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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Hello, my name is Grant and I am from California and live in NYC. My dad is from East Liverpol, OH and I lived there for one year and played pop warner for the Red Devils. It was during this time I became a Buckeye Fan for obvious reasons. Of course the caliber of play and the tradition made me stay a fan even after leaving Ohio. I always enjoyed my time there and the people, except for a couple guys who tried to bully me and my cousins. Anyway, I am just a fan, not an alum, nor a native Ohioan (though my dad's family is, I got folks in Youngstown too).

Anyway I joined so I could have a place for intelligent talk about Buckeye football, I really liked the things said in the welcome email about the tone and tenor of the discussion promoted here, I will try to live up to the standards.

I am also a Raider fan and would love if they picked Gholston, I am also hoping they trade for Bobby Carpenter, who I think would fit better in the Raider 4-3. Then it would be Buckeyes west with Carpenter, Gholston, Jay Richardson, and Drew Carter! Sorry, had to get that out, from now on I will keep all NFL Draft/Buckeyes in the NFL talk in the proper forums.

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I am a huge Buckeye fan and alum of tOSU and I would love if you guys would check out my BUCKEYE NATION website....PM me for the web address....I am not trying to be a spammer so I won't post it here but I'd love for you guys to check it out and see what you think...I taught myself how to make it so don't be too harsh on me, k?


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