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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

3074326;1173957; said:
So I get home, turn on NBC, and see one of my favorite players of all time talking. :biggrin:

Looks like I've missed a close game. Has anyone controlled the play, or is it fairly even?

I'm a Pens fan, but I have to say I think Detroit has had a little more of the play. Pens hanging in though, and if they can get an early goal in the third they just might get back in this series.

Let's go Pens!
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Jake;1173963; said:
I'm a Pens fan, but I have to say I think Detroit has had a little more of the play. Pens hanging in though, and if they can get an early goal in the third they just might get back in this series.

Let's go Pens!

That's what I gathered from the intermission analysis. Looked like the Pens have done a decent job of keeping Detroit from getting quality shots on goal, judging by the graphic they showed.

Here we go.
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