Born in Florence, Italy but lived in Philly until I went to school at USC in L.A. Also attended UVA. I am divorced/single and I have three boys. I am an apparel broker working out of my house in Winston-Salem, NC. I have a place in Santa Monica where my oldest son lives with his girlfriend and doesn't pay any rent, by the way. This serves me well because I go to LA often for business as most of the products I sell come from China, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, the former Soviet Republics, etc. and are delivered to the San Pedro harbor and eventually are stored in a warehouse in nearby City of Industry. I use the place to go see the games when the Trojans play at home. I also travel to Charlottesville or to nearby ACC cities to see the UVA Cavaliers whenever possible. I am an avid CF fan but I wouldn't consider myself a "homer" for USC or UVA. Naturally USC is my first love but I follow the fortunes of the Cavaliers as well. I don't follow the NFL or the NBA. I have enjoyed most of the insiders boards, but bucknuts in particulas where I have had the privilege to meet great guys like OSUgrad21, Buckyprof, Bucktatoo and many others. I am a crazy type A Italian but I am not a troll or a flamer and I don't use profanity or vulgarity when dealing with other football factions or "rival" fans. I don't hate other schools, with the exception of a mild dilslike for UCLA, Miami and Notre Dame. I have a great deal of respect for your school and its football program and a little less for your hated enemies in Ann Arbor for past recruiting wars, when they used to steal all the better "skill" people from California. Although I am not a flamer, OSUgrad21 has warned me that this is a "hot" buckeye site with fervent and die-hard buckeye fans who may not totally appreciate my school of origin. Please feel free to call me a moron or an idiot any time you think such appellatives are warranted. Besides, this is your club and I am a guest here.
Again, thank you for having me here.