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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

jimotis4heisman;1171253; said:
do you want a full response?
Just the link saying East Coast teams don't want to go West. Thanks. Of course, if you wish to indulge yourself, that is fine too. I'm sure you will have a good response to type up after tomorrow night's affair anyway. Might as well save the finger strength.
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dont have a link. im just tellling you. believe me or not thats up to you. in much the same way i cant prove to you via an internet link that both clubs were talked to about "keeping in clean and continue to battle" stated bluntly that if a player appears to be targeting an opponent's head, the penalty will come. ill tell you this that both teams got the warning about running goalies. do i think maf got run by #96, no. do i think osgood got run, no. but the warning was out there and not heeded. its that simple.

do you think well see something similar round one for the pens that we saw between the baby sens adn baby pens? the spezza lead boys from binghamton beat down the swb pens in the first two games and maf was yanked for chiodo, talbot and whitney led the pens past the sens after that move. not that im in favor of yanking maf for conks, but a hard shake maybe what it takes. michel made that move, i know he has the guts and hes the type of guy to do something odd to strike a chord and get some jump from his boys.

Are you seriously bringing conference allegiance into this? That's a college sports thing.
which conference do you think my real favorite team is from?
The East can't deal with how physical the West is? Jeez, that sounds about as right as "The Big Ten cannot deal with the SEC speed", or anything to that degree. It's about who the better team is, not what the better conference is. The Penguins were 8-1-1 against the West this year. They just didn't play the Central (Or, more specifically, Detroit).
no, if the pens were up 2-0 wed hear that arguement.
its just the way it is the west is a more plugged up game. do you follow jrs? its much the same way the q is vs the whl. just a reality the neutral ice in the west isnt as free its not as free wheeling of a game. its the same way. the reality is some of it has to do with travel schedules you just dont have jump if you have to go from a central city to a back to back in dallas and san jose. its a lot easier for these teams to compete with the style.
-Anaheim on the way home from the london trip
-Calgary SO W
-Vancouver SO W
-Edmonton (Nothing worth bragging about)
-Phoenix (Nothing worth bragging about)
-LA Kings (Nothing worth bragging about)
And they only lost to Colorado one night off after the wild game L and San Jose. San Jose was a SO loss. Colorado was at Colorado.
going out west for a two game stretch isnt the same was what the western teams have. its just the way it is. when teh pens are bouncing around the atlanatic and northeast on amtrak western teams are logging tens of thousands of miles on single roadies.
Whilst I do agree the East should play the West more (Because I like seeing everyone play everyone), conference has nothing to do with it. Talent, experience, and execution do.
disagree and agree
ill make ths point again its like the spartans in basketball. thats how western teams are. like the panthers or msu in basketball they are going to hit bump, hang and grind you. you cant call everything. the east is more of an open game similar to waht you might typically see in like duke or unc.
The fact that the Penguins are being outshot and that the Red Wings are playing at a fast pace is what is killing them. Hits has absolutely nothing to do with it. The Penguins are outhitting Detroit 64-60. They outhit them in last night's contest 39-29. They are getting used to that.
the fact that the pens cant get anything resembling a forecheck going is why they are generating no offense. no forecheck means the wings are slinging the puck around the zone and creating even more space generating more odd man rushes and resulting in the puck poession which is causing the pens to chase. mounting a forecheck on detroit is hard. mounting a forecheck in the joe is harder. those boards are far and away the most lively in hockey.

hitting-what has the hitting been in the 1st period. the game stats are skewed by the pens running around after the game has been decided and banging. it was a 2-1 margin in the 1st game till the wings went up 2-0. then the wings shut er down and played hold the puck and make pitt chase.

Detroit is just reading the offense that the Pens are throwing out really well. They are reacting fast. They are eating up everything the Pens try and do. And they are very, very good at boxing the net. Luckily the refs are taking care of the penalties that go on behind the goal (You know, the high sticking ones?).
thats like saying the qb is picking apart the defense. at this level if you dont pressure people they will pick you apart. just the reality. time, space and speed kill. the blueliners of detroit are as skilled as anyone.

lidstrom might be the best postional player in the league. that trickles down. datsyuk and zetterberg as a good as forechecking, backcheing and defensive players in theh league. theyd be up their as the best 2way players in the league if they werent flat out ooober offensive skilled. those two are as good as top line as you can get. period. that being said they are not physical. but datsyuk has been one of the more physical players in the series. id beat on those two.

the officials have missed calls both ways and let them go both ways. thats the way it is. calls have been missed both ways.
There is just a huge possibility that Detroit is that much better than everyone else. The league is filled with parity throughout the rest of it. Maybe Detroit is just that good. They are just better at reacting than the Penguins are at acting.
maybe, the wings rolled through the east if you want to use that as a measureing stick at 7-2-1. i dont. 10 games dont make a season. not when they are played a couple games at a time. detroit played very well vs the nw and pac div but looked human vs the central. lets not kid ourselves the wings had 54 wins, they had 115 pts. all very very very impressive.

like i said time, space and speed are killers.

the stars took the wings to 6
aves in 4
preds in 6
Sid's game doesn't involve hitting as much as it involves pressure. And, you are right. He should be on the PK. But, he has been playing well. He is making some things happen that no one else is (Except for Staal).
sid doesnt have to turn into the boogeyman, he does need to find a lil more physicality in his game.

By the way, Therrien is right about one thing: The Penguins never go out to the goalie. We don't do that, period. Malone doesn't do that, period. We are better than that. I don't know what happened, but my guess is that it was either an accident or a misunderstanding. I can't believe Malone would intentionally do that.
i said it was garden variety stuff. as i mentioned above both teams got stern warnings. no doubt ozzie flopped. but he was hit. nothing to see and really nothing to discuss here. he might have been run but i agree the pens didnt run the goalie.

And, the word you were looking for was trapping. It's in the game. Jacques Lemaire did a great job with it. It's a fine system.
the system well outdate lemaire or the 1990s devils. it goes back to the 1960 leafs.
Obstruction is different than trapping. Obstruction is hitting someone who doesn't have the puck. Obstruction is illegal. Trapping is not.
correct but you cant call it everytime, thats the way it works. its the same for every sport, you dont see izzos team get 1235236895623 fouls called on them for that reason.

Trapping is simple:
- Team A has the puck in its own zone and is starting an attack.
- Team B - the trapping team - retreats to the neutral zone (between the bluelines).
- When the Team A puck-carrier crosses his own blueline, he sees a lot of wrong-colored jerseys, little room to maneuver and not many options for a safe pass.
- He ices the puck, tries to force a high-risk pass, or turns it over by trying to skate through too many bodies.
- If they retrieve the puck and see an opportunity, Team B gets a decent scoring chance going back the other way. What's more likely is that they throw the puck down the ice and line up in their trapping formation again.
- Repeat as necessary.
yes and no generically speaking. my comment was dripping with sarcasm.
I do not see anything in there that says "Make sure that Team B hits people that don't have the puck."
true but thats how it is. see the izzo comments.

also it should be noted that during the regular season the officials work out of what ill call pods. ever wonder why you tend to see a lot of the same guys? thats the reason. they dont match up with divisions but thats why you see this style of play differential that i mention.

Show me a link where it says that the Eastern teams don't want a balanced schedule. Maybe that is the Canadian teams or something.
do you think any league official is dumb enough to go on the record? you realize that the nhl is a good ol boys club that makes augusta national look tame...

I still stand by my belief that the Red Wings are playing great hockey, and the Pens are still having issues keeping up with the Wings. Plus, Malkin's head is not in the game. One shot in two games. One shot! He has stated he is tired. I believe it. Maybe it is shifts, maybe it is season length.
true but malkin is not the sole reason the the pens havent scored one goal. he played like a horse all year and they rode that. sid has yet to generate any real chances. lesson in good ol boy stuff. malkins russian. russians are bad. no way it could be the teams fault or the cute lil face thats the savior from NS that he hasnt scored. nope, gotta blame the russian. the pens havent generated anything. i blame the forecheck.

trust me no one wants a 6 or 7 game series more than me, not just cuz i have tickets to games 1,3,5,6,7
im off to mellon here in a bit. enjoy the game
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Pens looking vastly outmatched so far in this series, i attributed the 1st game to jitters/young team. 2nd game, Detroit may be just that good. Unless the Pens step up their game a couple notches this series will be over early :( Not sure I buy the west is THAT much better than the East, but you can't really argue with the results so far. If the Pens win tonight this might just turn into a good series, if not. Series will not go past game 5 (if it gets there )
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The only thing I can really disagree on, jimotis4heisman, is the fact that I'm only bashing Malkin because Malkin is Russian. That seems a bit unfair. I'm not the Canadian media. I'm a Pittsburgh sports fan. And, when I see someone playing without their all 24/7 (One sentence: Barry Bonds can't throw out Sid Bream), I get really upset. But, then again, he could just be tired. He said so himself.

It's not a race thing. I have nothing negative to say of Gonchar (28 minutes of ice time, jeez), and Malkin has been playing stellar all season. Sid got 6 shots on goal and was 12-9 in faceoffs last game. Malkin was 4-10 on faceoffs and had 1 shot last game.

New news: Letang out, Sydor in. Letang has been making a lot of mistakes, and asking a rookie defenseman to play in the finals is a lot. But, it is risky. Thoughts?
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daveeb;1171493; said:

1) Score a goal.
2) The Wings' NZ play reminds me alot of the Devils when they were winning Cups.
3) I'm not sure how a 21 year old Malkin can be tires when half of Detroits players are in their 30's and flying around the ice like they have jets on their skates.
4) I'm happy with their pk, hitting and faceoffs.
5) Not happy with MAF's play. To win the Cup, you need to make big saves. He should have been able to stop 5 of the 7 Detroit goals in the series. On the flip side, he should still be able to give up a goal, with his team still being in the game. MT needs to figure out how to beat the trap. The shots they are getting are weak.

6) I thought the series would go the way it has so far. Not that they wouldn't score, but that the Wings' experience would be too much to handle for the young guys, hence my vbets all being on Detroit.

They cannot give up the first goal tonight if they expect to win.

Go Pens!!
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The Wings need to come out fast and sharp and continue to make the pressure be on the Penguins.

Ozzy is playing great but he hasn't exactly had to sweat too many hard saves....keep it that way.

Cleary Franzen Sammy line could be huge tonight if they are on the same line again.....
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Think of it this way (although it doesn't quite match up as the Wings have much more offensive skill)....

The Penguins are the NHL's version of the Phoenix Suns.

The Wings seem to be the NHL's version of the Spurs.

It's not exactly correct, but the styles are a complete 180 from each other. The reason this doesn't quite work is because even if Detroit didn't have the D they've been playing, they have similar offensive skill to the Pens. in the Phoenix-San Antonio comparison this isn't quite true.
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Keep in mind that the Pens had the best defense before the finals. They have more defense than you're giving them credit. The Wings' offense is just better, and the Wings' defense is executing exactly what they need to do to shut down the Pens.

I think it's more experience than skill. Both teams are loaded with talent. The Pens just haven't been able to make the proper adjustments. They did a few things differently in game two that made things a little more interesting, but they still didn't get the job done.

(I do understand your comparison, though. I just think the Pens' defense is much better than no defense at all, which explains the Suns :biggrin:)
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Sid is just playing so well right now. He is always really fun. And, frankly, that Rafalski penalty didn't look like a penalty. Looked more like a regular Malkin fall over. But, I'll take it.

PS: Malkin is playing better this game.
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