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Spring Fundraiser and a New Server (Merged)

Clarity has said many times he does not want people to feel obligated to donate and has done everything possible to make it so this place is not the pop up capitol. He does not have many more options available to him to be able to keep this place up unless more people start chipping in. I hope it does not get to a point where some people give all of the funds and others just mooch but it will happen. Everyone needs to step up and ask themselves if this site is worth sending just a few bucks to keep it going. We are by no means asking anyone to send more than they can afford... far from it. We just ask that if you enjoy the site and have taken advantage of it existance, please be kind and drop a few bucks in the mail. Clarity has done everything he can to keep this place clean and now we all need to pitch in and help. Step it up Buckeye fans.
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I'm in. Not much, but they don't exactly give me a full year's pay, y'dig?

The order didn't go through the first time, though... so i'm hoping that a) the money gets there, and b) it doesn't get there several times over :)

Oh well. I'll just make the wife take care of some extra bills out of her pay :)
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Well said Mili, on all counts. I really like the idea of some sort of award icon after our BP monikers for everybody who contributes $10 or more.

AND, as I promised in a earlier post I will be putting my check for $1000 in the mail to Mrs Clarity in Jacksonville tomorrow.
It appears that the profits from the sale of T shirts will be well over one thousand dollars. So, as I promised, I'll be putting my $$$ where my mouth is.
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CharlotteBuckeye62 said:
Well said Mili, on all counts. I really like the idea of some sort of award icon after our BP monikers for everybody who contributes $10 or more.

AND, as I promised in a earlier post I will be putting my check for $1000 in the mail to Mrs Clarity in Jacksonville tomorrow.
It appears that the profits from the sale of T shirts will be well over one thousand dollars. So, as I promised, I'll be putting my $$$ where my mouth is.
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

You my friend are the MAN. Thanks. Now if we could just get everyone else to pitch in 10-20 bucks we wouldn't be having these conversations anymore.
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CharlotteBuckeye62 said:
Well said Mili, on all counts. I really like the idea of some sort of award icon after our BP monikers for everybody who contributes $10 or more.
Do the moderators or does someone know who has donated and how much has been donated?
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Zurp said:
Do the moderators or does someone know who has donated and how much has been donated?
Yes the Admins receive weekly updates from Clarity's wife (LongWood Buck).

As soon as we get the list, medals are rewarded to donors...you can hold the cursor over someon'es medals to see why they have been awarded. So far, we are at about 12.5% of the goal.
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i've got some stuff selling on ebay right now and when i get paid, there will be another donation.

i dont want to see this site suffer, b/c people wont chip in. i'll continue to contribute every few months as the money comes in. i can't believe that everyone over 100 posts hasn't already donated at least 5 bucks
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CharlotteBuckeye62 said:
Well said Mili, on all counts. I really like the idea of some sort of award icon after our BP monikers for everybody who contributes $10 or more.

AND, as I promised in a earlier post I will be putting my check for $1000 in the mail to Mrs Clarity in Jacksonville tomorrow.
It appears that the profits from the sale of T shirts will be well over one thousand dollars. So, as I promised, I'll be putting my $$$ where my mouth is.
Awesome man!
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