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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

Crosby just made an amazing chance on that PP. Did that hit off the post?

I'd even like to hear more about players on the same team. I think Fleury, Malkin, and Staal each deserve more attention. I think the Malkin language barrier hurt his ability to communicate with the media. Plus, Canada doesn't want to hear about Malkin or Ovechkin, unless they, of course, played for Montreal. :tongue2:
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CROSBY! CROSBY! CROSBY! The only difference between Games 1 and 2 and Game 3 for Sidney Crosby (Not the rest of the team, of course) is that those are going in.

And, right out of a Holitzer? Good description. I'd like it if Malkin could shoot like Patrict Stewart, and Osgood would get hit by the puck like the little kid.
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