buckiprof said:
Ask and ye shall receive 3yards

Excellent stats 3yards! I couldn't resist playing around with them a little bit, so I started by determining averages for each month. They are:
This is great stuff, and I mean to give you better data to work with.
I have all the raw server log files, all 2,145 (2gb) of them (heavily compressed), uncompressed they figure to be closer to 40gb, but that's a guess based on a single file. I grabbed April 19th at random. 2005-04-19-access.gz is 5042kb, 2005-04-19-access is 93554kb, so assume they're being compressed down to 5% of the original size -- anyway, that's not important, particularly since it's not really safe to assume uniform compression.
Give me a time frame you want data from, and I'll provide the true numbers for you to work with. If you so desire. Just takes a little while because of how much there is. I ran a detailed analyzer on that single day, took just over 4 minutes as there were half a million lines in the text file. Some of the stats from that day (for everyone's amusement and information) follows;
4/19/2005 12:00:06 AM - 4/19/2005 11:59:59 PM
Number of Hits: 478,466
Number of Successful Hits: 470,585 (98%)
Outgoing Traffic: 13.65 Gb
Incoming Traffic: 12.15 Mb
Number of Visits: 17,040
Average Visit Duration: 13:40 Min
Number of Unique Visitors: 7,717
Number of Unique REGISTERED Visitors: 805 <-- as per 3yard's data
Visitors who visited once: 5,276 (68%)
Repeat visitors: 2,441 (32%)
Average Visits per visitor: 2.21
Total Page Views (186,700)
Wouldn't be just pin-point accurate, but you could reasonably multiply all that out by 30.4167 and see what an average month
in the offseason is like for us at the moment. We're approaching half a terrabyte of traffic per month at the moment, when figured that way. Suddenly I'm more apprehensive about talking to AZ in regards to popping the new server in. We're still not even a small drop in their bucket, but we're moving enough data that they might raise an eyebrow if/when they take a gander.
Random points of interest. 10am is our busiest time of the day (at least that's true for the 19th), 8 people found us by searching Google for "college athletes should not be paid", 4 found us by "college athletes should be paid", 2 found us by "bustyournuts", 1 by "biggest scrotum" (bet they were disappointed -- let's keep it that way). The most widely used search term that directed people from Google to us? "Buckeye Planet". Good deal. Surprisingly, the most common point of entry is the front page. Three times as many users hit that before going into the site, than those who hit the forum overview page first and then in. Both blow away people going directly to an individual forum. That's a good thing, imo. A few people go straight to Romper Room... Will have to watch them.
The biggest point of interest (for me anyway, and I suspect others) is the difference between the total number of unique
registered visitors for that day (
805, as provided by 3yards earlier in this thread -- pulled from vBulletin's records), and the total number of unique (
registered and not) visitors for that day (
7,717 -- pulled from the raw server logs). Doesn't change the relevance of prof's data at all, but I hope that sheds some light on the level of traffic poor cinnamon has been dealing with.
Anyway, that's a look at a single Tuesday. Let me know what data you want, from what range of dates (or multiple ranges, for example; jan.01-mar.01, 2004 and 2005), and I'll kick it out here as possible.
For those keeping mysql score, I believe the queries per page average is around 18.5 site-wide. Which would put us just under 3.5 million database queries a day. 144k/hour. 2400 a minute. 40 a second. Of course, those are all averaged, given load per hour, it's probably more like 14k a minute during peak times, 400 a minute during 'slow' times. lol. My my, little BP is growing up.