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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Always the bride's maid, never the bride. Maybe some day we'll be able to punch the ball in for TD's when in the red zone. Good Game bucks. Hats off to the defense. Now I have to listen to how wonderfull Barkley is. He was mediocre at best. Matchup problems on the last drive killed us. End of story.
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No how about, Lets hope we win the big 10, USC loses to a no body time like they always do. Then we beat them on the national stage for a championship. Sounds great to me, Our defense will be even better later on this year, Pryor is gonna be hard on himself about this game so hes gonna work his ass off.

All and all...Im proud to be a buckeye :osu:

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adams2311;1539965; said:
Last year when Boeckman got benched and Pryor took over, I was skeptical. After watching this game, I am convinced that Pryor has no business as a quarterback!!! He cannot deliver an accurate football to our receivers. On more than one occasion he threw off his heels instead of stepping into the throw and delivering the football. If it were up to me, I would move Pryor to wide receiver and take advantage of his speed. It is time to give the helm to Bauserman. Pryor's arm isn't going to get it done for us this year. If Pryor remains as quarterback, prepare to be disappointed in November when we play Michigan. Forcier is the real deal and I wish we had him!

fucking troll. Did you not watch any games last year? Mstate, Nwestern.. TP can throw, but he is still growing.

To say Meatchicken QB is the "real deal" and should replace TP requires that you be deleted, shot, and eaten by chickens.
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I like to think they'll win the big one again, but at times, and this isn't a meant as a bash, I wonder if JT has it in him anymore. I'd have no one other than him coaching and guiding these young men, but he seems to go into a shell in these big games since the debacle in the desert. I may be wrong, I really hope I am, but the Bucks are just snake bitten right now.

There's a lot to be excited about:
- The return of the silver bullets
- The OL stepped up big
- TP's potential (that's what it is right now). We need to remember that VY didn't become VY until his 4th year in that program. TP is in year two.
- The athletes we have on both sides of the ball

Hurts like hell, but nothing to be ashamed of. This team has a ways to go, but they showed they can play with or beat anybody. I still think 10-3 with a bowl win is where they end up.
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buckeye247;1539992; said:
I am so scared that TP will not reach his full potential here. It seems like he is not making any progress and i am extremely saddened by that. Not that we lost the game just pryor not progressing.

He's two games into his sophomore season. He led the Big 10 in QB rating last year as a freshman. It wasn't his night.
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Trolls are starting to make me mad...and the negativity come from the fair weather fans here are also making me mad.


They dont complain about mistakes, LOOK AT THIS DEFENSE, Alot of them are freshmen IMAGINE what there going to be like next year!
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Steve19;1539989; said:
Guys, we are all frustrated. A reminder that we do not bash players or coaches on BP.

Yes I am frustrated and hurt by the loss, but I believe we all have to remember that their are a bunch of young men that laid it all on the line out there on the field and they have to be more hurt and frustrated than any of us and they deserve or respect and support and not our scorn......
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Gothmog8;1539977; said:
Yep. Think that is on him, or the QB coach?

Squarely on TP. He has shown that he can play fundamental ball; he just pulled a McNabb tonight.

Best thing to do is buck up and get ready for next week. I don't see what T will learn from this game, I really think its an anomaly. One of those blips on the radar.

By the way, I respectfully disagree that it was the O-Line that allowed T to be rattled. His rushed throws and poor decisions are his own, and THAT is what cost us. I mean, goddamn, look at the pitch he tried to make to Boom there in the 4th. What The FUCK? This was not the Terrelle Pryor that we have seen before. Hell, if he played at all like he did in a few of his later starts LAST year I'd say we win going away. He really just didn't have his head in the game. Forget it and move on, don't let this one define you kid.

On another note, maybe Tress can't win with and athlete at QB. Lol, win a championsip with Krenzel (GOD BLESS THAT MAN!) but lose with Troy Smith?

Does the record show that his system works better when he has a 100% game manager? Even Boeckman threw the ball too much; lets start someone like Buckyle. Yep. The beard alone is worth 10 points. Per quarter.
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