the Celtics game sucks, so back to the the Hockey Game.
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