Born in Louisville as WW2 began, my dad was a mid level exec for Sears Roebuck there. When I was 5 he was offered management of the store in downtown Newark, and we moved there. A couple-three years later he was offered three tickets to a NW game, and we sat in the South Stands. I don't remember much of the game except the backs of guys heads, but I loved the pagentry. Vic Janowicz and Hop Cassady were my Buck heroes in that day.
Nearby to where I lived a big redheaded kid the same age played sports with us kids on the corner vacant lot. He was a head taller than the rest of us, and I remember one day some adult came up to him and said "Jim, someday you'll play for Ohio State." Sure enough he did, after making all-Ohio at Newark Hi. His other name was Tyrer, and he went on to co-captain with Herbie's father in 1960. Then on to being named to the all-60's NFL team playing for the Chiefs, two Super Bowls, and 8-9 pro bowls.
I worked to save college money and matriculated in '61 at Newark Campus for two years, then 2 1/2 more living in the Stadium Dorm (in the days of all male, no beer, girls in the dorm only on Sunday afternoon. In loco parentis at its best)
Graduated in '65 (thus my moniker) cum laude with a degree in Finance (big waste of a major, shoulda done accounting). Worked for Owens Corning Fiberglas in Newark before assignment to Houston in '69-70, thus missing the '69 season when the infamous loss to scUM occurred. Back to Columbus, where eventually I worked at City Hall and then was Asst. City Health Commissioner for Admin until 1980 when I moved to Las Vegas to warm up, having attended almost all games through '79. (Went to '80 Rose Bowl, a highlight tho we lost.)
Ran a low income medical clinic for the poor and then was E.D. of a local chamber of commerce ( for a couple of 4 year stints) from which I had to retire early in late 2000 with some health issues. Wasted a lot of money

chasing girls but never quite trapped one, and have thus been a lifelong batchelor. Never miss an OSU game that I can access on TV. Partially home bound, I spend most of my non-OSU time doing a genealogy study of our family for my nieces & nephews and their kids eventually. (They have not yet reached the point in life where they care

Go Bucks!