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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Hey, long time Buckeye fan here. Born and raised in southwest Ohio, spent a year at OSU before transferring (wanted a degree in a program that OSU didn't offer, surprisingly) to William and Mary. I'm 24 years old, considering OSU for graduate school in a couple years. I've been to a couple OSU games, never made it to the big one with TSUN. I'll going to try and make the spring game this year, and I can't wait for the season to start (just got our HD service installed before the NC game...sooooo pretty). Anyway, this seems like the place to go for reasonable Buckeye discussion, so here I am.

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TheIronColonel;1123582; said:
Hey, long time Buckeye fan here. Born and raised in southwest Ohio, spent a year at OSU before transferring (wanted a degree in a program that OSU didn't offer, surprisingly) to William and Mary. I'm 24 years old, considering OSU for graduate school in a couple years. I've been to a couple OSU games, never made it to the big one with TSUN. I'll going to try and make the spring game this year, and I can't wait for the season to start (just got our HD service installed before the NC game...sooooo pretty). Anyway, this seems like the place to go for reasonable Buckeye discussion, so here I am.


Welcome! :io:
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wasssuupp my fellow buckeyes

I jus wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to these boards. I really like how you guys run your community. everybody is held accountable, treated equally and fairly, while still having good debates and interesting opinions.

(things about myself ) I'm very opinionated and love a good debate, I'm respectful of others, and most of all I Bleed Scarlet & Grey. I look foward to chattin with yall .:osu:
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HeartOfaBuckEye;1126481; said:
I jus wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to these boards. I really like how you guys run your community. everybody is held accountable, treated equally and fairly, while still having good debates and interesting opinions.

(things about myself ) I'm very opinionated and love a good debate, I'm respectful of others, and most of all I Bleed Scarlet & Grey. I look foward to chattin with yall .:osu:
Welcome and good luck, You speak like a Buckeye.
Upvote 0
giacOSU;1132840; said:
New to this board - live in CT and Myrtle Beach.

I have read and posted on most of the other boards - but like how this board operates.

OSU Class of '69 - lifetime BUCKEYE!!! :osu:

Welcome to BP!
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My name is Trey McNeil. I graduated from the University of Tennessee and currently live in Miami. I work at XXXXXX an international business firm. I studied for awhile in Martinique and Belgium.
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JCOSU86;1134948; said:
My name is Trey McNeil. I graduated from the University of Tennessee and currently live in Miami. I work at XXXXX an international business firm. I studied for awhile in Martinique and Belgium.
WOW ! JCOSU is Trey! I would have never guessed.
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I've been reading the forum for a while and realized i should join already. Senior in landscape horticulture and construction, cant wait too see beanie run all over scUM in the shoe this year. Hoping for the best C deck seats ever (i prefer c deck over crappy a deck seats). Best buckeye forum out there. Your guys are awesome!
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My name is A1C Michael Lilly. I have been reading the forums for a few years now and finally decided to join. I am stationed at Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, AZ with my beautiful new bride - who also is in the USAF (shes a EC130 Crew Chief).

Im a 1CO, taking the PAST test in June for SERE Ops - I know Ill make it. I was born and raised in Columbus, OH - Whitehall to be exact. Home of College and Pro Players:

Dom Hixon ( U of Akron - NY Giants), Matt Angle (OSU Baseball - Orioles), Keiwan Ratliff (U of Florida - Bengals, Colts Football), Dre Ratliff (Marshall Football), Samaki Walker (Louisville BBall - Lakers), Anthony Jordan (U of Toledo LB - Atlanta Falcons), David Wess (Minnesota and Cincy QB).
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