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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh scores and NBC creams itself....imagine that :roll1:

Seriously though, the first 12 minutes of the period was Detroit's. Then they started doing what they do when they lose, namely, playing the pucks along the walls, not passing as crisply and trying to be too fine when they do get shots.

and 307, Pittsburgh has defense and they wouldn't be here if they didn't, but the only defenseman that would even play for the Wings is probably Gonchar with Gill and maybe Orpik subbing in with Cheli and Lilja from time to time. Lids, Rafalski, Stuart, Kronwall and Lebda (when he's healthy) aren't going anywhere....
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Good first period for the Pens, will be interesting to see if they can keep up that energy throughout the game. The Wings have a lot of experience on their end, but the Pens have gotten over the first hurdle, being able to actually score.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1171900; said:
Zook and the illini in 5
Which Illini team? The all time team in all sports? Even then, still taking Woody and the Buckeyes in 4.

I'm glad to see the Pens playing with so much energy.

And, BuckeyeMike, Gonchar could play on the Red Wings team. But, I do agree that there is little defense depth on the Pens, and depth everywhere for the Wings.
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3074326;1171915; said:
I didn't say that he hasn't been.

Hossa's would've more than likely directly resulted in a goal without that hook, so I'm rather unhappy about it.

Late in the first there was a loose puck in the slot and Holmstrom was essentially hooked to the ice by I think Orpik, but I didn't catch the number clearly.

If he isn't being hooked to the ice, he's on that puck and likely shooting it.

Just saying it could have been a goal as well. And don't get me started on the Power Plays Detroit had, it could have been 5 on 3 a couple different times but they are letting them play and being consistent about it.
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BuckeyeMike80;1171909; said:
And Holmstrom has been hit, hooked and slashed all with no calls so far......


No one, other than Wings fans, want to see a 4 game series where the other team doesn't score. If every penalty was called these games would be played 3 players to 4 the entire game. Shit happens, such is sports.
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Yeah, Holmstrom was roughed a lot in that period. That is easy to admit.

By the way, I do agree that the Red Wings players have been getting little attention. Give some attention to Zetterburg. He's sensational. Backbone of two of my fantasy teams.
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OCBucksFan;1171919; said:

No one, other than Wings fans, want to see a 4 game series where the other team doesn't score. If every penalty was called these games would be played 3 players to 4 the entire game. Shit happens, such is sports.

I know.

but if he's going to whine about Hossa, Holmstrom has a legit complaint.

But neither one was called and I can handle that. consistency is a lot to ask from an NHL official....
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BuckeyeMike80;1171925; said:
I know.

but if he's going to whine about Hossa, Holmstrom has a legit complaint.

But neither one was called and I can handle that. consistency is a lot to ask from an NHL official....

Well, it's a lot to ask any official of any sport. The thing is people miss stuff, refs turn to look, all this shit happens. Hockey is one sport that's fast paced, it goes and doesn't have a lot of breaks, so you take the good with the bad. I will take the constant action and deal with the bad or missed calls over the other side of that coin any day.
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BuckeyeMike80;1171925; said:
I know.

but if he's going to whine about Hossa, Holmstrom has a legit complaint.

But neither one was called and I can handle that. consistency is a lot to ask from an NHL official....

I wouldn't have said anything if there wasn't an open net staring at Hossa. I'm sure something big will be missed that will favor the Pens. So I'll just stop now. Haha

Oh well. Shit does happen, indeed. I'm content with our one goal. :tongue2:
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