I am what's known as a 'disconnected Ohioan"
Born in Cleveland...
Lived in Cinci for a few years,
Lived in Salem (3rd Cornfield south of Youngstown) for a few years
Went to Ohio State for 3.5 years....
Parents now live in Akron(ish).
Sister's finishing med school in Cinci, and moving back to Cow-town (Cbus) for her residency.
I basically identify myself with the state as a whole.
Unfortunately, I'm now going to school in that state up north, which shall henceforth be referred to as XX. Hence, I live in Lansing, XX. Lansing, XX is a dull town filled with annoying people from the state of XX, most of whom make my blood boil. Sprinkled among them are many nice people (who are underrepresented in this diatribe merely because despite the fact that they are quite numerous, they tend not to enrage me. I've also met a few other Displaced Buckeyes up here.
I see my role in this world, at this moment, as being a sort of Buckeye ambassador (OK junior ambassador) to the land of the Weasels. I don't pick fights or talk smack. I just show my colors and (Hopefully) let people see that there are alternatives to selling your soul to that garbage heap down the road (in AA, XX), and that in Ohio, they teach us manners. We're nice people, in other words, and if you weaselland-dwellers would like to reform yourselves and learn to be nice, we're more than willing to undertake the challenge :)