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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

OCBucksFan;1172031; said:
Heh, you are strangely confused, I am not a Red Wings fan, in fact, I like scratching my balls and sniffing my fingers afterwards more than I like the Wings. I am a Ducks fan :) I, much like most fans of NHL, love Hockey. And the Celtics game sucks, so back to the the Hockey Game.

Haha, sorry then. Thought you were a Wings fan for some reason. :tongue2:
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Gill should have many more penalty minutes than he has right now.. hopefully he ends his shenanigans now..

EDIT: The current line for Detroit is my vote for best in the NHL.. Lidstrom/Rafalski, Zetterberg/Datsyuk/Franzen.
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The nerves I had for the last five minutes of that game (especially during the final PP) rivaled the nerves I had for last year's national championship game..

Great game. One of the most exciting I've seen in the playoffs this year. :)
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Yeah, that was a great game, will be interesting to see if the Pens can tie it up at 2 a piece. I have no doubt that Crosby will have his name on that Cup, but I'll be honest, I don't think it's going to happen this year.
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That Power Play was a good way to wrap up the entire night. Detroit couldn't get it set up and didn't come close to playing it their way. Part of that is Pittsburgh, but part of it is Detroit just being a bit off all night long.

that last part was the same thing....they couldn't get Osgood off the ice to save their lives.

Like I said Detroit does this from time to time. They get too fine on the offensive end (how many shots went way high tonight?) and when their passing isn't as crisp (at the beginning it was horrible and as the ice got worse and worse the passes got even worse) well this type of result happens....if Osgood isn't on his game that's a 5-2 game instead of 3-2 easily....

Detroit easily played their worst game of the playoffs tonight. It wasn't just the passing, it was how they let Pittsburgh control the tempo all night long after the first pittsburgh goal. Look at the face-off stats and I guarantee you that if it isn't 50/50 that's because Pittsburgh won that battle outright. That's how you beat Detroit, win the faceoffs at a >50% clip....
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It wasn't easy but the Pens got the win they needed to stay in the series. Still an uphill battle against the experienced Wings but tonight's win makes game four very interesting.

Heart always says Pens, head still says Wings, but I enjoyed seeing the boys step up tonight. :)
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