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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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scott91575;1539097; said:
Not getting into the endzone by simply QB sneaking it is horrible. Throwing on first down at the end, cool, take your shot. Then running it to run out the clock, cool. Then freaking throwing it again. WTF?

Those are not minor gaffes, or poor game plans. Those are just fucking stupid.

I am sorry you guys drink the cool aid non stop, but this should be at least a 7 point lead and it was because of horrible coaching decisions. Just because it's tied doesn't mean "oh, they did ok, it's tied." 2 weeks in a row they make really, really stupid choices. Choices that are simple. That is the problem.
Get a grip man. I've been as critical as anyone on playcalling in the past, it's not the issue. If some of those plays are executed, this is 17-7 or 17-10. Blaming coaching is a cop out. But then, I guess we can't really blame the OL this week, so...
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Good game so far. We are playing bend but don't break on defense and against an explosive offense like USC, we did a good job. Heyward and Homan look great, as does Rolle. Pryor has had some nice plays but we need to get him on the perimeter more, so the threat of him running is at least there, with Ballard possibly dragging along with him like the Navy game. I wouldn't be opposed to actually running the speed option from the gun instead of just faking it. Next half we need to keep it up with the good penetration up front from Heyward and Denlinger, because it has been key in slowing the run down.
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NFBuck;1539106; said:
Get a grip man. I've been as critical as anyone on playcalling in the past, it's not the issue. If some of those plays are executed, this is 17-7 or 17-10. Blamiong coaching is a cop out. But then, I guess we can't really blame the OL this week, so...

Yes. Rep the O-Line. They have been awesome tonight.
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Dryden;1539095; said:
It's not the aggressiveness, it's the playcall. Where's the bootleg/rollout run-pass option? That's 4-5 yards, guaranteed everytime.

Saw that play a few times and it didn't get us 4-5 yards so it's not "guaranteed".

Terrelle needs to settle down and execute better. He's had chances to make plays but missed some of them. He did make the play to Dane, though, so he just needs to calm down.
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NFBuck;1539106; said:
Get a grip man. I've been as critical as anyone on playcalling in the past, it's not the issue. If some of those plays are executed, this is 17-7 or 17-10. Blamiong coaching is a cop out. But then, I guess we can't really blame the OL this week, so...

You're right, it's always gotta be something with some of these "Buckeye" fans....

Seriously people. It's 10-10 not 21-3 or 28-7.

Ohio State has outplayed USC to this point and hopefully will continue to do so.

I very seriously doubt the panic I'm seeing from a few on this forum is being replicated in the locker room.
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Overall we are playing real well on both sides of the ball. Major gaffe by JT in not leaving USC very little time by throwing the ball and not running it. We need to put pressure on Barkley in the 2nd half. The DB's have really been in good position but the throws have been right there....

Very proud of the first half the Bucks played.....
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Well the defense began to give up more and more yards as the half went on, but with fatigue and Carrols mid-game figurings, that was to be expected. The offense needs to get on the board though. From the beginning of the game they had their way with USC, after that they again slipped up a little bit.
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