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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

CW Buckeye

Hello to all. I am relatively new to the planet. I am a 30 year educator. Taught and coached. Left HS coaching for administration. Still assist other teams. I am looking to return to my roots if I can. I had the great fortune to have qb (Frank Kremblas) of the 1957 national championship team help me on game days and in the planning for games. I coached his two sons as well. Great family and a great man. He even had Woody Hayes come to the school for a pre-game pep rally when we made the playoffs. I like the passion displayed by the Buckeye fans. I guess that would include me as well.

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Being born in Florida, and raised in Virginia, it's only natural that I am a THE Ohio State University Buckeye fanatic. Fanatic in all actuality, may severly undercut the truth of this situation. In fact, my wife may attest to the fact that I should be "pink slipped" between the months of August, er uh April to January.
I received scholies to many schools for academics...not for football unfortunately (although I still have four years of eligibility... anyone know if they're looking for a 5'11" 180 Lbs receiver with the wheels of Charlie Cheeseburger running into a 60mph head wind...just checking) but in the end visited tOSU with my pops on a football weekend.

I happened to find a little something they called HineyGate and immediately wondered how I could convince the Holiday INN on Lane to let me move into one of their rooms for the next 4 years. Looking back now, I really should have pulled a Van Wilder, but unfortunately for me, and most the ladies at tOSU, I don't have quite the Amittyville Horror/Blade Trinity body that he does, although I am hung like a 10 year old ladies..... insert wild Beatles-like screaming here...I am from the era of going to Panini's for some grub, trying to keep up with the ever chaning names of the bar on 15th and high, drinking below the legal limit in one of the many levels of Co-eds (still the best bar ever in my opinion, before the whopping 240 some sitations in one month) and eventually graduating to more refined carbombing lugares such as Short North Tavern, Byrnes, Morgans, High Beck, the Point, Run of the Mill and Char-Bar, or just a 24 kegger on 12th and Indianola (most of you have likely met me at one of those parties we threw). But I could wax nostolgic all night so let's move on...
Lived in CBus for 7 years, then ended up back in the VA for family reasons, although like a lot of other out-of-staters...threaten to move back every time I'm in town.
I'm a newbie up in this piece, and i don't really understand how some of ya'lls posts have all those rep points, er uh gold coins, er Mr T's necklaces next to them, so if you can drop a little knowledge on me that would be great...
I guess the only other thing to say is that if i respond to a post and you don't understand what the hell I'm talking about, then it's probably a movie quote from a movie you need to watch a few more times....
Go Bucks, screw da blue... And I'm out...:oh:
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It's kinda silly, but I got the nickname "Big Worm" from watchin "Friday" all of the time in the sixth grade (it came out in theaters when I was in the fifth grade, lol). FWIW, people just started calling me "Worm" after a while. Anyway, the "02" represents the year that I graduated from Warren G. Harding HIgh School in Warren, OH. Due to my "loyalty" to my alma mater, I'm one of the rare Ohio State fans who often gets confused with a Michigan fan. I attended HS school with former Wolverines Carl Diggs (99 graduate of WGH), Prescott Burgess (03 grad), and Mario Manningham (05 grad). Because of this, I don't have the hate for UM that most Buckeye fans have. That "disturbed" many of them at first (still does for some) and I used to get criticiazed for it a lot. I'm not going to dis any of my friends because they didn't go to Ohio State. When you're from where I'm from and have seen some of the things that I've seen over the years (such as great players not making it), you're just happy to see anybody go anywhere. Most people don't realize that WGH has sent more its players to Ohio State than any other college, including NFL Hall of Famer Paul Warfield the late Korey Stringer.

Being an 02 grad of WGH, I walked the stage with Maurice Clarett on June 5, 2002. Ofcourse, Clarett enrolled at Ohio State in January of that year, but he came home for the graduation ceremony. I knew that he was destined for success in Columbus, and I was right at first. It's truely saddening to see what has become of him. It's hard to read so many bad things about him from other posters, but honestly, I can't blame them. I can't defend his off the field actions (although there are two sides to every story), but nobody can take anything away from what he has done on the field. It's just unfortunate that we couldn't see the final product.

Anyway, I've always enjoyed posting on Buckeye Planet! I've come a long way on this site. I've taken the good with the bad. Sometimes, I may have deserved it, other times I may have not. Through it all, I have learned a lot in the process, and I think that I've done a decent job of turning the "negatives" into positives. I'm really looking forward to watching Dan "Boom" Herron make a name for himself as a Buckeye. He's like a younger brother to me, and I'm so proud of him! I really believe in my heart that he'll do some great things on the field over the next few years. Regardless of what happens, I'll always hold it down for him. He's a good player, but an even better person, and he'll find a way to be successful in life.

For those who read my posts, I should have a lot to say over the next couple of years as Ohio State has shown early interest in several young prospects at WGH. Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to continue posting on the Planet.
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Worm02;1104878; said:
It's kinda silly, but I got the nickname "Big Worm" from watchin "Friday" all of the time in the sixth grade (it came out in theaters when I was in the fifth grade, lol). FWIW, people just started calling me "Worm" after a while. Anyway, the "02" represents the year that I graduated from Warren G. Harding HIgh School in Warren, OH. Due to my "loyalty" to my alma mater, I'm one of the rare Ohio State fans who often gets confused with a Michigan fan. I attended HS school with former Wolverines Carl Diggs (99 graduate of WGH), Prescott Burgess (03 grad), and Mario Manningham (05 grad). Because of this, I don't have the hate for UM that most Buckeye fans have. That "disturbed" many of them at first (still does for some) and I used to get criticiazed for it a lot. I'm not going to dis any of my friends because they didn't go to Ohio State. When you're from where I'm from and have seen some of the things that I've seen over the years (such as great players not making it), you're just happy to see anybody go anywhere. Most people don't realize that WGH has sent more its players to Ohio State than any other college, including NFL Hall of Famer Paul Warfield the late Korey Stringer.

Being an 02 grad of WGH, I walked the stage with Maurice Clarett on June 5, 2002. Ofcourse, Clarett enrolled at Ohio State in January of that year, but he came home for the graduation ceremony. I knew that he was destined for success in Columbus, and I was right at first. It's truely saddening to see what has become of him. It's hard to read so many bad things about him from other posters, but honestly, I can't blame them. I can't defend his off the field actions (although there are two sides to every story), but nobody can take anything away from what he has done on the field. It's just unfortunate that we couldn't see the final product.

Anyway, I've always enjoyed posting on Buckeye Planet! I've come a long way on this site. I've taken the good with the bad. Sometimes, I may have deserved it, other times I may have not. Through it all, I have learned a lot in the process, and I think that I've done a decent job of turning the "negatives" into positives. I'm really looking forward to watching Dan "Boom" Herron make a name for himself as a Buckeye. He's like a younger brother to me, and I'm so proud of him! I really believe in my heart that he'll do some great things on the field over the next few years. Regardless of what happens, I'll always hold it down for him. He's a good player, but an even better person, and he'll find a way to be successful in life.

For those who read my posts, I should have a lot to say over the next couple of years as Ohio State has shown early interest in several young prospects at WGH. Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to continue posting on the Planet.
Keep plugging away Worm. Ever since I was a kid Warren has always had very good players regularily coming out of there. I feel one of the strengths of this board is the local knowledge imparted by posters familiar in a first hand way to some of the perennial football powers in the state, or even nationally. No harm in touting your schools players. The OSU staff will go after the really good ones.
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