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Stanley Cup Final: Detroit vs. Pittsburgh

Faceoffs were 28/27 Detroit. Hits were 34/31 Detroit. Shots were 34/24 Detroit. PIM were 6/10 Detroit (They had less). Giveaways were 5/10 Detroit (They had less). Takeaways were 4/2 Pittsburgh.

It was just that Pittsburgh made more of their opportunities than Detroit did.
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I miss one game and we lose? Hmph... no more soccer games on hockey night. From the highlights and the comments here, it sounds like I missed one hell of a game, though.

Oh well... assuming the Wings can win the next game in Pittsburgh, we can just win the cup at home on Game 5. :) (hopefully)
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This is what I expected the series to be, good back and forth action all game long. Big hits on both sides. Crosby played his best game of the playoffs. I would comment on other players but I'm not sure who else played thanks to NBC :wink:

Holmstrom never came back after he was "helped" into the net by Gill. (yes I know there should have been a penalty) So I wonder if he will be ready to go come Sat. Hopefully the Pens can carry this momentum into Saturday's game
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much better game. very enjoyable to watch.

first and foremost on the pens side

the plans played harder, faster and with more jump. they played more aggresive. you have to play on the edge against detriot. smart, hard and fast. if you lack one of those, you lose. the end. maf played well and sid played well. the pens were able to establish their forecheck becuase they were more patient. they dumped it in smartly, making the easy play rather than forcing low percentage passes. the pens also back checked much better than they had in the series. the softer dasher of the igloooooo also helps, heck any dasher not at the joe helps! the second change i also think greatly helped the pens. the wings best two offensive forwards are also the best and most responsible players on their own end of the ice. this has given the pens top line easier sledding offensively and less defencive responisbility.

the wings

hopefully holmstrom is ok. telling to me that you didnt see him at all after the incident and not even on the pp. after the first 12 mins the wings lost control they got out of their game. the wings have to play their game, it was a great game but the pens to their credit pressured the wings in their for a bit and got the wings out of their comfort zone, it is important to pressure, hit and play on the cusp agains the wings. the pens did that.
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jimotis4heisman;1172996; said:
tv ratings for game 3

4.1% of tvs in columbus were tuned into the hockey game
7% of tvs that were on were watchig the hockey game.

columbus had the 4th best american draw!
That really is something. I'm not shocked by 1, 2, or 3 (Buffalo is a huge hockey town). But, for Columbus to beat out Minneapolis is really something.

It should be noted that the two youngest franchises got the 4th and 5th largest draws. Now, THAT is something. Get a winning team in Columbus, thanks.

Expect Detroit's numbers to go up since the Pistons lost.

ESPN - Red Wings best Pistons in Motor City ratings - NHL

Add some of that 15.9 the Pistons drew in Detroit, add it to the Red Wings, and boom!

[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=XpBXdefDulU"]YouTube - Orpik 4 hits in 15 second in game 3 SCF[/ame]
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It's a hockey night in Pittsburgh! :cheers:

Well, the series will pivot on this game. If Detroit wins, I believe they'll finish off the Pens in five. But if the boys from the Burgh can grab another one at home, things get very interesting.

Go Pens!
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I won't be able to watch the game tonight. I hope to be able to catch the last half of the third period. :(

It is good to see Columbus that high in the ratings. I still wish the ratings were higher.
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I'm done with this crap already.

They couldn't hit the net from 5 feet away with no defense in front of them......and that defense on the Pittsburgh power play was pathetic.

They are playing with absolutely no fire tonight.
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BuckeyeMike80;1173913; said:
I'm done with this crap already.

They couldn't hit the net from 5 feet away with no defense in front of them......and that defense on the Pittsburgh power play was pathetic.

They are playing with absolutely no fire tonight.

Have some faith, Mike. We've had this discussion before.

Game tied... that's a little better. :)
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